I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 471

. "Boom!"

The huge figure of the Void Behemoth hit the two huge cross-light walls, shaking the void in the middle, and the light blue "four, four, seven" on the cross-light wall was also a trance.Finally disappeared completely.

However, the figure of the Void Giant Beast stopped ten thousand meters in front of Chen Ye.

"Who is there?!"

Feeling an unfamiliar aura like the sun behind him, the Void Giant Beast struggled to stabilize his body and quickly turned his head to look.

But when it caught Chen Ye's tiny figure, it was taken aback and looked a little surprised.

With Chen Ye.

"It's you? !"

Looking at Chen Ye, the Void Giant Beast asked uncertainly that Chen Ye's figure was too small.The face and the moment that exudes, there is no air that is purer than him after the first time it saw Chen Ye.

Chen Ye did not speak, but instantly transformed into a magician. After releasing the breath of Chaos Walker at the Void Giant Beast, he quickly transformed into a priestly model.

In an instant, the original illusory breath was immediately replaced by a strong breath of holy light.

The aura of holy light radiating from Chen Ye at this moment is in this void

Like the sun rising in the dark night, it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"This is 1 God's breath 2!"

At the same time, in the direction where the Void Giant Beast flew, the unicorn priest also felt the sacred aura on Chen Ye, and his eyes instantly condensed, but the Void Giant Beast completely blocked Chen Ye, and he could not see directly through power. The figure of Chen Ye.I can only feel that behind the Void Behemoth is a guy who does not need the breath difference of the Void Behemoth.

"This place is already near the target world, and the breath of God suddenly appeared. Could it be ours and the mark appeared?


The single-horned priest's eyes faintly, a secret sound in his heart, and then the golden light flashed in his upper eyes, exuding indescribable excitement.

"It turns out to be someone who has the inheritance of the gods. If the opponent is dumb, then I can seize the inheritance of the opponent, and the gods can become a new great priest!

Looking ahead, the thoughts of the unicorn priests at this moment are very similar to those of Pang Na and Leinster. Although their loyalty to the king and the gods behind them is impeccable, they do not accept each other and want to become The one with the most powerful hand jade,

Thinking of this, the unicorn priest became more and more excited.

However, he did not rush up by himself stupidly, but after a deep groan, he suddenly offered a golden scepter with two scarlet gems inlaid on it.

In an instant, the rich divine power was released from the golden scepter, and the strong void pressure on the face was instantly dispersed.Becoming incomparably thin, even if the silver-robed army fell into the void again, it was completely acceptable.

"I have used the scepter of the gods given by my god to release the realm of gods. The void can no longer affect your bodies, go. Kill them.

The unicorn priest's gaze quickly swept across the Void Giant Beast, and then he let out a low cry.

Two: instant.Those silver-robed men, each one's strength is actually close to Brenster and Pang Na. If there were no such figures as Chen Ye and the Demon Emperor, only two people would be able to crush the entire Blue Sea Star.

"Such a fellow."

Looking ahead, Chen Ye's eyes constricted, and there was a flame of excitement in the depths of his eyes.

The densely packed silver figure did not make Chen Ye feel the slightest worry, but made Chen Ye look at these guys who represent experience, as if he saw the tiger of the fat sheep.

"No, so many guys. I can't let them go back.

, These souls can be brought back to train the dolls."

Chen Ye stared at the silver figure in the sky with blinking eyes, and said with a rapid heartbeat.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ye's breath changed again.

The original sacred breath did not change when it was small, and it was replaced by Ling Yu's sword intent.

Not only that, around Chen Ye, there is a strong blood vigour that is constantly tossing. Looking at Chen Ye's figure, the Void Giant Beast seems to feel countless pairs of blood-filled eye pupils staring at him, wishing to tear himself apart. He swallowed all the blood in his body.

And even more weird is that Ming

In the underworld, the Void Giant Beast seemed to feel the breath of thunder, and even the void surrounding Chen Ye's body became increasingly dark, as if countless evil spirits were about to come out of it.

"What the hell is going on? _ Isn't he from the Void Race?"

The Void Giant Beast felt the constantly changing aura of Chen Ye, feeling that his cognition had been refreshed, and looked at Chen Ye's extremely small figure in disbelief.

Not only are the Void Behemoths, but the silver army rushing across the sky is also a bolt from the body. They all feel the terrifying aura that is constantly fluctuating in front of them. The power is just from the body in the silver temple.

.8 felt it.

"God, my lord priest!"

Feeling the aura in the darkness ahead, a divine envoy yelled nervously at the unicorn priest next to him.

"What are you afraid of? With my god, you are both immortal and immortal. The other party only gained a little divine power. Kill them and you can become the next priest!'

Glancing at the divine envoy, the single-horned priest was even more excited. In his opinion, the more the aura of the gods displayed by the enemy, the more it shows that there are more divine inheritances here. As long as he obtains any of them, there are May become the next god.


The body of that great being in the temple began to tremble.

463. Fight, go all out.

These are culled here.

"A group of ants."

Look at those bodies

Obviously, Mu Guo and Chen Wei won’t let him take the experience points to the door."

Chen Di's aura fluctuated immediately to convey his thoughts to Void Jushan's heart.

For Chen Ye's thoughts.The giant void beast was taken aback, and there were densely packed ants.Not as fast as it solves.

"Just look at it"

I saw Chen Ye's shadow cave come out to the Void Great Good and the middle circle of those who invaded 18

"Akpo Lie!"

Then everyone's hearts suddenly rang

Looking at the golden sun above Chen Ye, the Void Giant Beast’s eyes straightened.

It's not just the great virtue of the void.Even the unicorn goddess is everything

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