I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 278

"Besides, Taizu has something important to leave now, otherwise he will go to the Central Continent.

It might be better

Xia Kang next to him heard Tong Zhibo's words and sighed and stood upright.Somewhat uncertainly, he obviously knew this "wet chaos".

What Xia Kang said made the faces of everyone who didn't know much about "Chaos" even more confused.

They all knew who Xia Kang was talking about Taizu.There is no one else except Xia Qiyang.

Leaving aside Xia Qiyang’s identity as the president of the Exorcist Guild, it is simply the strength of the third-tier summit. It stands to reason that as long as he comes forward, any problem should be solved, but this time Xia Kang’s tone is full of uncertainty, so People can't help but doubt that _'

What the hell is "Wet Chaos".

Finally, Lin Xue couldn't help but asked worriedly, looking at Tong Zhibo with anxiety in her eyes. The reactions of Tong Zhibo and Xia Kang were really scary.

With a sigh, Tong Zhibo glanced at Xia Kang, seeing him as if he hadn't noticed his gaze.So he started to get in for reheating himself.

"Chaos is a direct organization of the eleven sages of the Exorcist Council. Everyone knows that the Exorcist Council is composed of the eleven strongest people in the world. The so-called strongest is only because they have the highest reputation, and this is one

"The sages of the past are all selected from the'Chaos'

, Taken from the twelve of the most comprehensive

"The real secret of Chaos is their ability to hide, except for the sages of the past. No one knows where they are hidden, and only when they become sages, people around them know that they are a member of Chaos.

_ "Those who have not become sages will-stay hidden._"

Tong Zhibo finished in one breath.Then he looked at everyone.

Hearing Tong Zhibo’s explanation,-the crowd is all in the mist.Because they had said so much, they didn't know the strength of the people in the so-called Chaos.

And the only thing they can understand is that + a sage comes from'Chaos' and is the master of that'Chaos'.

Seeing the doubts in everyone’s eyes, Tong Zhibo also didn’t know how to answer. After all, he only became a first-order seeker not long after, and even these were from Xia Qiyang’s mouth.

On the contrary, Zhao Cheng, who had come to Xia Du since receiving the news, hesitated and walked out.

Looking at Zhao Cheng, everyone turned their eyes. This guy has been suppressed by the cult since the first 1.5 appearance. As a result, being a second-tier is as transparent as a transparent one, except for the most open

At the beginning, all the people almost forgot his existence.

"Ahem, um, I know a little bit about'Chaos', the people inside. Anyone can easily defeat Tai Lu's guardian.

Zhao Cheng also noticed everyone's weird gazes, and suppressed the embarrassment in his heart. He couldn't be forced back by two blind men by himself.

As he said, Zhao Cheng glanced at the GSD sitting on the seat in the distance, and couldn't help but shiver. He also realized that this seemingly ordinary child is actually a third-order kendo master.


276. Emperor's Spirit (1/6)

The place where Chen Ye used the Doomsday Catastrophe to carry out the deep pit.

At this moment, there were hundreds of figures in front of Chen Ye.

All have reached level 65 or above.There are even a few more than level 70.

These people are the'Chaos' organization under the hands of the Exorcist Council's soil-sages.

"Chen Ye, just grab it with your hands. This place is already surrounded by the House of Delegates. Even if you have Tier 3 strength, you can't escape.

One of them looked at Chen Ye and glanced over the abyss-like pit behind Chen Ye and A-Gump. He couldn't help being a bit solemn, but he still shouted.

"My lord, we are trapped by the barrier."

Forrest Gump glanced around and returned to a position of dozens of kilometers.There is a huge translucent light shield with faint spiritual power flowing on it.

"Yes, the sage is too anxious for a million exorcists, 18 is to arrange this trapping enchantment to prevent you from escaping."

Hearing what A-Gump said, the man in the distance sneered and looked at Chen Ye and said.

The command of the sage is an imperial edict for them. Even though he knows what Chen Ye and the sect is to human beings, as a member of Chaos, he must

Take the sage and exorcism council as the first place.

"Moreover, this enchantment can only be entered but not exited, unless people outside take the initiative to disperse the enchantment, otherwise no one will want to go out.

After a pause, the person continued, as if trying to pressure Chen Ye.

There are a total of 120 people, including men, women and children, including 105 in the second-tier and 15 in the third-tier.

"It's worthy of the power of the Exorcism Council, so powerful."

Chen Ye narrowed his eyes, looked at the crowd in front of him, and said lightly.

"Why? Do you know you are afraid? But it's too late."

Looking at Chen Ye, the leader sneered again, thinking Chen Ye was scared, so he said lightly.

At the same time, the figure Yiyu behind him had surrounded Chen Ye and A-Gump Zuo.

He could feel Chen Ye and A-Gump's unconcealed body fluctuations on their left bodies. They are all Tier 3, but they are only Tier 3 in the lower position. Although the strongest of them is only Tier 3 in the middle, they have completely dealt with Chen Ye enough.

Although they also know the news about the death of Sage Moon here, they also know very well that this place was originally a place where a guy called the Immortal Empire was entrenched. It is very likely that Sage Moon and Na.

When the immortal empire was both wounded, the guy in front of him took advantage of it.

After all, they had a Tier 3 companion buried here in shock, and it was unclear how they died when fighting a knight.

. He glanced at the people around him, Chen Ye didn’t feel nervous, if he hadn’t defeated Polo Workers, maybe he would really be scared by these guys, but

From Chen Ye's perspective, these guys are here to give experience.

Looking ahead, Chen Ye smiled faintly, and then gave She Luo a full command, "System, help me publish a new mission on all the mission systems of the Exorcism Guild...

After a while, Chen Ye looked up again, and the members who "drank chaos" were already impatient.

"Qi Ye, don't say it, Lord Sage ordered us to get rid of this guy as soon as possible. It has been delayed for a long time to wait for the arrival of the army, Lord Sage may be entering the barrier. Let's drop this guy first.

Qi Ye still intends to continue to stimulate Chen Ye, but some people can't bear it

That person was a level 73 strong, and there were laws surging during his actions, and even his words made the space hum.

In the blink of an eye, the man came to Chen Ye with a silver spear in his hand.

With the sound of the dragon's roar, the spear was faintly felt as if a silver dragon of ten thousand feet long was swallowing towards Chen Ye.

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