I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 293

Heat began to collectively voice the Exorcism Council.

The original news forum swallowed his teeth.

"Chen Ye! Chen Ye!"

Not long after, the two groups of people in green costumes rushed into the villa after Gong Lin Zhong's lone high blood sounded outside the villa.


Ye! The Order.The Order has an official website!"

Xue Lin flushed with excitement, raising her hand


Chen Hua nodded, but didn't say much.

Watching Chen Ye's reaction.Tong Shiling knows Chen Zaoxing

Condensing Yue and Luo Lingweixiren also nodded quickly.

Several people are now members of the Order in name.Although I haven't seen the cult student

"Name Chen. Now the Order has been able to compete with the Exorcism Council.

Xing, who came over, looked straight at Chen Dui.Rub the palm of the person.Asked expectantly

Now anyhow he is also a member of the Order.Of course you have to think about how to help the cult to grow your son,

Hear Xing Zhi's reminder.Lan Xiong's brow was lost in thought.I have indeed recruited people to see it.

"System, how many people have exchanged golden crystals now?"

......... Flowers...""

Chen Ye asked towards the system.

The birth host.The exorcist who exchanged for golden crystals and successfully obtained the power of light has already surpassed two earth fives and made golden crystals since then,_

The sound of the system sounded, let Chen Ye hear

For a moment.

"No golden crystals?"

Chen Ye said in surprise.

The system did not answer, crystal.

Not only that, Chen Ye also found out.

But after thinking about it, Chen Ye understood.

My level is like flying in a plane, and suddenly mentioning driving is king? If my level is not enough, who can directly lift the hammer like Chen Ye

If it weren't for Chen Ye's various BUFF and healing skills.

"In this case, the system. You first put the magic weapon in my back pack

Chen Ye thought about it

Immediately ordered.Those are from exorcism

"Ding! The decomposition is successful."

"This time decomposing items *31. Obtained: colorless crystal *9792.

"Additional. White crystal 192 Blue crystal 8943. Black crystal 100221. Red war soul*9, orange war soul*1

When prompted by the listener's system, Chen Ye frowned, "There are only more than 1,300 me workers."

Chen Ye is not very satisfied with this number.

"It is recommended that the host complete the task Black Earth. You can get the bonus crystal conversion volume."

It seems to have heard Chen Dui's dissatisfaction.The voice of the system suddenly remembered.It is given that Chen Ye’s current push is A--


290. Start recruiting (3/6)

"Black too?"

Chen Qu is used to it.I have never planned to be a name for myself,

-"Ding! Mission: Black Earth!"

1. "The sage of the country is made by the only advanced student of the wet pool. The blood group is very important in this world. It is straight for the priesthood. The period of passing and destroying is not strong.

"Any reward: experience value t22 direct view value + 200,000, [crystal conversion axis!"

[Upper Crystal Conversion Scroll], any crystal is converted into red, blue, white, and black, and it costs 1 point of spiritual power, and any crystal is converted into a golden crystal, which costs 10 wine each time

061's body conversion consumes 10 points of spiritual power.Converted to a colorless crystal

"There is this kind of thing?"

"System. Where is the black earth 2"

Chen Ye asked the system, and the mission system was turned on, and the system was more powerful about the mission.

"According to the current host coordinates. At 180,000 kilometers southwest of the host... After the voice of the Earth River System was silent for a moment, Chen Xiong was suddenly given a number. At the same time, on a continent southwest of Ye.

"Chinan Tailu 2"

Look at the coordinates.Chen Xiong brows-pick.Unexpectedly

Go to Poxit and Chinan.

Chen Xiong was even suspicious.Next time, shouldn't I go to work in Northern Serbia?

"Chen, what happened to you without talking for a long time.,

Lan Xiongmeng and Yu Tong dealt with each other and have been unable to enter the room.The salt puts the nucleus on us and puts some emptiness on the whole.Yan Xian immediately worried about intermittent dampness,

"I'm fine."

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