I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 546

"Wang Shang, congratulations on upgrading the host to level 101, please keep working hard!"

Two one

In an instant, everyone felt that Chen Ye's aura suddenly doubled, which made everyone feel incredible.

"What just happened? Suddenly I feel that the master has become much stronger."

Chi Yan looked at Zhen Na beside her blankly, and asked curiously.

Zhen Na nodded, but didn't say much, because this situation had already happened when Mu Wudi was beheaded before.He didn't know what happened.

On the other hand, looking at the lower 0.5 gods and the Chiyang gods, the faces of the two people suddenly became pig liver.Just now Chen Ye was able to give the king the will of the Lord God

Gone, now it's actually stronger again.

After reaching the God Realm, the only way to become stronger can be through the perception of rules and the accumulation of divine power over the years.

Cong has never heard of anyone who can say that like Chen Ye's way of improving his strength, he can improve his strength.

Chen Ye is the initiator.However, he ignored the strange gazes around him, but directly took out the divine power source transformation device.

"Dumb L discovered the transformation device of the source of divine power. It can be integrated with the small world, whether it is integrated 2

Tip: After merging with the small world, the host can directly use the power of the small world to insulate it with the power of any god

The amount of extraction and refining.

, ⊥

533. The main god is killed!

"Huh?_ Can you integrate with the small world?"

Chen Ye was taken aback for a moment, and said in secret.

Afterwards, Chen Ye's gaze fell on the inventory and found that there was a strange stove-like thing lying inside.

The stove is brass-colored throughout.It looks extremely cheap, just like the enhanced furnace of the pregnant merchant Kaili that Chen Ye saw when he was playing games.

The system didn't explain why it could be integrated with the small world. Chen Ye waited for a while to see that the system didn't answer, so Wang crisp gave up.

However, it’s good to be able to integrate with the small world, at least Chen Ye doesn’t have to worry about losing or breaking that thing.


Chen Ye said secretly in his heart.

As Chen Ye's voice fell, the strange stove that was still lying in the inventory immediately disappeared.

"Ding 1 was successfully integrated."

The system prompt sounded from the bottom of Chen Ye's heart.

Chen Ye frowned again when he heard the system prompt.

Whether viewed from the inside or from the outside, his own small world is no different from before, 18 even he himself did not feel the change of being an official.

"Is it because there is no god in it?"

Chen Ye frowned and murmured, then turned his eyes to the red sun god in front and the lower god in the distance.

In the next moment, Chen Ye unfolded the small world, and the lower god had no power to resist at all.

Although God Chiyang is a lower god.But now it has been hit hard by love, and it is also unable to resist Chen Ye's pull of a small world with multiple rules.

After a short while, both gods were drawn into their own small world by Chen Ye.

At the same time, a shock wave spread from the void in the distance.A powerful divine power instantly surrounded Chen Ye and others

"This is, what

What? L is such a powerful force!"

Feeling that power, the white-faced brother and sister suddenly changed their complexion and couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's the power of the main god, the other party has found it."

Zhen Na frowned, her expression extremely solemn

"And we have been wrapped in the power of the other's main god, with our power, it may be difficult to escape from here.'

Zhen Na said solemnly to everyone.

Simultaneously.She is ready to fight.

"Master, we will do our best to defend your thoroughness. Please make sure to escape as soon as possible.

After a pause, Zhen Na continued speaking towards Chen Ye.

She has made a decision in her heart.Even if he desperately died, he had to make sure that Chen Yecong escaped here.

Hearing Zhen Na's words, the white-faced brother and sister also immediately moved over, and stood side by side with Zhen Na and nodded towards Chen Ye with an expression of suspense.

They are absolutely loyal to Chen Ye now, and at this dangerous moment, naturally they are the first to find a way to get Chen Ye to escape from here.

Chen Ye did not speak 2

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but that he has received intensive care. 2. Almost most of the mighty powers of the Lord God

It poured on Chen Ye.

"the host!"

At the next moment, Zhen Na also noticed that something was wrong with Chen Ye.Suddenly he hurriedly called out.

Facing Zhen Na's cry, Chen Ye did not respond.

At this moment, Chen Ye's forehead was already covered with sweat, and his body was trembling.Not fear, but as if there is a planet attached to him

Makes him feel a little suffocated

Seeing Chen Ye so abnormal, the three of Zhen Na next to her panicked, and Zhen Na continued to shout.But he didn't dare to touch Chen Ye rashly.

After all, they also

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