I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 30

The next moment, one person suddenly shrank his pupils, screamed, and quickly flew to retreat.

At the same time, at his feet, countless vines grew rapidly, and on the vines, there were tiny flower buds dotted with dots.

"Flower fragrance and poisonous mist."

With a low cry, those buds bloomed instantly, and the pale pink mist filled the air, forming a pale pink wall, blocking Chen Ye


Without hesitation, Chen Ye picked up the hammer of the Holy Spirit and rushed directly into the poisonous pollen mist.

"This guy is really looking for death, even if you are a fourth-rank exorcist, you will lose half of your life if you rush out."

Originally thinking that Chen Ye would attack them with that strange light spear outside, he did not expect that he would directly rush into the poisonous fog, making the originally panicked traitor suddenly happy. He even calmed down and watched. Chen Ye's eyes changed from panic to disdain.

The thick mist of pale pink pollen entered Chen Ye’s nose with the air, and even fell on Chen Ye’s skin. For a moment, Chen Ye only felt his own skin.

They all seemed to be burned by flames, sucking into the body, making his breathing extremely difficult.


A silver radiance rose rapidly under Chen Ye's feet, like a light and shadow that quickly moved from bottom to top, continuously passing through Chen Ye's body, removing all the pollen toxins inside and out of Chen Ye's body.


Chen Ye successfully rushed through the obstruction of the poisonous fog, and appeared in front of the traitors safely.


Lifting the hammer, smashing it down, in one go, once again took away a statement from the traitor.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host

Kill the traitor*, gain experience +, sacred +."

"No, stop him!"

In a blink of an eye, one of the companions was missing again, and the rest of the people screamed again, exclaiming, the vines on the ground began to rush toward Chen Ye like a long snake.

The others also drew out their weapons, and one of them drew a pistol from his waist.

"go to hell!"

With a cold drink, the traitor gave a cold drink while pulling his finger on the trigger.


The tongue of fire spurted from the muzzle, pushing the bullet into Chen Ye's brain

The bag, the bullet is full of yin, and the surface is still highly poisonous. If it is an ordinary exorcist, facing this sudden attack, I am afraid that he will be in a hurry, even drinking hatred on the spot.

Seeing the bullet rushing towards him quickly, Chen Ye also knew that he had no time to dodge.

"Guardian Gift!"

A milky white barrier immediately formed from Chen Ye's body.


The bullet hit the barrier and was directly blocked by the barrier. It only bounced away after leaving a life of light noise.

"This?! Damn it!"

The traitor stared blankly

, And then his face sank, but a silver light was shining above his head at this moment.


The traitor had no time to react, and the trigger of the Holy Light Thunder went directly from top to bottom, and the topping penetrated his body, causing his yin energy to be sharpened, and his whole body was stiffened by the lightning for a moment.


With his hand up and the hammer falling, Chen Ye took the opportunity to solve a traitor from the opponent again.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the traitor* and gaining experience + and sacred +."


At this moment, although Chen Ye's body is shining with holy gold

Light, but the blood splashed by the traitor was still standing on the shield. Compared with them, Chen Ye was more like an exorcist who had betrayed into the demon.

"Flee! Go to Master Xiulusha!"

This was the only remaining traitor of Grade 3 strength, exclaiming, and without hesitation afterwards, he immediately turned around and was about to flee.

29. Hearing resentment.


The golden spear of victory appeared again, rushed out quickly, directly penetrated the traitor, and was completely purified by the holy light above in the blink of an eye.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the traitor*. Gain experience +. Sacred +."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's upgrade to level 1, please keep working hard!"

"Forgiveness, forgiveness, please, let me go."

Seeing that only himself was left, the traitor finally knelt down on the ground and pleaded humblely towards Chen Ye.

"Take me to find Xiu Luosha."

Chen Ye

He glanced at the other party and said faintly.

"Xiu, Master Shurasha! No, no, he will kill me."

Hearing Chen Ye's words, the traitor's expression suddenly changed, without any hesitation, he immediately shook his head and refused.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the traitor* and gaining experience + and sacred +."

Chen Ye glanced at the opponent's corpse, then lifted the hammer of the Holy Spirit. Since he disagrees, forget it. He watched too much on TV in this situation, and he didn't want to give the villain a chance to frame him.

"It's time to find the master."

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