I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 442

Chen Ye waved his hand. Anyway, Gu Hai really helped himself a lot.Otherwise, he wouldn't let people send true dragon blood to Yi Hai.

Gu Hai and Ye Qianli glanced at each other, and then heard Chen Ye say this again, which made them relieved.

Without Chen Ye, the two of them might have achieved nothing more than an intermediate exorcist in their lifetime, and Xia Qiyang would never have the slightest relationship with them in this lifetime.

But now, Chen Ye not only helped them to become the top leaders of the Exorcism Guild, but also made characters like Xia Qiyang call them brothers and sisters.

"Chen Ye, you can always give us unexpected surprises."

Looking at Chen Ye, Gu Hai said in a complicated way, he really experienced Chen Ye's growth.

Although I don't know if Chen Ye was hiding his strength at the beginning, he was indeed the first person to discover Chen Ye.

"There will be more surprises in the future. If you want to get it, you can improve your strength as soon as possible."

Chen Ye looked at Gu Hai and smiled. He knew that Gu Hai was a witness to his growth, so he might as well let him continue to witness.

"Well, I am waiting for you to surprise me even more.

Gu Hai also nodded solemnly.Regardless of Anli and status, the two are old friends who have not seen each other for a long time.

"Take me to see my reserve team members."

Did not say too much here.Chen Ye said again, he also wanted to see those people.

"Well, according to the rules you originally set, you can apply to join if you reach the strength of the seeker, but because of the task of the cult. It is almost to the level of the third level."

Gu Hai replied, hesitated for a moment, and said for Chen Ye.

I have to say that the emergence of the mission of the Order made Yuan

People with extremely poor qualifications have also gained the possibility of rapid improvement. The entire Blue Sea Star has achieved the level of universal military use and there is no longer any threshold at each level. The number of Blue Sea Star seekers continues to grow wildly, even the white tiger. The city, which originally only needed a sixth-rank exorcist to become a master, has even been elevated to the level of a seeker.

At the beginning, Chen Ye set up three methods for calling to join the cult. One of them was to reach the strength, so that he could see the talent of the other party.

Value has replaced cultivation, and it’s easier to upgrade. It’s just that this person has a good grip on the battle.

It has collected the top powerhouses in the same stage all over the world.

The last one is the contribution value.Because of the accumulation of contribution value, there are more and more contribution value data on the market.Therefore, Gu Hai also increased the contribution value demand by more than ten times, ensuring that the various forces can send their own inadequate direct lines into the cult and bind them to the cult.

Among the 8,000 people that have been recruited, not only the world's top cultivation bases are included.As well as the top powerhouses in the return stage, even the direct lines and high-level members of the various forces are also included.

Each of these people is enough to involve one

Fang’s shock, and these eight thousand people, can completely affect the entire world.

At this moment, ten thousand eight kings have been standing there neatly waiting.

Several elders from the Northern Cold Continent and the high priest from Chinan Continent were among them.

From the strongest elder who has reached level 90, to the lowest level, there are only exorcists with more than four soil levels. No one makes a noise.Even so many people with such a big difference in strength stand together, completely meaningless restlessness.

In the eyes of anyone outside, this is impossible.

However, because the Order’s

Existing, these people really stand together, and the difference in strength seems to be non-existent, no one dares to underestimate each other.

The contribution value of wealth and wealth are created by the ecclesiastical group, and the reliance that I have thought to do can be easily achieved by the ecclesiastical group.

Besides, maybe the exorcist who was only at the forty level next to him was the strongest in the return stage, and he was directly promoted to the middle rank of the sect. No one can say such a thing.


434. For the cult, for the human race!

Chen Ye's figure followed Gu Hai..

Just in the eyes of those strong people, everyone’s eyes became extremely hot,

Everyone has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and many people in the Cong Cultivation Group were already looking forward to seeing Chen Ye when they first started recruiting.

Now finally got his wish.

"I am Chen Ye from the Holy Order."

Looking at the densely crowded heads in front of him, Chen Ye took a deep breath, and the calm voice came into everyone's ears clearly.

"Chen Ye is too human! Long live!"

"Chen Ye is big! Long live


As soon as Chen Ye’s voice fell, there were neat shouts below. Whether it was Chen Ye or the cult, even if it was just a name, the Blue Sea Star had already existed like a myth at this moment.

Chen Ye waved his hand, everyone seemed to feel an unspeakable pressure, and the scene quickly quieted down.

Over 20,000 people, all of them stared wide-eyed, staring at Chen Ye's figure ahead in horror.

Chen Ye felt fear in the eyes of those people, but he didn't pay attention to it. As a result, he just needed what he wanted.

"Here, I am happy for you to join my Holy Order."

Chen Ye spoke out again and spread the audience clearly again. The powerhouses who were terrifying instantly calmed down, pricked their ears one by one, and listened carefully to every word Chen Ye said.

"The cult has existed for thousands of years, and it no longer resists external invasions for the human race at all times. In order to preserve its strength to resist stronger enemies, it is not allowed to select the strong from the human race to resist the invaders together."

"And you. They are the catastrophe-responders selected by the cult from the tens of billions of human races.

Chen Ye looked at the front and paused every word, bringing up the words that had been said countless times in front of Tong Zhibo and the others.

Listen again

At this moment, Tong Zhibo and Lin Xue below were extremely excited.

Finally, they will start fighting side by side with the Order.

And the other 18,000 people were all flushed with excitement, and even the very elders were said to be very excited at this moment.

For thousands of years, he has always thought that he is the strongest in the world, so he has endured too much pressure, and now so many people are fighting alongside him.Protecting the human race together made him excited.

He knew very well that those present were all top level powerhouses, or top geniuses in the world, and with the mission system of the Order, they would surely grow rapidly.

I thought that in the future, there might be thousands of strong people who are not weak, and let the blue sea star work hard for a lifetime. The big elder who just unloaded the burden suddenly felt like a second generation ancestor who might be protected by others in the future. .

"Joining the sect will mean that each of you will be responsible for saving the future for a long time."

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