I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 295

"Is it true? The cult has started recruiting people? Isn't it fake? 2 Is it April Fool's Day?"

"Idiot, didn't you look at the instrument? It clearly says that the cult is recruiting new members?" 18

-"I, Cao, waited so long, and finally waited until the cult recruits people!"

Chen Ye thinks he does not have a high literary talent.So I didn’t make up too many unnutritious words there. In short, Shimazhi monsters constantly broke through the defense of the Order and invaded into this world. The Order needs to suck.

Anyone who has dreams of exorcists can participate in the protection of human beings.

Of course, the recruitment requirements of Chen Ye's order are also very simple, there are three kinds in total.

Those who ranked first in the hunt two or three days ago can unconditionally call to join the cult.

2. Clearing the 45th floor of the Tower of Reaper, you can apply to join the Order.

3. Obtain golden crystals and possess the power of light, at the cost of consuming 1 million contributions.Join the Order.

These three joining conditions were after Chen Ye's careful consideration.

The first one is able to enter the top spot on the hunting list. There is no doubt about the strength, to

Few are the powerhouses of Taoist seekers, and since the opponent is such a king, in addition to contributing value, there is one more thing, that is, they are very keen to join the cult. These people will not let any contact with the cult Opportunity, Chen Ye believes that they are loyal and capable people.

And the second.It is a test of talent.

The enemies in the Tower of Reaper are all at the same level as the people who entered the Tower of Reaper. According to the requirements of Natya’s quest for Juhu, being able to control the 45th floor of the Tower of Reaper will mean that the opponent absolutely has the ability to become a seeker. Talent, coupled with the existence of the mission system, it will be a matter of time for such people to become seekers.

As for the third type, this is another arrangement of Chen Ye, that is strength and wealth, and the other is the back view of the third type.

One million contribution value is an astronomical figure for the king's ordinary exorcist, but it is not a particularly difficult thing for all forces. As long as there is time, it can be accumulated.

Or two strong players can slowly accumulate through their own strength.

These people are what Chen Ye needs,

Because of their joining, it will change the direction and push the Order to a whole new level, even surpassing the original Exorcism Council.

Chen Ye can already imagine that the masters of all forces in the world, the strong from all quarters, and all the geniuses from all quarters have all become members of the Order......

_ "Damn, that Chen Ye. Cult! Damn! Damn! Damn!"

At this moment, in the top sage's place in the Central Continent, the sage who used to be the boss of the past is very irritable. If it were not because it was the sage's place, he would have liked to flatten it all to vent his anger.

"The information about Chen Ye is all here, and even the religious group began to be known after Chen Bi appeared.

"Although I can't imagine this is

Really, but that cult may really exist, even longer than the Exorcism Council."

Sage Star's complexion is not very beautiful, he still holds a check-up data in his hand, and every time he reads the data in his hand, he will doubt it for a long time, even though he has seen Chen Ye's power.He still couldn't believe that Chen Ye would rise up in such a short period of time and let the cult in everyone's hearts.

"That Chen Ye is not simple. Even Yue's relationship with the Demon Hunting Council was taken out by him. Now all the forces are beginning to resent us. I suspect that the members of the cult will attack us and be overwhelmed by us. The forces will jump out and fall into trouble.

Sage groaned for a while and recovered, but his face was still not very good, and he said solemnly toward the crowd.

"What shall we do?" Sage Star asked immediately looking at the Sage Day.

Now that the main exorcism force of the Exorcism Council has been annihilated, not to mention, even their high-end combat power, 120 Chaos members have all died.

As soon as Chen Ye was raising the golden sun, there would be thousands of Tier 3 powerhouses under his hands.

After all, Sage Day and Sage Star have personally experienced the weirdness of those gangs of earth riding.

Especially Xian

Zhe Yan was dead, and they were absolutely unwilling to confront Chen Ye again until they found a way to deal with those riders.

"Didn't those traitors come out recently? Now they should be even more hostile to the sect. Maybe we can start with them.

After hesitating, the Sage Day said suddenly.

"What? How can this be? Those are traitors. Any human being will never die when they see traitors. How can we cooperate with them?'

Hear the proposal of Sage Day.The sage who embroidered the golden mountains on his chest suddenly said in a loud voice.


The three sages who stayed in the sage's place at the beginning also kept nodding their heads, obviously not agreeing to the proposal of the sage day.

"Do not agree? Then we are here waiting for the cult to carry the doorknob."

The wise man looked at the four people and sneered at once, and said indifferently.

The gaze of the sage's day kept sweeping the dead in front of him, as if he was looking for something. At the beginning, the sage still sent him a message, that is, there may be an inner ghost among the sages.Otherwise, how could it be possible that Chen Ye knew that he was from the sage's place the first time he saw him, and he was still waiting for him specially.Except for someone to inform, there can be no other answers.

292. Ghost Train (make up yesterday 5/6)

_ "It's together again?. It's already over a dozen incidents. Could there be any powerful monsters on the sea?'

At this moment, in the palace of the Great Xia Kingdom.Xia Kang was full of sadness.

Recently because of the cult.There have been a lot of exchanges between the continents. Because of the increase in strength, Daxia Kingdom also arranged an airship escorted by the Ninth-Rank Exorcist between the continents. However, the frequent occurrence of airship loss in recent days, makes people feel Somewhat weird.

"A lot of airships said before they lost contact that they saw two black trains approaching them on the sea. I have lived so much of my life. I have never heard of trains that can travel in the sea.

It may have something to do with the train on the sea."

The morning star next to him reported as before.Said towards Xia Kang.

"Perhaps Chen Ye knows what's going on. I have sent someone to invite him."

Nodded, Xia Kang sighed again and murmured.

"I already know."

As soon as Xia Kang’s voice fell, Chen Ye’s voice sounded nearby. It turned out that Chen Ye had already arrived when the two were talking, but the speed was too fast and it did not deliberately cause any movement. The two did not notice Chen Ye who had arrived. .

"Ah! Chen Ye, you're here


Seeing Chen Ye, Chen Xing's mouth twitched. He already knew from Tong Zhibo the fact that Chen Ye had reached the third rank, which made him both sigh and envy.

"The trains coming from other places are not something you can handle for the time being.

Chen Ye rubbed his brows and said to Xia Kang and the others.

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