I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 538

Origin supernatural power.It can be crystallized.The crystallized divine power source can be used.Increase the body

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525. The Lord God comes!

Just when Chen Ye decided to meet this so-called gaze and master god.The system immediately gave a prompt.

"The mission is out 2."

Chen Ye frowned and murmured in surprise in his heart.

Looking at the system's prompts, especially when seeing the task reward, Chen Ye only felt his eyes shine.

Every god contains extremely powerful divine powers, and these divine powers only need to be worded.It allows an ordinary person to become a peerless powerhouse in one fell swoop, even compared to true dragon essence and blood.

Speaking of it, because You Yashan provided

.Chen Ye is not short of true dragon blood.

However, the amount of true dragon essence and blood that a person can take is limited after all, and each person can only take one drop, and it will have no effect.,

And this crystallization of supernatural power undoubtedly gave Chen Ye one more choice.

"I don't know how much power a god can extract from him."

Chen Ye murmured, looking at the gods in front, his eyes flickered.

Without this divine power source transformation device, these gods are just a pile of experience for Wang Chen Ye. If the face divine power source transformation device can be obtained, it will undoubtedly be the gods.

The interests in Chen Ye's eyes are more magnified.

It was as if Daguai was able to explode the Demon Pill or Ling Ling Orb, which made Chen Ye very happy.

At this time, Chi Yan's small world suddenly changed.

I saw the small world of Chiyan began to turbulent.It seems that there is a new world that must be forcibly supported in the small world of red smoke.

_ "It's about to appear."

When everyone was in a state of uncertainty, Mengxue murmured, her face a little pale.

As if she had already felt the breath that everyone hadn't noticed.

Hear what Mengxue said.The hearts of the crowd shook their hearts violently. The eyes of the few people all gathered blood on the Chiyang God, who was trapped in Chen Ye's Shishi God Sealed Spirit Array.

Through the words of Mengxue before, they already knew that God Chiyang was already communicating with the so-called Lord God of Moon Watching, asking the Lord God

And now, I am afraid it is time for the Lord God to come.

Sure enough, in the center of the Shishen Sealing Array, above the Yin Yang fish.

I saw that the space around the divine body of the Chiyang God, originally imprisoned in its history, began to collapse.

It is the divine power in the Red Sun God’s body that is attacking from an extremely subtle and tricky angle.

Hit the small world of red smoke.

Although this small world is the small world of the upper god, Chi Yan himself is only a lower god after all. If the Chi Yang god is trapped in Zhen Na's small world, the space of the small world will definitely not be so easily Break the extreme


The space was shattered, and the Chiyang God was directly wrapped by the divine power, nesting in the endless void cluster Chen Ye's Shiji God Sealed Spirit Formation and came out.

"It's a method that the main god can master only when traveling through the void."

Looking at the hand exposed by the Chiyang God, the white face in the distance couldn't help screaming in surprise.

Shuttle the Void

It was the main god who marked his mark in a certain world with his powerful divine mind, and then directly shuttled through the void with his divine mind, instantly passing his divine body.

Compared with ordinary lower gods and upper gods, the most basic method of the main god is this. This is the legendary Nian Buddhism.

As long as the place that the divine mind can reach is imprinted with the breath, it can be reached instantly.

At this time, the God of Chiyang appeared in front of everyone again, his face was no longer the tension and resentment before, and replaced by unspeakable plainness.

The attitude that seemed to be indifferent to the cut made Bai Mian and others involuntarily (b

iee) I felt a little depressed, as if I was extremely unwilling.__

God Chiyang turned around and first looked at the Shishen Sealed Spirit Formation that was still trapped with three gods, his eyes moved slightly.

"It's kind of interesting, it's actually able to communicate the breath of the ancient sacred beasts to create an enchantment that can suppress the gods.

Chiyang God murmured, and he was surprised by Chen Ye's methods.

After talking about Bao, God Chiyang turned around.Look at Chen Ye.

Facing the gaze of God Chiyang.Chen Ye had a completely different feeling from before.

in case

If Chiyang God was a nouveau riche before, then the Chiyang God at this time is like a peerless overlord who visits privately.

Although it was a private visit by Weifu, the breath on his body was not comparable to that of those around him.

The so-called main god is the overlord of a group of gods, enshrined by countless gods.

In this view, no matter what the main god is, as long as there is the word main god, it has defined its lowest strength and can crush the existence of the Fang gods.

It's not just the temperament that comes out.Because of the coming of the will of the Lord God, even the power and power have changed.If there is generally no guardian of divine power, even if only

He looked at the Chiyang God at this time.I am afraid it will be wiped out in an instant.

"The Lord God of Guanyue! You are the Lord God of Guanqi!"

Changes in Chiyang God.The three lower gods naturally felt it too, forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart, one of the gods yelled in excitement.

"Lord God of the Moon, please save us."

The flame of Wang's hope was instantly ignited in the eyes of the other main god, and he shouted at the back of the red sun god.

But the words of the two gods just fell.However, God Chiyang suddenly raised his hand.

_ "Om~!"

The space buzzed, and z-strands of pale golden flames directly penetrated the void and sprinkled on the bodies of the two gods in the Shishi God Sealed Spirit Formation.

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