Something hit me hard in the back of the head, and the tacket groaned with pain.

"It hurts..." Jesus Christ!

I looked back immediately.

"Ah, is that...?

There was no one behind it. It's just a quiet forest.

I'm sure someone hit me hard in the head right now.

I turned around and there wasn't supposed to be any time to hide, but there was no sign of anyone behind it.

Oops, that's funny.

As he twisted his head, Tonyoshi, who was on his shoulder, kicked butterfly and tacket with his back leg.

"Your husband. That's it. That's it!


When Tonyoshi looked ahead with his hooves, something small floated about a meter higher than the head of the tacket.

"What is that? Gangbo?"

For a moment, I thought of that long leg and thin feathers, but the one flying in front of me was smaller and looked like a butterfly. Moreover, if you close your eyes carefully, the body part looks like a person, not an insect sole.

A small girl with long, fluffy, golden hair the size of a tacky thumb. Wearing a piece like a peach petal, she looked down at us while patting the semi-transparent feathers that had grown from her back.

"Ah, that? Are you Fairy?

Old Golem I met at the canal construction site a while ago. The appearance and shape of fairies born from fairy stones at that time are very similar.

The difference is that the fairy in front of her had a stick about three times her body length.

"Let her go!! Don't eat it!!

As she screamed, Fairy's girl shook her stick at the head of the tacket again. As Taketo grabbed the aluminum ragged again with his left arm, he stabbed the axe on the ground and squeezed his free right arm to protect his head.

"It hurts. Are you the one who just slapped me?

"Let's get out of here!! She's hurt and she's in trouble!

"Oh, already. Talk to me!

When the bait grabbed the stick with its right hand, it took it from the fairy girl and threw it away. Then Fairy's girl froze and hardened her eyes like an angry child.

"Heeeeeeeeeeee. I'm sorry, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing) I'm sorry, aluminaaaaaaaaa!"

and started crying one by one with a loud voice. It is loud for a small body.

"Ah, your husband made you cry."

"Eh, it's my fault!?

Somehow Tonyoshi teased me, and I scratched my cheeks with my fingers no matter what to do with the tacket.

Either way, it's this way that I've seen painful eyes. But for the time being, I had to figure out what was being misunderstood, and it was going to be troublesome later, so Taketo spoke to the fairy girl with his softest voice.

"Ah, you know... I'm not gonna bully this aluminum aluminum, am I?

"That's a lie. Humans eat aluminum raj. If you put it in a soup or something, it'll taste delicious. I'm sure you'll eat Rifa, too. Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn"

"Because I don't eat either!?

Anyway, how do you eat fairy aluminium, which seems fleshy? Whatever questions came to mind, anyway.

"I just thought I'd take care of this aluminum wound. I just have a good scratch pill at home."

My left arm alone supported Aluminum Large's body, so my arm got a little tired. So, when I changed a little, the aluminum in my arm burst out. The blood that comes out every time I move my leg behind my injury red stains my white hair.

"Oh, I'm sorry. The wound is damaged. Don't move that much. If you move, the excess bleeding... will you just stop it here?"

Unfortunately, I just came to look for firewood, so I don't have a cloth or anything that could stop the bleeding. It bothered me a little, but in the end, the tacket sucked on the sleeve of its shirt with its teeth, and suddenly slit it.

"Ah, Chante will be angry again."

"Hmm... I'll apologize later."

The cloth is quite valuable in this world, so the clothes are used carefully for more than a decade, and even when it gets worn out, it is used as a towel, and furthermore, the rags, the contents of the futon, mobile fuel, etc., so if you break the clothes, Chante won't look very good. But I don't think I can help it in this case. Besides, I think that the length of the left and right sleeves will change slightly and can still be worn.

The tacket tied the end of the torn shirt to the nail slightly above the wound on the leg behind the aluminum rag. Tongi and Fairy's girl looked at the situation strangely.

"Alright, I think this will almost eliminate blood. It hurts a little, but you have to be patient."

Alumina grew taller by sticking her face under the tacket's arm. It seems calm.

"Now you're all right?

"No, just to prevent the bleeding. If I don't go home, I won't be able to pay properly.... that's why I tried to take you home. Will you stop hitting me?

"Yeah, I got it! I'm sorry about earlier!

The fairy girl gently strokes the aluminum head and flies straight up, drawing a small circle around her. There was sparkle and golden scales on the trajectory she flew. The scales also pour over the aluminum lage that the tacket holds.

"Reefa, I'm not doing very well yet. I'll help you heal a little!

When I touched the scale, the pain in the back of the head of the tacket that was still a little tingling disappeared.

"Eh... this is amazing. Heal the wound?

Scale flour disappears like powdered snow that touches body temperature when you try to touch it with your hands.

Ehehe. With fairy powder. When the fairy king does, many animals and insects will be cured of all their illnesses and injuries. But Reefa isn't so good yet, so it only helps to get tired and heal a little faster. "

The fairy girl circled in the air embarrassed as she moped.

"Thank you. Thank you."

There's another fairy flying from the back of the woods. While breathing roughly, we were also holding a large, long object in our hands and flickering.

"Haha. Reefa. I've found something nice. Now you're gabbing on Mr. Almirage's leg... ah, that?

This is about the size of a referee, but it was a fairy of a chubby boy wearing orange shorts and brown chocks.

"Already, Jordan. It's too late. Almirage was saved by a big man there."

"Heh? Really? What the heck ~"

The fairy boy, who was called Jordan, relaxed his body with a stiff look on his face. As soon as it fell to the ground, something long in my hand stabbed me. If you look closely, the blade used for cutting cloth is long and sharp.

(I wonder what they were going to do with that trap....)

I'm glad it wasn't Rifa who had the scissors. If that's the case, I think I might have been stabbed instead of being hit with a stick from behind, and I'm scared inside. I can do it. If she were this leaf, she could do it.

"Um, I'm a bait. Greetings."

Cold sweat drifted down my spine.

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