Deep in the "King's Forest", there is a Magic Biological Sanctuary about an hour from the royal palace in the forest.

Nearly in the middle of the site, which appears perfectly in the woods, there is a management building with a bait storage, a rest space for workers, and an office to do administrative work.

The substantive director of the Magic Biological Sanctuary, Clinston, kept a daily report in the office that day. We will carefully record the state of the beasts that are currently protected with the familiar hand, their health, the contents of the food, and the amount of food eaten.

That's when it happened. Criston looks up when he hears a noisy noise from outside.

The sound of horses' hooves.

What? I didn't expect anyone to come today.

I thought something was going on and went outside the management building, and there was a wagon in front of me.

Karon is in the ladies' seat. The cargo bay also has the appearance of a tacket.

The horse is breathing roughly. He's in such a hurry.

Feeling a luxury, Criston walked up to the wagon.

"What's going on?

Looking at the carrier, there was something like a big box on top of the tacket. Besides, I wonder if I can't fall down because of the wagon shake. The box was securely fixed to the carrier by rope.

"Oh, Clinston. I need to see him for a minute."

While cutting the fixing rope with a knife, the tacket says.

Bringing it here means that the box contains the beast they've been protecting.

The three of us unload the box from the carrier. It was quite heavy. And for some reason, the crate itself was getting very hot.

When you open the lid of the wooden box, the heat starts pouring out.

"What is this?"

There was something like a large pot in the wooden box. The pot is covered with the same material and is further packed with cotton between the crate and the pot for fixation or insulation.

"Is there something like" Gripping the Pot "?"

"Oh, yeah. I have one."

Karon tells me that Criston is picking up a pot grab from the fireplace in the office. There is no kitchen for people here, so I use a fireplace to cook at night. It is used to remove pots and yakans from the fireplace.

Handing Karon the Grip of the Pot, he fitted it in his hand and carefully opened the lid of the pot.

A tingling heat rises, like when you approach a fire. The skin seemed to burn with a stinging heat.

The inside of the pot glowed very red at high temperatures. But if you look closely, there are red things inside, each in the form of a lizard.

In that case, Criston's eyes were nailed to the appearance of a rare beast.

"... Salamander"

Look, I knew right away. Definitely a salamander.

A magical beast, Salamander, who lives in lava that accumulates at the crater of a volcano.

It is a very rare beast that you rarely see because of its unusual habitat. However, Clinston has only seen the sole once before.

The memories of that time come to mind clearly.

The feelings at that time also came back together.

Unexpectedly, Criston raised his face and looked at Karon in front of him.

I don't know what he looked like, but he must have looked pathetic.

Karon took his gaze away from Criston and looked at the salamander in the pot with his ears flapping and his eyes bent.

"I've protected the salamander with this eruption of Mount Taurus. Once the eruption calms down, we will return to Mount Taurus. Until then, I want to keep these salamanders safe. And then..."

Karon points to the corner of the pot in a pale tone.

"There it is, one of them. It's the only thing that made my body feel cold in the sea."

The salamanders are bright red and yellow like lava itself, but only one. Only one person in the corner of the pot had a dull, dark color unlike the others.

Obviously, it can be seen that the body surface temperature is low.

Other individuals were actively moving up on each other's bodies, licking their faces with long tongues.

However, only that black individual's eyes are closed, and there is no sign of shrinking and moving at all.

Calm down, my heart beats loud.

It stopped moving. Pit, I can't move anymore. "

Your body temperature is getting colder and colder. A hard body. And finally, your first friend who broke into pieces and fell out of his palm.

Recently, many things have been forgotten.

The memories of what was supposed to have become faded are more and more vivid, overlapping with the scene in front of you.

"Clinston. Hey, Clinston!

As soon as I realized it, I saw Karon's face. He grabs my shoulders and shakes me.

"... Clinston. Are you okay?"

His golden eyes looked at us worriedly.

Criston managed to nod.

"Uh-huh. It's okay....."

Somehow my throat became dry.

From next time, it will be updated twice a week on Monday for a while.

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