I became a priest in the beginning

At the beginning I became a priest. Chapter 281

"Task name, rescue the cult members!"

"Task requirements: Go to the southern part of the Black Iron Fort to hunt down the exorcists of the exorcist army in the Exorcist Council."

Seeing the mission requirements, Aai Bazrei looked shocked.

"what? !"

Many people in the distance screamed.Everyone looked at the task requirements on the instrument before them in disbelief.

"Could it be that the Exorcism Council was struggling

Are the hard-assembled army people who are encircling and suppressing the sect?"

Everyone had such a question mark immediately.

Regardless of the Central Continent or other continents, the halls of all Exorcist Guilds fell into deathly silence.

At this moment, the Exorcist Guild Association.

"That kid, would you come up with such a trick?"

Seeing the mission request appearing in the hall of the Exorcist Guild General Assembly, Xia Qiyang said with a happily grin.

"President? Will that cult's doing this involve us? After all, this is already a public enemy of the Exorcism Council.

Behind Xia Qiyang, a young man frowned and asked Xia Qi.

Hearing that person's question, Xia Qiyang shook his head and looked young." Do you think the Exorcism Council has a good relationship with us? Let's talk about it.Others can control our platform to publish tasks, and we are powerless. Moreover, whether to do tasks or not is the business of exorcists. What does it have to do with us?'

After listening to Xia Qiyang's words.The young man's face was startled, and then he looked at Xia Qizhi in admiration.

Glancing at the young man, Xia Qiyang sighed. This person can be said to be the top genius of the Exorcist Guild, but compared to Chen Ye.Mentally

There are still too many shortcomings.

Then Xia Qiyang shook his head, as if he felt a little overestimating Chen Ye, sighed, and said, "Chen Ye, you know. The power of the Exorcist Council has long been ingrained in the hearts of those exorcists. I'm afraid it's hard for anyone to offend the Exorcism Council for your mission.

As Xia Qiyang expected, no one dared to fear for our sake.

"What's a joke? Attacking the army of the Exorcist Council? I'm afraid I will live a long time 2"

"Anyway, it's not that I dare not go. Challenge the Bibd Demonstration House 2 to imagine it is terrible."


Yes, I'm afraid it is a fool to provoke the Exorcism Council, right?

"Furthermore, there are millions of exorcists in the family. Are we going to die?"

Ayabazrei listened to the surrounding voices and shook his head secretly. He also felt that it was impossible for anyone to do such a task issued by the Order.

But Aai Bazrei did not rush to close the mission.


Aibaz, Lei's heart moved twice, quietly waiting for the task reward to be refreshed.

Not just him, but everyone else is waiting, no matter whether the task is done or not, at least you have to look at the rewards of the task

"Task Reward: Every time you kill a high-level exorcist, you get a contribution value of 1 0 0: Every time you kill a master exorcist, you get a contribution value of 1 Q 0 0 for every Tier 1 seeker killed Get a contribution value of 10,000."

"This mission will adopt an anonymous ranking system: the first place will get an additional contribution value of 100,000 points, the second place will receive 500,000 points, the third place will be 300,000. 4 two 100 will receive 100,000, 100 two 1,000 each 5 Ten thousand, one thousand two thousand and one hundred thousand each get a contribution value of 10,000 points, who participate in the mission and cause a kill, all get 50_ 0 points contribution value


After only a few seconds, the mission instruments of exorcism guilds all over the world refreshed at the same time.

At first, I didn't think it was anything to look at the front one by one, but when they saw the ranking rewards, everyone suddenly changed their faces.

Seeing that the first place rewarded 1 million contribution points, everyone's breathing became heavy.

When they saw that everyone who participated in the killing could get 500,000 points of contribution, the eyes of countless exorcists in the hall of the exorcist guild began to become weird, and they even showed imperceptible heat.

At this moment, Chen Ye didn't care

The army of expellers fought with those strong in the House of Discrimination, but instead let the system call out a panel, smilingly watching the rapidly increasing number of participants in the mission.




Two hundred thousand

Three hundred thousand


Just a few breaths, the number of participants in the task has exceeded 300,000.

"Oh, those game planning methods are really easy to use."

Watching the rapidly increasing number of participants in the mission.Chen Ye said to himself.

1, L

279. Magic Sword Apophis (4/6)

Not only Chen Ye can see the number of participants in the mission, all exorcism guild mission systems can see the number of participants in real time.

When hundreds of thousands of people have participated, exorcists all over the world are even more crazy.

The contribution value of the cult has become a substitute for currency among the exorcists, and every item launched by the cult is like an artifact that they have never heard of.

Golden crystals, becoming a member of the sect, and learning the spiritual fighting skills of the sect, can make the body completely transparent and virtual in half an hour and the embryo suffers any harm

Even that

The Heavenly Blessing Potion, which can resurrect immediately if you die in the next three days after taking it, makes all the forces-jealous.

Those exorcists and teams who took over the task did not stop at any time, and took airships to the Central Continent.

And the local exorcists in the Central Continent also quickly went to the southern Black Iron Fort.

They are not going to slaughter those exorcists in the Exorcist Council, but there is only one, and that is to kill one person and get a basic reward.

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