I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 591

"Who caught it?" Chen Ye asked immediately.

"It's an ethnic demon whose surname is Ya. Their stronghold in the county. I don't know where it is.

"Asia 2"

Isn't that Yana's clan? Want to find another class of thinker.And I can't find it before.

With Yana here, she should be easy to talk.

Chen Ye settled his attention.On the same day, I gathered seven professions on Crescent!

Reserved a place for another thinker.Add Chen Ye.There are already six people.Chen Ye thought carefully.The drop position is also yellow.

Gimeng’s profession is Chuangcha.Fish has an outstanding talent.But the professional value of the alliance.Gu Xiong group sucks.It's a miserable job.It is very dangerous to be really strong, and it makes sense to supervise the heroes to set up and fall snow.

That is, Luo Xue is an aboriginal in time and space.”

Luoxue is very familiar with many places in the universe.Various knowledge that Chen Ye didn't know could also play a decisive role.Besides.There is no danger in having a seat.

The personnel were determined, and the cleaning was completed that evening, the next day.Chen Ye and others left Crescent Mountain and everyone Hanju.Push hand farewell.

Including Yana, Chen Ye has eight people on this trip.

.Now the edge of the moonless mountain.There are already demons in sight.The devil is also ready to attack.We must use the fastest speed.Blood to the subtribe

Out-a thinker, and attack at the same time.Attract the attention of all evil degrees.Otherwise, they will attack Yuetian Mountain and we will do their best."

There is no Chen Ye and others sitting on Crescent Mountain.Will be breached soon.

But Gong frowned, "What if that thinker dies?"

It's not that Chen Di has not considered this issue.I had a plan in my mind."If it's really dead, you can just follow me indiscriminately when the time comes."

571. Yana is home

It’s the best choice for two teams to advance in time and space.


Chen Wei and the others just walked out of the camp on the edge of Crescent Mountain, and the main leaf behind got a skill 1

"do not move!"

Chen Yu immediately came to Ben Ye's side.Added blood to him,

The amount of vomiting blood instantly recovered.His face was pale.Gave a bite

"It's the adventurers who chose to join the demon camp.

"Can you tell what occupation the other party is?"

Chen Ye is well-informed, and he doesn’t know that the other Ye has no occupations.

Seen one

It's like a shadow dancer.Chen Ye is just

Everyone shook their heads

"Our whereabouts have been exposed. People the other party doesn't point to."

Chen Ye glanced at Jun Xie and said

Jun Xie is not a smile."natural.".

Stabbed at the location of Jun Xie's heart.Toward Jun

Jun Xie sneered, his figure turned into a white shadow.Go out in a few steps.Already sighted


Jun Xiejian blood seals to feed.Junhe with Chen EF bonus.Even if the equipment is average, it is still easy.

Chen Jiang nodded.Jun Na really did not let himself down.

The crowd came to the corpse.

"What kind of profession is this?

Konoha bent over and checked the weapon on the ground.

"Check the sword soil."

Lan Xue's voice was soft.Three words are said.Everyone is

Luo Xue smiled awkwardly: "The gun

"Enemy with us. Just kill them all.

Chen Ye nodded and said: It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go."

Leaving Crescent Mountain

Everyone is vying for points


This is a bustling city.It is called Yacheng.Chen Weiyuan, a member of the evil straight tribe of Ya Clan, was all living in this place.

Jumingyuan is extremely heavy.Sky shrouded

"Your father is inside" Chen Ye looked at Yana Shuiling's eyes.

Yana nodded, "My father is the strongest of the Asian clan. I'm afraid Robbie's strength is still the best."

"Friendly? Friendly also captured my friend."

Junya hates the demons deeply.Yana didn't look straight on the road.

"That's probably your friend did it

Good thing.Yana retorted.

"Well, now is not the time to fight." Chen Zu gave them a glance and said

Never act rashly."

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