It was a lightly cloudy day.

Just after noon today, Taketo was going to be a customer at the store of Rocco, the don of the magical beast trafficking syndicate.

Taketo, Shantae and his attendant Karon are going to a city in the southeastern part of the kingdom that they were told in advance to go to Hazzle. Taketo is wearing the same clothes he wore at the auction today. Shante had borrowed a comfortable, below-the-knee length dress from Marie.

When we arrived at the designated location, a carriage was already waiting for us, even though we arrived an hour earlier than the designated time.

As we got into the carriage, I asked him how long it would take to get to the "store," but he gave me no answer, only a vague smile. I'm sure he's been ordered not to answer.

At first glance, the carriage had the humble appearance of a stagecoach, but the interior was lavishly decorated with velvet-covered, fluffy seats. This may have been a device to avoid offending rich guests while at the same time keeping them out of sight from the outside.

It is clear from Karon's corroboration investigation that the store that Rocco is running is the base for the illegal sale of magical beasts and beastmen, and he allows his superiors to use the magical beasts that he sells to hunt them.

Moreover, since the store has know-how in the poaching and distribution of magical beasts, it is known that the smuggling network of magical beasts is spreading all over the kingdom centered around this store.

The search for the main store and the capture of Rocco, the main culprit, was essential to uncovering and destroying the route of the magical beast trafficking.

I'm sure you'll find that the location of the store was roughly described in the introduction letter I received before, but the target area was quite large. So, based on this information, with the help of knights, soldiers and local lords, I did a quick search, and as a result, I found a building that I thought was Rocco's store.

It is said to be standing quietly in the wilderness.

However, prior investigation had failed to confirm the fact that a magical beast was being held there from the outside. There are no magical beasts trapped in the cages placed outside the building like the old Rocco's store where Karon used to spend his childhood. However, it has been confirmed that magical beasts are being carried out of the building. That means they must be hiding the magical beasts somewhere.

Therefore, first of all, Taketo and the others will visit the store as guests, and if they can confirm the existence of the magical beasts, they will give a signal. Waiting for the signal, the knights and other summoned soldiers are supposed to raid the building, capture the people involved, protect the magical beasts, and confiscate the evidence and ledgers.

The carriage in which Taketo and his team rode continued to ride for quite a distance. Outside the window, the desolate land continued to be the same as before. It is said that the land around here is half deserted, where crops do not grow easily. Hence, the places away from the oasis and the river had become barren, where no one would stop by.

However, the distance between the city and Rocco's store should not be so great that you have to take a carriage ride for hours to get to it, but is that so that the location of the store is not easily known even to the guests? From the vibrations I felt in my body, I could tell that the carriage was changing direction many times and going the long way.

The carriage could arrive at its destination at any moment. If you stay silent, you will feel heavier and heavier with tension. Taketo took his eyes off the window and turned his attention to the interior of the car.

Karon, sitting face to face in the seat across from him, has been reading a book. Even though it's less swaying than other carriages, I can't help but wonder how she can continue to read such small letters in the carriage. If it were me, I would definitely get car sickness before I could even get enough.

Next to Karon was his bag. It has a big mouth like a doctor's bag. There was Tonkichi in it. I thought he would soon get bored and come out of the bag, but seeing that he didn't make a single noise, he might be taking a nap.

Taketo looked at Chanthe sitting next to him.

That day. Ever since he confessed his feelings to her, their relationship has progressed rapidly! It's just that the usual routine has returned. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make the most of your time with us. Maybe it's not just because of Taketo's imagination.

You should be aware of the fact that you may not be able to get away from the fact that you are not able to get away from the fact that you are not able to get away from the fact that you are not able to get away from the fact that you are not able to get away from the fact that you are not able to get away from the fact that you are not able to get away from the fact that you are not able to get away with it.

Shante was quietly looking out the window. When she looked at her, she saw her hand on her knee, squeezed tightly. She must be nervous, too.

It was the same for Taketo. It's not a bad idea to have a good time, but it's not a bad idea to have a good time. The success or failure of this operation depended on the shoulders of Taketo and the others. It's a role that can't fail, and it's also the most dangerous. Tensions are understandably high as the "store" gets closer and closer.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

Shanté looks at you in surprise, but as soon as she makes eye contact with Taketo, she gives you a soft smile. Taketo naturally smiled back at me, when Karon, sitting across from me, cleared her throat with a cough.

'Please don't make out in front of people,'

Without lifting his gaze from the book, Karon said coldly, "Karon, you just didn't look at me.

"Karon, you just didn't look at me. ......

I can see it.

Shante watched their exchange with a chuckle of amusement.

I'm relieved that the tense atmosphere seems to have eased somewhat.

I'm relieved. I also bought this yesterday when I went to the market to do some shopping. I thought you might be hungry on the way.

Taketo rummaged through his pockets and the object he wanted immediately touched his fingers. When he tried to pull it out, the colorful magical stones that he had shoved in his pocket also fell apart and scattered on the floor.

"Oh, shit,

I hurriedly picked it up and shoved it haphazardly into my pocket and showed Shante what I pulled out earlier.

It was two bars wrapped in thin paper. When you open the wrapper of one of the bars, something that looks like a cereal bar is revealed inside.

It is made of grains such as fried and crushed barley, mixed with nuts and dried fruits and set with honey.

Since I was in the other world, I often bought these bars of cookies or cereal bars at the convenience store to fill my stomach when I was hungry. So when I saw them on the market after payday, I couldn't resist buying them.

Sugar is precious in this world, so a cereal bar with the sweetness of honey or dried fruits is a valuable sweet and portable food for the average person.

"Do you like sweets, Chanté?

I hand Shante the wrapping paper still wrapped around it.

Thank you. But ...... is a little too much for my taste right now, so I'll eat it later. I'll eat it later.

With that, Shante carefully tucked the cereal bar Taketo had given him into his handbag. I asked Kalon if he was there, but he just glanced up at me and said no, "No, I don't really like those things on my teeth," he said.

Taketo looks out the window as he bites into a cereal bar by himself. Then the carriage slowly stopped moving before he could finish the whole thing. Taketo hurriedly swallowed his mouthful and wrapped the rest in paper again, shoving it into his pants pocket.

'We're here,'

With a slam, Karon closed the book. From the window, you can see a single-story square building with a color similar to the desolate land.

It seems that we have finally arrived at our destination, Rocco's "store".

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