I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 509

In an instant, Chi Yan put down his plan to do it.

But the white noodles next to it are not clear.

"Huh!" Listening to Chen Ye's words.Baimian snorted coldly.The huge white jade-like lion head is about to attack Chen Yao

"Allied worker Chi Yan. What did you do?" The white face stared at Chi Yan in front of him, and he was taken aback.Also stopped.

Chi Yan did not answer.I saw the red flame on his body-Ang.Turned into a young girl in a red dress with a fiery body and long flames.

"Under the Western Map, we are not the enemy 1.0, but forced by our background. I hope the two can forgive me.,

Chi Yan knew what the other party wanted to leave.The two of them couldn't stop at all.Therefore, he said to Chen Di with a pleasant tone.hair.

Looking at the appearance of my own girl, the face moved,

Bai Mian did not speak

.He just followed Chi Yan and bowed his hand to Chen Wei.

"It's okay, I'm not angry,

-"Please come in under the picture." Hearing Chen Ye's willingness to be kind, Bai Mian and Wei Yan both felt true, and said quickly.

"I hope you treat me as your master. Go and take care of the nursing home for me."

.Enjoy the joy of reading!

498. Plan for the worst.

Chen Ye said plainly.

But the words are not empty

Hear what Chen Ye said.Zhen Na didn't think

However, the two brothers and sisters, Bai Mian and Chi Yan, had their faces checked.

"Under the picture, I heard it right."

Hear what Chen Ye said.

The white face beside him has narrowed his eyes.Ready to do it at any time.

"You heard me right. How about it. Do you want to think about it?"

Chen Zhen shook his head, smiled and said to Chi Yan in front of him.Completely disregarding the industrial

Let’s say if you kill these two

A demon god.Certainly give yourself a lot of experience points.

Chen Wei felt that it was better to let them go to the blue starfish.Develop those monster races.

The level of the monsters used as Blue Starfish is too low. It can no longer provide him with experience points.

Gu upgraded to a sense of consciousness.

"you wanna die! '

The white face complexion is low, and finally can't help but lower

"Don't joke and kill under the picture."

Chi Yan did not want to make the relationship between the two parties stiff.

Besides, the other party just saw their body.

And since they still insist on subduing their brothers and sisters.

Even if they can beat each other, but if the opponent runs away.

Therefore, it is not a last resort, Chi Yan absolutely does not want to move his hair.

After the delivery, Chi Yan subconsciously glanced at Mengxue's body.

This usually happens.Only when the opponent can threaten his own small world.

This also makes Chi Yan have to be more cautious.

Second, do not work as a street.Of course, we know that we are still in trouble when we come to the country to say that the people come.Straight? Don’t get E in the job

The shop looked at the Chi Yan Yi League.He understands that the other party is a smart Victorian lion.It would violate the Taoist approach.

"People of the country 2 go to the prince and you are not a follower?"

After hearing what Chen Hua said,

"Why? Scared 2"

Chen Ye gave a gentle smile.Asked towards Mengxue.

But Chen Ye's eyes.There is a hint of indifference.

It didn't take long for him to meet Mengxue.Naturally there is no emotion.If you kill the opponent intentionally.

"Ah 2 no, just a little surprised. Because sister said.

Meng Zhong heard Chen Zuo's words.

Immediately took the head.Then the second face asked seriously.

He doesn’t have a deep concept of those who don’t follow, nor does he understand those decent gods and dust.

_A pure spectator.

Through Gang Ze, the guy named Wen Wudi, she didn't think there was anything good about those who were being gods.

She can only judge the man in her most workplace.

"I don't care if you are of the same kind

Listening to Chen Zhen's words, Bai Mian's surprised one

Chi Yan didn't say much this time.

Originally, she thought there were three people behind

In this case.She has nothing to do with her, she can make a first report

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