I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 291

A little tricky, you may need to support it.

At this time, the phone in front of Xia Qiyang rang. It was from the command center of the Exorcist Guild, and a woman's voice came from the phone.

Xia Qiyang knew that at this time, the second vice-chairman of the Exorcism Guild in charge of war command.

"Well, good I know, I will go over immediately." Xia Qiyang doesn't like too much brainstorming, and most of his full strength is distributed to the three vice presidents. He will only take the initiative to assist when the battle is needed. The battle with the Dark Demon Hall made him understand that he must stifle all disadvantages in the cradle, so he would never shoot without being sure.

People go out to fight.

So it takes him a lot of time to do it himself.

"Glacial Rift Sword, I didn't expect to use you so soon."

With a move of Xia Qiyang's hand, an ice-blue long blade appeared on Xia Qiyang's handworm.


The long sword uttered a sword chant, and the cold breath was instantly released.

And Xia Qiyang seemed to be prepared.Quickly use a spirit of energy, the law that affects the air worm, and quickly weave a transparent spirit power scabbard, enveloping all the cold air emitted by the Glacial Rift Sword.

But despite this

.Xia Qiyang's entire room was still shrouded in white frost, and the temperature of the entire Exorcist Guild office building suddenly dropped by seven or eight degrees.

Here, Chen Ye also read the news post of the traitor. It is after all that the Exorcist Council’s battle with Chen Ye was defeated, causing the Exorcist Council’s combat power to be quickly brought back to the Central Continent. Near the place of the person.

As a result, the power of exorcism in many places was drastically reduced, and some of the traitors who had been hidden began to move out, taking the opportunity to confuse others into the arms of the demon.

However, there is a cult now. The benefits of being a traitor are completely incomparable with the mission of the cult.

Coupled with the constant resentment of the traitors, everyone would rather die than be traitors who are neither human nor ghost.

"_⊥The Exorcist Council and the traitor are now hungry wolves sandwiching the house. The two forces will not join forces, will they account?"

Withdrawing his gaze from the Cong post, Chen Ye frowned and muttered to himself (it's okay).

Then Chen Ye's eyes moved slightly.

-"System, you are a top-notch system anyway. It should be possible to make a video of the sage who admitted that he was a sage?"

Chen Ye asked the system in his heart.

"As a priest system, you have no difficulty in this kind of thing."

Although the system is not emotional, it will still give the most reasonable answer to Chen Ye's inquiry.

"Well, help me take the memory clip of the first appearance of Sage Moon, and post it to the top, just say...

"Official Order: The Demon Hunting Council-Directly controlled by the Exorcist Council, and the people killed are all instigated by the Council."

After speaking, Chen Ye's mouth raised. Since the traitors might cooperate with the Senate, then he would give them more enemies._

288. Dare to delete my post?Avatar hacker (1/6)

"Ding! Posting is complete."

After the system prompt sounded, Chen Ye couldn't wait to start checking.

"Huh? Didn't find this post? System, did you post 2"

Chen Ye saw the blank display on the phone interface, and immediately asked the system?

At the same time, within the company of a certain forum.

"The chairman is not good. Someone just reported that they found a post about the formation of the Demon Hunting Council that had been controlled by the Exorcist Council before, and there was also a video that the sage admitted personally."

The company’s director rushed into the president’s office, nervously


It's an extraordinary period now, and it's fine if there are news about the previous fight between the Kings Council and the two forces of the Order. Now if the Demon Hunting Council is also incorporated, then one or two forces will not join.

Since its establishment, the Demon Hunting Council has been hunting down powerful or high-level powers with black spots on all sides. If it is really like what the post says, it will all be instigated by the Exorcist Council.If they are announced here, I am afraid they will be directly arranged by the 787 House to arrange the Demon Hunting Council to clean them up.

"What? Is that post 2 deleted?"

Sitting old

On the board chair, the president who was trying to stand in the line nervously asked when he heard the supervisor's words.

"Deleted, we are also tracing the source of the post, but I don't know why, but we can't locate the target IP. It's like a post that appeared out of thin air! By the way, the other party claims to be the official cult!"

The supervisor nodded quickly, and then continued nervously.When I talked about it later, I was already sweating, the source of the post that could not be located, and the addition of the word "religion", I regretted why I had to let people delete that post so quickly.

"What? Officials of the Order? It's an extraordinary period.

There can be no mistakes."

The boss stood up directly from his chair, waited for a sound from the supervisor, and then hurriedly said to himself.

"I will issue an announcement immediately, saying that our server needs to be checked and repaired, and the server will be shut down immediately."

After thinking about it, the boss quickly said nervously.

"Huh? Shut down the server? That might hurt us..."..

"Why? Don't shut down the server, is it the other party is posting, did you delete it yourself?"

When the supervisor heard this, he was shocked, and just wanted to say something, but the boss in front of him directly talked about it.

Came back,

"Yes!" Hearing what the boss said, the supervisor also reacted. If the group server is not shut down and the other party continues to post, he will not dare to delete it.

"Yes! I understand." The man replied and quickly retreated.

"Report to the host that the post was successful, but it was deleted by the administrator,

In response to Chen Ye's inquiry, the mechanically synthesized voice of the system reported to Chen Ye.

At the same time, Chen Ye saw that all the interfaces on the entire website on the mobile phone were issuing announcements of shutdown for maintenance.

"Grass, stop maintenance

Huh? _ This special mother, I have never heard in my life that the news forum will be shut down for maintenance."

"The system, can you figure out a way to directly invade the network priest. Help them maintain the system and take over their servers.

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