After the "King's Room", Taketo, who was going down the stairs to return to the Magic Beast Poaching Control Office, ran into Chante, who held Tongi on his way.

"Ah, there was your husband!

When Tongi jumps out of Chante's arms, he taps up the stairs with his short legs and jumps into the tacket.

Taketo grabbed the bottle of wine that Jen had given him and stopped him from running.

"You finally woke up. You hungry?

"It's gone down. But I don't think it's time for everyone to eat.

Tongi pointed at Chante with his right front leg.

You know, before you went out to the King, you didn't have to rush to work, did you? And wondering, looking at Chante, she smiled back in trouble.

"Yes. Karon, who was investigating earlier, is back. That's why I was about to go get a tacket."

Down the stairs alongside Chante, Taketto asks.

"I'm sure Karon's been investigating some big poaching organization?

"Yeah, that's right. So the chief wants to ask you a favor."

When they returned to the office, they also saw Karon and Brigitta in front of the chief's desk in the back.


Standing in front of the commander, she narrowed her red eyes to be worthy.

"Yeah, I figured you'd be a good fit. Taketo, I need you to go away for a minute, okay?"

"Are you going away?

No matter what, I've been away from work many times before. Taketo wondered what he was going to say.

The air must have passed, the commander smiles bitterly.

"What I want you to do this time is an undercover investigation. I want you to go to a commercial city in the south-east called Grinade. Because it is troublesome to stand out, I will have Ulu leave. There is no backward support. Tonyoshi is also prominent, so I would like you to leave it, if possible."

The commander's words shook Tonyoshi's body in shock. Looking up at the tacket with a worrying voice.

"Am I supposed to go?

Taketo did not respond to Tonyoshi's words because the situation was still well grasped, and he told the commander back.

"But then I have to put the Spirit Gun down."

Tonyoshi... or rather, leaving a spiritual gun is quite delicate as a tacket.

"There shouldn't be any particular danger in this investigation. Unless you know who you are. It seems that there will be a massive illegal Magic Beast auction next month's New Moon night in Grinade. I want you to enter the auction as a participant and find out what organization you're hosting."

Caron will then take over the commander's words.

"The person leading the auction is Orlov Rocco. He used to trade in magic beasts and beasts and run illegal hunting facilities in the country. The Ziz incident, which took place about 15 years ago, destroyed the organization, but the remnants gathered together and started operating again a few years ago, but it was rapidly expanding in the underworld."

Always calm and calm, Kalon explained it in a fairer and less emotional voice than usual. As if he was trying to push his emotions to death, Taketo feels uncomfortable, but his explanation continues, so he focuses on the story.

"In the context of the rapid expansion of the organization, it is also possible that there are some supporters to back him up.... a nobleman, a lord of some sort, or a merchant. Until then, I couldn't investigate. [M] Any further investigation will be difficult as long as it does not get inside the organization. But I can't get mixed up as a guest. So, Taketo. I want to ask you."

His golden eyes stare straight down at the tacket. And Karon gave me the bundle of paper he had in his hand.

It was a bunch of old paper. Every piece of paper is filled with connecting characters.

"This is as long as the boy who was once captured by the organization remembers the evil he saw and heard there after being rescued. The boy struggled to learn the script."

Taketo put the wine bottle and tonyoshi in his hand on his desk and took a bunch of paper and rolled the page with a parallax. However, I saw the signature on the last page and my hand stopped.

Written in connecting letters, its signature is "The Criston Squart."

"... Clinston. Eh... that's it."

Karon nodded in surprise at Taketo's voice.

"Yes, it's that clinston at the Magic Biological Sanctuary. And this is what I wrote at the same time."

A few sheets of paper that were then handed over. It was neatly written with a few words, and there was a "Karon Squart" and a signature at the end.

"Squart is the family name of Commander Valvara. After we were protected from that facility, we were adopted into the sheriff's house."

"Eh... hey, sorry. I can't follow my head...."

I knew about Karon's real name because I had seen it carved into his "King's Degree."

But Commander Valvara and Clinston had the same family name, and they had no idea they were adoptive parents.

And it's all new to both of us, to this organization and to Orlov Rocco.

Karon says he's sorry for the confusion over the shocking facts.

"This organization and Orlov Rocco we've been looking into so far. Besides, I have a report on the Ziz case, so I'll show you everything later. That's why I need your help."

That said, Karon lowered his head to the tacket. The tacket is even more puzzled by that.

"No, because. He's a poacher and trader, isn't he?


Karon nods with his face up. Then it's decided to do it.

"No cooperation or anything. It's our job to catch them and make sure they don't commit criminal acts again, right?

To take it for granted, Karon loosened his stiff expression slightly.

That's right.

"Then I'll go. I'll do undercover or anything. Now let's catch them and put them in jail."

Taketo looked at the many reports written by Criston and Karon when they were boys in his hands. Characters that connect but are hard-working. Strong thoughts that can be felt from there. I don't want to waste the thoughts entrusted to me by them.

Karon laughs small at the words of Taketo.

"Yes, this time."

It was a voice of quiet but firm will.

At that time, Tonyoshi on the desk stepped out with his front legs on the tacket.

"I should go, too."

"Yeah, but... Because you stand out....."

"Then, I'll always be inside the Spirit Gun. Then your husband can keep the gun with him forever, right?

"... you didn't want to go back inside the Spirit Gun, did you?

Tongi was extremely reluctant to return until now, just because the spirit gun was dark, lonely and scary. Occasionally, when I use the power of spirits in large quantities or perform complex operations, I sometimes go back out as soon as I'm done with it.

Being outside the Spirit Gun makes it difficult to absorb the Spirit's power from the gun, making me tired and sleepy, but still stubbornly refusing to go back inside.

"I hate it more when you leave your husband alone."

Like a child who is about to be left behind, Tongi is desperately eating down. It's kind of a tease. Taketo gently stroked Tonyoshi's little head around his palm.

"Okay. If you're in a Spirit Gun, I'll take you with me."


Tonyoshi shook his short tail with joy.

Good for you, Tong.

That's what Chante said, and Tongi answered "ahh" with a bounced voice.

"Well, that's settled. The question is, how do we infiltrate the auction?"

According to the commander, the key infiltration method had not yet been decided, so he wanted to consult with Taketo, including there.

One month left until auction. I don't have much time to spare if I put in the travel time. In addition, I don't know when the next auction will be, so I'd like to infiltrate the nearest one if possible.

"Then I'll try to come up with something."

Taketo grabbed a bottle of wine from his desk.

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