The hall with the audience seat at the theater had a large circular shape. It's four stories long, and seats are lined up along the wall. The seats along the wall are covered with curtains that are invisible from the outside, apparently VIP seats.

The ceiling was very high and the big chandelier was down. There seem to be many magic stones of light in it, and the room is full of brightness. On the stage, the booklet was lowered, and from there, the audience seats were lined up with gentle slopes.

Taketo and Chante also sit on one of them. It was a straight front seat in the middle of the slope, with a good view of the stage.

When all the guests arrived at their seats, the light that was pouring down from the ceiling fluttered and darkened inside the hall. And with the sound of the bell, the notebook rises.

The stage is also made up of magic stones of light. It was lit up from below and above, and I could see it floating up in the dark hall.

On the stage filled with light, a man walks slowly from his sleeve and stands in the middle.

Your fat body began to bald a little. While his face was hidden in a mask, the man in his fifties and the vampire put his right hand on his chest and bowed his head respectfully towards the audience seat immediately raised his face and raised his voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming to the Chamber of Commerce auction today."

The voice echoed inside the hall and seemed to have reached the rear of the audience seat well.

That's Orlov Rocco.

Karon sitting in the back seat whispers over his shoulder. The tacket nodded small.

After the greeting, Rocco moves to the front seat and the moderator changes to the young man.

And the auction started.

The basic way of doing it is not very different from the auction method that Taketto knows.

The beasts are carried one by one from the sleeves of the stage to the top of the stage. After an auctioneering young man explained the beast to the audience, the seri began to appear on the spot. I raise my hand while saying the price of what I want to buy. Anything with a slightly higher value is the winner. The winning bidder will have the right to purchase the beast at that price.

The magic beast was listed in advance and distributed to prospective participants. Of course, Taketo saw it, but all of it was a magical beast whose trade and capture were forbidden by royal law.

The auctioneer man knocked the stage with a wooden hammer in his hand, and the monster seri that was out was finished. Then, the next beast is taken to the stage.

From the list given in advance, the beast Taketo wanted to win already had a star on it.

The purpose of this auction is not to crush it. Find out what Rocco's organization is behind it. To do this, it's quick for Rocco to think he's a good customer and like it. The best way to do this is to win the prize.

I really want to win all the magic beasts of the products that come out, but I can't say that because the budget is limited.

(I'm sorry... I'll figure out how to get the materials for this auction and prosecute all the winners...)

As he watched the next beasts on the stage, Taketo thought so.

Though I expected it, I could not say that I could see the state of the beasts in the merchandise.

Individuals that appear to be clearly weak. Individuals with painful and injured shackles and collar marks. Individuals with illness and poor nutritional status.

The tacket bit his back teeth.

It was the same in the original world. Many of the animals that were poached and transported from afar were in poor condition. That's right. They are pushed into narrow spaces without being able to speak up or move, and are transported in a hostile environment without being adequately fed or hydrated. In the bag. Inside the pet bottle. In the furniture. It's like a thing.

If you stay in that state for a long time, many will die.

That was true even in that world.

This is a similar thing, and I can see more malicious than that.

Even the beast is a corpse, and there are many things worth using as materials, medicines, and jewelry. I'm lucky to be alive. Even if he dies, it's worth it. Under such an idea, the surviving individuals attacked and massacred by each flock are transported in malicious conditions in carriages and boats for long periods of time.

If you become a big beast, it is difficult to treat humans in a healthy state. When this happens, it is also possible to deliberately carry it by hurting and weakening it.

Seeing the horrible beasts coming in front of her one after the other, Taketo unknowingly held his fist "Kobushi" with his hands placed on his lap.

I want to beat up those auctioneers, Rocco, and all the guests here right now. I want to smash down this stupid competition right now. I can't forgive those who hurt the beasts for their enjoyment, pleasure, and satisfaction, and even find pleasure in it. I can't let him go. If we let them go, the Beasts will attack us one after the other. The number of beasts with miserable eyes continues to increase.

Crush it. Destroy it before it does.

Do the same thing they did to the Beast.

I was about to be driven by such an impulse. I squeezed my hand on my lap so hard that it would turn white. Your fist feels soft and fluffy.

Looking at the side, Chante lay her hand over the hand of the tacket. Her little hand gently grips the tackle's fist. She was staring at the bait from behind the mask. Shot by the blue eyes that excelled in their pity and intense light, Taketto remembered his role and what to do now.


I realized that I was at a dangerous boundary, and my heart, which was rough inside the tacket, was like being bathed in cold water.

(... sorry)

Yes, we must act in accordance with the law. Moving with emotion and passion means crashing into the same place as criminals.

It is the organization that must be crushed. It is not their job to judge people.

And now we have to keep pretending to be customers in order to unleash the presence of the larger organization behind us.

Taketo nodded loudly to Chante.

(It's okay now. Thank you)

As she smiled a little, her straight mouth, which appeared under the mask, also relaxed as if it were a soft smile.

The auctioneer calls the name of the beast that is called on the next line.

"Now, please wait. Next, finally, the ball of sight. A rare beast that rarely appears on the market. It's Pegasus!"

When a bright white horse-shaped demon beast pulled up on the stage, cheers leaked from all over the audience seat.

A white and beautiful white horse. From his back, a large white wing stretched out.

Despite the extremely low number of witnesses in recent years, it has a high popularity and visibility due to the divinity of its appearance. Even stripping is a beast that is traded at an extremely high price and is said to have a high asset value. It was Pegasus.

That was the product that was expected to be the most expensive today, and it was the beast that the tackets were aiming to win the bid.

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