I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 543

And that view and the main god also condensed his eyes, and put away his own small world.

"Your power actually opened the barriers of the small world. It seems that I underestimated you."

Looking at the hammer of divine punishment in Chen Ye's hand, watching the master lightly

Spit out a word, this is the first time he has recognized Chen Ye's strength.

"There are so many things you look down upon."

Because the small world has been taken back, everyone is now in the worm of the starry sky.

The small world of the gods, the world inhabited by creatures, and the stars and voids of the universe are like four overlapping areas that touch each other.

Every place can break into the other three areas from one node.

The place where Chen Ye broke open happened to be in this starry sky.

Everyone is in the starry sky, there is no air, but everyone is already a god body, not at all


The small world has been taken back..The lower god was naturally released.

As soon as the god came out, he began to look around, he was ready to find an opportunity to quickly escape from here.

He understands that no matter who wins on either side.He probably won't have any good fruits to eat, so he didn't plan to wait for the so-called Lord God to win.

At this time, everyone has no power to pay attention to that god.

Because of leaving the shackles of the small world.Chen Ye's power was finally released.

I saw Chen Ye directly smashed the hammer of God's Punishment and smashed it at the moon-watcher in front of him.

There were no extra moves, and even Chen Ye didn't release his skills this time, as if it were a simple smash.

That simple hammer looks even more ordinary.

However, the Guan and God who was Chen Ye's attack target narrowed his eyes.He could feel that the power of that hammer was not so good, it was the power of a pure god at the forehead.

But the power of God's punishment above.Let him not underestimate.

Immediately afterwards, the master god of the moon watched a move, his expression a little annoyed.It seemed to be annoyed that he actually gave birth to a touch of fear.

"Little hum."

Cold snort

Sheng, the Lord God of Watching Moon finally stopped keeping his hands.

I only see that view and the master

next moment.

Under the control of the will of the Lord God, the body of the God Chiyang began to swell and grow rapidly.

In an instant, his figure actually exceeded ten thousand li.

Compared with the original Void Giant Beast, it is not much better.

"The body of the main god!" Mengxue looked at the huge figure and couldn't help exclaiming with divine mind.

Did not wait for everyone to react.


The main god of Guan Qi controls that huge god body.Holding the flame shield,

Directly bounced Chen Ye's hammer of divine punishment, the powerful force even lifted Chen Ye away.

It hit an unmanned planet a million kilometers away, pushing the entire planet 10,000 meters away.

And the main god of Naguanchi was chasing after victory, and quickly flew toward the planet, and on the way, his body also shrank rapidly.

530. Inheritance of the Supreme Dragon God.

Take his previous reminder.Can't attack Lu Wei at all

even.The planet will also become a natural shield for mentioning.

Dual and deified

"Master, he will be fine, right"

Obviously they are an incredible job for them



Travel far.The release of the important course of the basket ji final jade makes the clear

West and this solid time, on the unmanned planet.

Chen Xing is confronting the frog with that main god.

View and

The main expression asked Chen Xiong solemnly.

He can feel the incomparable power from the golden sun worm

Li Fu Zhi Karma Chen, you give him the feeling that it is the words of ordinary lower gods.

Watching Chen Ye's body worth the Buddha happen again

"The most supreme rent technique, two i

The main god of Guanqie looked at Chen Ye's eyes constantly changing.

The simple things have been difficult to arouse the interest of the gods,

And the value is Chen Shuo's anus.The Lord God really did not retain it completely this time.

At the same time.

Such a change


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