I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 529

Suddenly fell, it was clear that Mu Wudi was besieged and killed by these five guys who were likely to be gods.

In their hearts, even if Chen Ye and them are not all gods, there are at least three.After all, in the same level, only three gods of the same level can besieged and killed a god.

Thinking that these people in front of him are not easy to provoke, Duan Shanhe's eyes moved, not sure what to say.

But in the next moment, Duan Shanhe thought that there were five gods on his side.There is even-one is a superior god, and Duan Shanhe suddenly gains confidence.

"It's the image of you fused with the world of Vulcan Forbidden Domain


Looking at Chi Yang, Duan Shanhe directly said, asking with a serious expression.

He didn't sell the gates, after all, there were only Chi Yan and a group of people on his side, and Chi Yan had an aura very similar to this Vulcan Forbidden Domain_ asked aloud.

If it is outside this Vulcan Chu domain.They absolutely can't notice the connection between Chi Yan and this Vulcan Forbidden Domain, but at this time, the Vulcan Forbidden Domain has just changed, and they are all in the Vulcan Forbidden Domain. Naturally, they can clearly recognize that Red Smoke is now. The master of this Vulcan Forbidden Domain.


Chi Yan nodded, no

He spoke to the person in front of him without delay.

Although she and Baimian are both monster races, they are now displayed in the form of z humans.

As for the pair of devil-like corners on top of her head, everyone can see that it is the suit on her body.

Therefore, neither Duan Shanhe nor Chi Yang doubted the identity of Chi Yan and the others.

Although those who do not follow are the targets of the gods as soon as they find out, they have only heard of it for too many gods. They have not really seen those who do not follow.

For Yu Duan Shanhe and them.Do not

Followers are all legendary existences, and only the main god and upper gods can come into contact with them.

Hearing Chi Yan's answer, Duan Shanhe suddenly turned into a face

"Since this small world has been merged by you, why do you want to kill our descendants 2"

Duan Shanhe's momentum was like a rainbow. Double and twinkling with divine light, he asked angrily towards Chi Yan, and then directly used his power to Chi Yan.

The other three lower gods did not speak.However, both eyes stared at Chi Yan coldly, as if he was going to let Chi Yan give an explanation.

Even Chi Yang frowned and looked over here, agreeing that he loved the most

The granddaughter was also buried here, so he naturally wanted to find justice for the descendants of his Burning Star Chi family.)

Looking at the posture of the five gods in front of them.Bai Mian's heart tightened, and when Bai Mian was about to deal with these guys, Chi Yan spoke.

"Your descendants? You should go to Mu Wudi, in order to snatch the image of my world, he even killed his grandson.'

Chi Yan sneered and said towards Duan Shanhe, shifting all the responsibility to Mu Wudi who was already dead.

"Mu Wudi?_"

Hearing Chi Yan's return, Duan Shanhe's voices uttered a halt.

Is a little hesitant.

They are very clear about Mu Wudi's behavior, if there is absolute interest in front of them.I'm afraid that guy really dare to do something to their younger generation.

"Mu Wudi is dead, did you kill it."

Here Chi Yang suddenly uttered a voice, and asked Chi Yan unhurriedly.

Hearing the voice of God Chiyang, Duan Shanhe suddenly stopped talking.

Now they are headed by the Chiyang God, if there is no support from the Chiyang God.Naturally, they didn't want to be unhappy with Chi Yan.

Although they have four gods.But Chen Ye

There are five people on the side, and they are not sure how many gods Chen Ye has on this side.

"No need to quibble, except you here. There should be no one who can kill him. Since Mu Wudi killed our younger generation, then let's hand over his small world. The rest, we will solve it ourselves. of."

Chi Yang watched Chi Yan want to say something, but he interrupted directly in advance, still speaking slowly.

Several people in Duan Shanhe looked at Chi Yang, all of them were a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it was reasonable, but they didn't know why, but everyone felt jealous in the words of God Chi Yang.

It was as if Chi Yang was afraid of anyone in the other party.

"Is that woman also a high-level god?"

Seeing the weird breath exuding from Chi Yan, Duan Shanhe and other four gods simultaneously guessed in their hearts.

In conclusion, if there were no higher gods in the opponent, they could rob them directly.Not to mention Mu Wudi's small world, even the small world of these people in front of them can be snatched over.

"What a big appetite, I want a small world of z gods when I come over, do you think I will give it to you?"

Chi Yan hasn’t said anything yet, but Chen Ye

The sound was heard, smiling at Chi Zhu.

He knew that this guy had been looking at him just now, and even when he was speaking, his eyes were constantly looking at him. He didn't know what the other party was thinking, but Chen Ye himself didn't want to let go of these things. Gods.

For him, these guys are all masters' rich experience, and everyone has a small world. He can use these god-level small worlds to create a group of gods on the blue sea star.

Even the soul of these guys.He can also be used to upgrade those dolls.

If the opponent is strong, forget it.but

At only level one hundred and five, these menacing gods were now reduced to hunters in Chen Ye's eyes.


517. Tension of mountains and rivers.

Chi Yang and the others obviously didn't know that they had become the prey of Chen Ye's history.

Especially Chi Yang, as the upper god.And he was summoned by the Lord God, which made his confidence unprecedentedly strong.

In conclusion, not all upper gods can be summoned by the main god.

All of this is also thanks to the fact that their Aka family had been kind to the Lord God.

Later that person became the main god.After that, he made a promise that if the people of the Burning Star Aka family can break through to the upper god, they can enter Ji's command.

This is their Chi Family's chance and also his Chi Yang's chance.

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