I became a priest in the beginning

Beginning I became a priest Chapter 561

"Who knows, just grab his companion. Oh, it seems to run away."

Mu Tu, Chen Qiang and others were shrewd when they saw Chen Ye being taken away by the witch. They didn't stay for a moment, they had already escaped every day.

The appearance of Mei Guang-Vice very indifferent made Roye very annoyed.

In a cave, Chen Ye watched Yana who was guarding the entrance of the cave, motionless.Very strange.

"Hey, you caught me and didn't say a word. What's the matter?"

Yana looked at Chen Ye with dark eyes.

"You can't speak?" Chen Ye walked up

Asked before.

Yana nodded unexpectedly.

Chen Ye also wanted to ask, Yana in front of her suddenly became soft.When she fell down, Chen Ye quickly moved forward and hugged her in his arms.

When Yana fainted, the breath in her body was all reduced.At this time, she was no different from ordinary people.

Do you want to kill her and leave? Anyway, she is a member of the devil.

But she didn't hurt herself.Besides, must the devil be a bad person?

Chen Ye shook his head, hugged her aside, applied a slow treatment, and wanted to help Yana do her best.

Wake up soon.

But his own power entered Yana's body, which produced a strong xenophobic reaction.Yana's expression was painful, and Chen Ye hurriedly took back his strength.

Chen Ye looked at his hand, his own light power and the demon's power were in conflict, and slow healing would only have a counterproductive effect on Yana.

Chen Ye sat aside, and after about four hours, Yana finally regained consciousness. She opened her eyes, her eyes were clear and her facial features were delicate.It's really a beauty.

How could such a beauty be a devil?

Yana turned to see Chen Ye, smiling.Such as warm (bidf) sunlight:

2 "Thank you for saving me."

Chen Ye spread his hand and said, "If you can talk, that's fine. I didn't do anything. I just want to know. What are you doing to bring me to this place?"

"I brought you to this place? When did I bring you 2" Yana looked curious, not at all pretending.

"No, do you still lose your memory? 3

Yana's face flushed: "Sometimes. I often wake up and appear in new places. I don't remember what I have experienced."

Yana put a finger on her chin, thinking: "I'm going

The second time I woke up, I was in a dark place where I could see nothing.It's hard to even breathe.I soon passed out again."

Yana said, it should be the black coffin."Are there many souls in your body? Different souls are doing their own things." Chen Ye looked at Yana's innocent and innocent appearance, and was completely two people with the horror before!

"I think it should be. I'm causing you trouble." Yana apologized.

"I'm in trouble now, that Roye must be looking for me everywhere." Chen Yeshi was distressed, and now he hasn't got his equipment right.The strength has not been fully improved, just

Stabbing such a hornet's nest is really big.

Roye, as the eldest son of the powerful demon Rosh in the universe, is extremely powerful. It is impossible for Chen Ye to wipe them out with the current methods. Maybe he can consider it in the future, but he can avoid it now.

Chen Ye looked at Yana and said, "Or you can go back quickly. It seems that Roye cares about you.

Chen Ye remembered the way Roye touched the coffin, and he couldn't pretend deep love.

Who knows Yana pouted: "That Roye is so bored, I don't want to go back! I don't want to go home, they are not good to me. They are all bad guys!"

Looking at Yana's cute look aggrieved, Chen Ye couldn't help smiling: "But you can't do it with me, five-he came to the door. Isn't it going to be killed?

"No, with me, I will help you become stronger, but you have to promise me that when you become stronger, you have to protect me and not leave me." Yana seemed to feel that Chen Ye was talented, and she secretly said to herself Calculated.

Chen Ye couldn't help but laugh, "Then you let me see how to help me become stronger.

Yana felt for a shock in her space ring, took out a weapon and placed it in front of Chen Ye.

The golden light flashed in front of him, and a powerful breath came to his face.

Chen Ye's eyes were straight.There is no doubt that this is the weapon with the highest level of this plane. The powerful aura is more than any weapon that Chen Ye has in the past

, L

546. Mysterious Tortoise.

The cave is filled

Dewang empty field.The green awn gradually converges.Condensed in Yana's hand base,

An face and this cross exudes.This is the green light

Hell Pioneer Scholar!

This cross can be said to be the most intriguing place for properties in time

It came into Chen Ye's mind.After Chen Wei finished reading."The whole person is hurt on the ground"

unbelievable.It is really inverse five: this weapon.

Weapon blessing skill plus 5L Angel blessing skill plus 5L

Came here.Skills turned on

Dotted power league.

You know, if you want to show this piece here, the higher the level, the more skill you need

And this cross.

"Give it to you."

Yajian came behind Chen Ye and hung the cross on Chen Ye's neck.More over

Dependence and intimacy.

Chen Wei did not expect it himself.This one ran out of the black coffin and entered the country

With this weapon.Chen Ye was in the next adventure.Undoubtedly knowing skills e

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