Time to go back to the modern Magic Life Sanctuary.

Criston was stunned when he saw a pot brought in from a tacket and a caron.

Many salamanders protected in pots. There is only one in the corner of the pot, which is obviously of a different colour.

It was dark in color and stunned in the corner without moving.

"After I took a bath in the sea, the color got darker and darker.... I can't move anymore. I wonder if he's dead."

The bait says worried.

But Criston stared at the black salamander as if he hadn't heard anything.

Karon was regretting bringing the salamander here, in a state of constant agitation.

(I just have to ask someone else....)

I was beginning to think so, but I noticed that Criston was murmuring something while staring at the weakened salamander.

"No... I'm not dead. Salamanders should be shattered when they die. That's not true....."

The color of confusion and fear had already disappeared in the eyes of Criston, who raised his face. There lived a strong light.

"Karon, first, I want to warm up the salamanders as much as possible. I wonder if we can rent out a sealed baking kiln around King's Landing. Until we return the salamanders to Mount Taurus, if possible."

"Ah, ah. I don't mind."

Next, Criston tells the tacket.

"Taketo, will you ask Chante and Brigitta to gather the ingredients I say? I would like to try out all the medicines I can think of and keep warm for this weak salamander. After that, I'm sorry I just got back, but after that, I'd like you to take a little trip away with Ulu."


"I want you to get me the bait I specified. You haven't fed them anything since you protected them, have you?

Karon remembers that Clinton used to give the salamander pit a dead flesh fly and so on.

But now he seems to think it's not enough to feed.

"Uh-huh. I don't know what to eat. The island of Taurus hasn't been near since the Gungan eruption."

"Salamanders are thought to eat the fireworms that live around the crater. Fireworms must be in another volcano. I'll give you the map now. Can you find it?


Taketo would have just returned from the island to the capital and would be tired, without complaining and agreeing to two replies. And when I received a set of maps and other materials from Clinston, I got on the Ulu and left King's Landing immediately.

Karon visited several kiln workshops in King's Landing and finally found a workshop to take over.

It was a spare kiln in a major workshop that was only used when a large order was placed. It is located in the suburbs and I am not using it now, so I will lend it to the salamander.

An empty craftsman started setting fire to the kiln under the simplified roof. Using the Spirit of Fire Magic Stone borrowed from Grantor Marie, I gradually increased the temperature of the kiln.

After it was sufficiently warm, Criston put the salamanders in the kiln. The salamanders seem to be delighted when they come out of the tiny pot. It's moving around vigorously in the kiln.

But only that black salamander didn't change. Stay still and squat on the slate you put in the kiln. There is no change in color either.

If you open the kiln too many times, the temperature inside will drop, so I try to pull out the tablet with a metal bar to see how it goes every few hours while squeezing out the number of times. No matter how long it took, there was no change in the black salamander.

"After all, you can't just warm it up if it changes color so far...."

There, Brigitta and Chante arrive.

"Clinston! I brought it!

The basket they had in their hands contained everything that Clinton had designated.

"Thank you! I'd appreciate it if you put it on the workbench."

"Clinston, I can help you."

Karon, who was taught by the workshop artisan to adjust the temperature of the kiln, also asked Clinston the next instructions because the work had been completed.

"Ah, uh. Karon. Then help me make medicine with you. I want to make it easier for salamanders to absorb. I'm going to try out what ingredients to make and what formula to use, so I want you to prepare it downstairs."

On the workbench, bring out pharmaceutical tools such as bowls, scales, and distillation equipment brought from the Magic Biological Protection Park.

Salamander is a very unusual beast that lives in the lava of a volcano. As a result, there are many areas where the ecology is not well understood. Nevertheless, it seems that Clinston has been studying various literature on salamander, and from his experience in protecting a variety of reptile beasts, he has been studying salamander ecology as much as possible. This time, the material that was compiled was very useful.

Chante puts the basket of ingredients on the table.

I'll get Marie-san and the Spirit of Fire magic stone again.

Absolutely, it's going and coming.

I went out of the workshop again with Brigitta, who said so.

Meanwhile, a red-haired woman dressed in the uniform of a Knights superior appeared in the workshop.

"Whoa, whoa. It's lively."

I was Captain Varvara.

"I'm not eating anything because it's about you guys. Here, have a bite to eat and rest. Otherwise, I'll lose my body."

Her basket contained sandwiches wrapped in paper, cheese, and fruit. The cook at the royal palace made it for me.

The water bottle contained tea chilled with ice spirits.

Ice Spirits can only be filled with Magic Stones in winter, so summer is quite expensive. Apparently, they got it in the sheriff's pocket money.

Although the area near the kiln was virtually outdoors with a simple roof, it was always filled with hot air thanks to the kiln burning. Just being near the kiln causes sweat to erupt.

Cold drinks were very much appreciated.

"Salamander, are you there?

In addition, it's kind of more lively by showing her face to Queen Jen Grey in the workshop. Except for Karon and the Matrix, they don't seem to recognize Jen Grey as the Queen.

I don't usually dress up in front of people in the royal palace, but I dress up like a factory worker with no makeup and shirts and work pants, and I can't help it.

However, after a few days, the weakened salamander remained black and showed no signs of improvement.

Criston's agony and fatigue are getting stronger and stronger every day.

I tried a lot of medicine. Nevertheless, it was difficult to get it into my mouth in the first place. You should be hungry, but you can't put it in your mouth just by tasting it once in a while.

I tried to keep it warm in the kiln by putting it in a box of heated metal or on sand that is prone to heat, but none of it was very effective.

About a week has passed since I kept the salamander.

"I'm home. I finally got the fire bug."

Finally, the tacket came back. There are lots of red and burning feathers in the lidded container.

I took it apart and fed it to a weak salamander, but the moving fireworm was weak enough to eat on its own.

For that reason, I'll pick a firefly with a long stick and bring it to your mouth. Reptiles only eat live bait, but if they move it in front of their eyes, they sometimes eat it by mistaking it for live bait.

When I twitched the fire bug in front of the weak salamander's face, I finally caught it. But I was happy, but for a while, I was too weak to swallow well, and I threw up again immediately.

Put the rest of the fire bugs in the kiln and the other hungry salamanders will be well fed. I ate it all up in no time.

"You ate it. We may have to catch him again soon."

Looks like we're gonna need a lot of round-trips between the fire bug habitat and here.

I'm sorry about the takeoff here, Caron.

"It's okay, it's okay. Talk to Damien, the antique dealer. If you buy them regularly, they'll send someone to fetch fireworms using his messenger, Tsutsu."

Damien is probably the guy who runs an antique shop in the Philippine city. A few months ago, I caught him selling carbunkles. I knew Taketo was in frequent contact as an informant, but Karon wasn't happy because he was so sexy.

"You're not using people with scratches on their tires, are you?

If that were the case, it would be that someone at the Vulcan Poaching Control Office had given a profit to criminals. It's a big problem.

"I nailed it there. If you use someone like Matrix to catch you, they won't buy you, and they'll feed you to Kelpy. So I think it's okay."

Though it was completely intimidating, it was purely appreciated that a path for obtaining fireflies could be established.

Without such interaction with Karon, Criston was devoted to formulating the medicine. The salamander's favorite firefly wings and legs are taken and crushed, and the medicine is wrapped in gauze and extracted from the water, and then mixed into a dumpling.

As he approached the mouth of a weak salamander with the feeling of praying for it, the salamander carefully tasted the pellot and sole, and then opened his mouth small and ate the cup.

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