I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 525

For a time.All the gods are hesitant.

They very much hope to get the opportunity of the Vulcan Forbidden Domain, and even regain the Vulcan Forbidden Domain and Mu Wudi's small world from the enemy, but let them desperately.

These gods are a little unwilling.

"We five gods. Are we still afraid of each other? Unless the other is the main god. Otherwise, even if it is a higher god, we may not be afraid of the other.._

God Chiyang glanced at everyone, and then said unhurriedly.

Chi Yang is very calm

, Especially when it comes to higher gods, it seems to be treating ordinary people.

Listening to the words of God Chiyang, the four gods next to him were taken aback, and then began to savor the words of God Chiyang.

"Brother Chiyang, have you already become the upper god?"

Looking at the Chiyang God, the tone of the deity who had called the Chiyang God directly before became cautious.Curiously asked the shame red sun god,

As soon as this remark came out, the other three people were also very busy with Chiyang.

The Mu family members below stared at Dazi's eyes, and looked at the conversations of the gods above their heads incredible.

They have always been the strongest existence of the worm in the nearby world, their ancestor Mu Invincible, and they did not expect that this one has actually achieved the status of a higher god.

"Yes, some time ago, I was lucky to become a high-ranking god."

God Chiyang nodded, and did not hide his strength, but when his gaze swept towards the teleportation entrance below, a trace of unwillingness flashed through his eyes.

The Vulcan Forbidden Domain is just the small world of the upper god. 0.7. And he became the upper god.You can directly enter the forbidden domain of Vulcan, and easily find the image of the world in this small world without an owner.Take it.To the tribe so that he

We Burning Star will be able to have two higher gods.Unexpectedly, he was first boarded by others, how could this make him reconciled.

"Hey, I have really reached the upper god. It seems that the murderer who framed the ancestor is going to be finished."

Hearing Chi Yang's words, everyone in Mu Haixing below was shocked, and Mu Fangcun's eyes flickered, and there was a secret voice in his heart.

Although I don't want to admit that my ancestor is dead.But the dialogue between these gods.It was just telling them that their Mu family had provoke an existence that shouldn't be provoke, so he could only pin his hopes on the gods of these other worlds.2

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513. The power of the Lord God!

The gods of the Burning Star Aka family became the upper gods, and the news made everyone present feel crazy.

The upper god, that is already the existence of the best among the gods.

Every upper god will be summoned by the idea of ​​the Lord God coming.Quite a king has already appointed himself as the servant of the Lord God, and will be able to follow the Lord God and serve the Lord God in the future.

And his family and even the nearby starry sky will be blessed by the Lord God, which is supreme glory for any two families and forces.

Bi Yi, no one has ever really seen the Supreme God, even the phantom of the Supreme God has only a few gods.

For most people.The main god is already the pinnacle of existence in their hearts.

Lord God, as the name suggests.Can already be called the lord of the gods.

They don't know what the relationship between the main god and the main god is, but at least they are ordinary gods, and the main god can easily wipe them out with just 18 thoughts.

It can be said that once the main god appears in a certain place, then ordinary people in that place will have a higher status than ordinary lower gods.

This is the only gap between God and God.

Whether it is strength or status.They are all insurmountable damnations of ordinary gods.

"Hey, I didn't expect Brother Chiyang to have become a high-ranking god. It's really gratifying.'

Hearing Chi Yang's confirmation, the faces of the surrounding gods were filled with flattering smiles.

Although they are gods, they are not even worthy of giving shoes to the Lord God, even with the strength of the four of them.It is not necessarily the opponent of the Chi Yang in front of him.

Three gods can completely encircle and kill a god of the same level, but only for the gods of the same level, the red sun in front of him is the upper god.Higher than them-a notch.Although they don’t know the difference between the upper god and the lower god, they have already gotten

After the Lord God's call, they were already far away.

we can even say.Even if the Chiyang God was severely injured in front of them at this time, they would never dare to think about it at all until they were uncertain about the attitude of the Lord God behind him.

The god that speaks is Mu Haixing's neighbor, Duan Shanhe, the overlord of the Twin Temple that spans several worlds.

Although the strength is slightly worse than that of Mu Wudi, there is still the entire twin temple behind him.

The Gemini Temple can be known literally.In addition to Duan Shanhe, there is also a god inside.There are two gods sitting at the same time.Even if

Is the next god.

With the strength of the Twin Temple.In this corner of the galaxy, you can already walk sideways.

After knowing Chi Yang's strength, he used to be extremely arrogant.Sometimes even Duan Shanhe, who doesn't even sell the face of Mu Wudi, is like a grandson, for fear that Chi Yang will hold onto the previous things.

No way, not only Duan Shanhe.The other three gods also respectfully salute Chi Yang at this time.

After all, let's not talk about strength, if only Chi Yang can talk to the main god, his status can already overwhelm them.

Looking at these few gods who suddenly changed their attitudes, Chi

Pi crumbs in the Yang heart.But there is no god named.

"It's not too late. If we don't want the other party to run away, we will go now."

The Chiyang God spoke unhurriedly and landed directly at the teleportation entrance.

Where did the other four gods let go of such an opportunity to make friends with Chi Yang, they all hurriedly followed.

The Chiyang God did not delay any more.Inject divine power directly into the teleportation enchantment.

With the transformation of the teleportation portal of the Vulcan Forbidden Domain, the five gods above disappeared directly in place.

Seeing the five gods disappear.Mu Haixing people from all big and small families

This is only a relief.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of those families glanced at the people of the Mu family from time to time.

In the dialogue between those gods just now, it was revealed that the Mu family's backing might be gone.For the family above Mu Haixing, this Mu family is

A tiger that has no seeds.

The things on the'tiger' body, even if it is two hairs, can make people's hearts very exciting.

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