I became a priest in the beginning

At the beginning I became a priest. Chapter 511

Segment, positive

. In the sea, your county lord god? No, this is impossible.You cannot be the main god one"

Weiyan's eyes fixed on Chen Ye, and she couldn't help shaking his head.mouth

"It's so strong. What's going on"

Even the white noodles did not rush into action.

The corner of Chen Ye's mouth raised.live

But in the next second.

Hit the two brothers and sisters with the white face and discover Chen Ye's small world.

""That is!"

White face and two eyes

In those three and

"County of the World

1 At the same time the county prepares three statues of the world"

Chi Yan exclaimed again, and when he said this packet,

"False. It must be false. In the small world

White face and huge body.

But it is precisely because of this that they dare not be worth each other

Looking at the Xi brothers and sisters who are almost crazy.This gaffe

Mengxue next to him,

In response, Chen Ye just smiled.

"Three days are three" Xuanwei said, you

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhen she was present at the scene.

"What do you mean 2 Do you.

.This article will let you see my fourth world image.

Chen Ye looked calm.He said something unhurriedly.

Baoquan didn't care that the few people beside him almost stared at the value of Meng Zhu.

Feilu reminds you:

500. New profession: Guardian!

After Chen Ye finished speaking, he didn't stay idle, but contacted the system in his heart.

"The system, help me redeem a new role profession."

Chen Ye said inwardly.

Sacred value -1000001L

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for consuming thousands of sacred points, and randomly opening the fourth character class...

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the character class: Guardian!"

The system prompt sounded in Chen Ye's heart, making him look stunned.

"protector?_ "

Chen Ye whispered in surprise


Guardian this profession.Chen Ye had never played in his previous life, so he didn't know much about it.

At this moment, Chen Ye's small world suddenly rose up a fourth huge world image.

Looking at the image of the world, Bai Mian, Chi Yan, and Zhen Na were all taken aback.

"It's actually true!" Bai Mian exclaimed, and he could feel that the world's image was really related to the small world.

After all, as a god, it is impossible for Chen Ye to cheat in front of him.

However, the beep in Chen Ye's mind did not stop.

"Ding! 840 Congratulations to the host for opening a new class: Guardian, whose level exceeds the transfer level 10, and automatically transfers to Chaos Demon!"

Accompanied by the first prompt of the system.

There are countless ghosts of demons around the huge world image. Some of them have incomparable loyalty on their faces and follow the world image religiously, and some seem to be desperately eager to swallow the world. But the white faces felt a strong fear in the demons, as if they were a group of slaves.

"This strong breath, this dark, rich, and evil breath is

What's going on? He is really a non-follower 1'

Seeing the breath of the demon in the world, Bai Mian actually felt her heart tremble, as if she felt a trace of fear.

Two-In an instant, the eyes of the two white-faced brothers and sisters looking at Chen Ye became extremely jealous.

The expressions of the white-faced brothers and sisters were all caught in Chen Ye's eyes, but he ignored them because the guardian's power had not yet been revealed (biaj).

"Ding! The host level exceeds the awakening level 10. It automatically awakens as the Dark Lord!"

"Ding! The host has more than one level of awakening, level 10 leads from

Awaken as an obsidian god!"

The system sound continues to appear in Chen Ye’s ears

At the same time, a huge dark purple eye suddenly appeared beside the World Image.

Looking at those eyes, the hearts of the white-faced brothers and sisters and Zhen Na Gan Shan Ji were about to jump out.

At this time, the eyes slowly opened, and a magical light burst out instantly, and those demonic phantoms that were originally gazing at the world seemed to have been severely damaged, and turned into dark purple lights in panic. At this point, I was inhaled into the image of the world, causing the image of the world to exude a weird dark and evil aura.

"Even the image of the world contains such a dark and evil aura. As long as it is leaked, it may be able to immediately attract the attention of the Lord God.'

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