I became a priest in the beginning

I Became a Priest Chapter 66

Weapon Blessing I

Angel blessing!

Guardian badge!_ (Enhanced 25% basic attributes,)_

Blessing of the dawn!_ (Enhance additional attack power,)

Revenge of Light 1

Adding a layer of state to his 150 self, Chen Ye's eyes became profound.

"Suck!" Chen Ye took a deep breath, and Chen Ye's expression became more solemn.

"Blessings of honor!" Chen Ye's momentum soared in an instant, and the terrifying sacred aura quickly drifted across all directions.

Those who are most sensitive to this sacred breath are the demons and evil charms. They stopped their offensive in an instant, looking at the top of the exorcism tower with some trepidation.

Even the Ape Demon and the huge centipede ghost stopped and looked at Chen Ye's direction in surprise.

"What's the matter? !&qu

ot; Seeing the demon's fist stopped and began to become restless, the exorcists also noticed the movement behind them, and quickly looked over

"It's Chen Ye!" When seeing the huge figure wrapped in golden light on the exorcism tower, everyone's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Chen Ye ignored the demons and exorcists, and after feeling the terrifying power in his body, he aroused all the power in his body to the strongest.The spirit quickly expanded to the periphery of Lijiang City, and at the same time, two skills appeared in Chen Ye's mind.

Chakra: Flame!

God formula:

White Tiger 1

at the same time.The four corner spaces at the junction of the four walls of Lijiang City began to twist.

68. Holy Light Gathers!(First order 7/10)

As Chen Ye's voice fell.

From the four corners of Lijiang City, four girls with white skin and white hair and white clothes, who looked exactly like and exuded silver fluorescence, came out.

Especially the girl on the junction of the northwest city wall, stepping on the white light circle under her feet, instantly purifies the nearby monsters, and the strong aura of destruction on her body scares the surrounding monsters to disperse again and again, even.Even the huge ape demon and centipede ghost were afraid of the mysterious girl.

The girls are all extremely huge, each over a hundred meters tall, with a white empty head in his arms, Chen Ye looking respectfully at Xue Shiyang.

Control spirit

: Exorcist's 30th level skill, able to master the summoned shikigami skillfully.And can invade the consciousness of the demon spirit with thoughts, and the effect depends on the spirit of both parties.

In Lijiang City, both demons and humans looked at the four tall girls appearing on the surrounding city walls inexplicably, except for one.That is Ning Xian.

Ning Xian's breathing became heavy.

Following Chen Ye's thoughts, the figures of the four girls began to blur rapidly, turning into a little bit of fluorescence, supplementing under the tiger's head;

"It's about to begin." Ning Xian looked at all this and couldn't help but said with excitement.

Some inexplicable.

However, next they knew why Ning Xian would say this.

The figure below the neck of the four white tigers gradually condensed, and the four white tigers were quickly connected by a silver beam of light.

As soon as those lights appeared.The monsters on the west and north sides of the city walls were instantly penetrated by the white light, and they collapsed into a barrier and dissipated under the silver light.

Then the beam of light rose into the sky, separating all the demons inside and outside Lijiang City for a time.

The four white tigers whistling faintly at the same time, the aura of destruction diffused inside and outside Lijiang City, and the evil charms in the city were all curled up together.

And the monsters outside the city, as well as the ape monsters and centipede ghosts, did not dare to rush forward.

"Is this? The same effect as the previous Light Elf Potion? The entire city has such an effect"⊥!" Seeing Lijiang City was protected again, Gu Hai and Ye Qianli were relieved, and suddenly Gu Hai He glanced at his weapon, his eyes stared twice, and he exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Ye Qianli hadn't seen the magic of Light Elf Potion. He glanced at the long sword emitting silver light in his hand, and looked at Gu suspiciously.

"Oh, our chance to counterattack has reached L to kill all the demons in the city." Gu Hai did not explain, but was excited.

Looking at the horrified monsters, shouting-sounding, rushed up quickly.

And the defenders who had seen the light elf potion Li Jing on the west wall heard Gu Hai's call, and did not hesitate anymore. Even ordinary people screamed and rushed towards the monsters.

After being infected, no one else would back down. The demon rooms outside the city of Che Devil were blocked, and even the great demon outside the city did not dare to rush into action. Now it is their chance to destroy these guys who entered the city.

The defenders who have the special light-general extras brought by the white tiger aura effect of the shikigami, even ordinary people, can cause fatal damage to the evil spirits.

Thinking of the fear and despair that had just been chased, the navy who rekindled hope burst out all their emotions. Under the shining of silver light, they could even start to kill with their weapons without fear of the choke attached to the wound. Look at the monsters in front of these wild beasts transformed into chickens.

"Damn it! It's that guy again, it's that guy again!" Tang Yuhai, who was waiting outside the city to pick up the fruits of victory at any time, now saw the battle situation change again and Chen Ye did it again. Calm, the face of the whole popular is livid, and the whole body is shaking.

Glancing at the defenders who rekindled their anger, Chen Ye

He didn't pay any attention to the monsters in the city any more, but swept his gaze outside the city.

"What does this guy want?" The Ape Demon outside the city looked at Chen Ye in surprise, wondering in his heart. He knew that Chen Ye was not weaker than himself, so he waited until Chen Ye went to deal with one of them. I took the opportunity to break the silver light curtain in front.

Bi Zhanglu

However, Chen Ye's face was cold, and he had already guessed the calculations of these guys.

Indeed, I am just a person, it is obviously impossible to defeat each one, so...

Chen Ye directly

Sex killed those dense monsters outside the city.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ye's eyes flashed golden light.The number of colorless crystals in the inventory is rapidly decreasing.

Colorless crystals are used as a substitute for physical strength and spirit.Then Chen Ye could consume as many colorless crystals as possible to release more powerful skills.

Finally, when the colorless crystals dropped sharply, Chen Ye stopped. He knew that this was already his limit, so if he continued.Skills will (Li Haohao) get out of control.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Ye's expression became sacred and solemn.

At the same time, Li

Above the clouds of Jiangshi, a huge golden beam of light quickly fell vertically towards Chen Ye.

Chen Ye was bathed in a beam of light, and after the golden light fell on the ground, it quickly spread to the surroundings like a flood.

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