Only Taketo and Tonyoshi remain in the underground space.

Beyond the hinged tilted door, there is a giant earthen dragon like a fortress.


A low and intense roar of the dragon swayed the entire space.

"What do we do?

Tonyoshi on his shoulder asked.The tacket pulls the spirit-gun cylinder sideways.When I finished using it, I put the magic stone that had returned to the black color on my palm and put it in my pocket.Instead, remove all the magic stones in your pockets.

"Hey, I'd like to keep the temperature in that space as low as I can.Which magic stone do you think I should use?There are three Snow Magic Stones.And water and fire and wind.Don't you need a fire now? "

Fortunately, it was winter now.The area around Wang Dynasty is relatively warm, so it seems that it won't snow even in winter, but the mountains are different.The other day I climbed up near the summit of the mountain near King's Landing with Ulu and soaked the snow piled there to replenish the Spirit of Snow with Magic Stones.

Tonyoshi roared at Taketo's question.

"The best thing is to use a lot of snow spirits.But if there are only three, you can mix the snow and wind spirits.And with water, it's even more powerful.Because snow and water go well together.It freezes the water with the power of snow. "

"There's still plenty of water.All right, let's go. "

Taketo loaded the Spirit Gun cylinder with three Snow Magic Stones and water and wind one by one.In addition, sharpen the remaining water magic stone into the right hand fin.

As Taketo gripped the Spirit Gun, he walked under the tilted door and into the underground space.

The Earth Dragon soon noticed the intrusion of the Tacket.When the huge body had crushed eyes and caught the bait, the size of the bamboo was surprisingly quick to move with a fat tail.The tail is swinging down toward the barrel.The tacket rolled sideways and managed to avoid the tail, but the area where the tacket had been was deeply fed by the floor.

Even a blow like that can easily crush a human.Besides, if we let those attacks happen again and again, we'll lose this underground space.Eventually, this place will collapse.

Before the tacket escaped, the earth dragon now turned its mouth wide open.


If poison is thrown up in a confined space like this, it won't hold up.

One or eight, the tacket stepped on its feet without fleeing and pointed its muzzle at the ground dragon.

"It's going to blow up the whole space!

Got it!

Shortly before the earth dragon exhaled the brace, the tacket continued to pull the trigger.

The Spirit of Snow, and then the Spirit of Water, rushed out of the muzzle and hit the face of the Earth Dragon.The spirits, who seemed to be spraying, began to form white and blue bands and circle around the earth dragon.The speed gradually accelerated, and the two colors blended and grew bigger.

Taketo pulled out the spirit-gun cylinder and turned down, dumping the used magic stone on the floor.I usually collect the used magic stones, but I can't afford to do that now.Loaded all the water magic stones in my right hand and immediately threw them at the ground dragon.

Earth Dragons shake their bodies and pay with their tails to shake off spirits flying around, but spirits quickly spray away to avoid tail attacks.And when they gather again, they begin to circle around the glue and earth dragons, along with the spirits of added water.

The movement gradually accelerates, and the more you accelerate, the more white snow you get.The Blizzard-like spirits quickly covered up the earth dragon and began to fill the entire space.

"Taketo! We're getting away too!Stay like this or you'll get caught!

"I know."

Snow builds up in the body of the tacket.My whole body is completely white. Tonyoshi looked like a white ball.

The tacket ran towards the door that had just come in.The temperatures are already starting to wane.As if you were in a snowy snowy mountain, you have poor vision.Still, I managed to find the door and evacuate to the other side.

Hiding behind the door, the tacket breathes relief.

I wish I could close the door, but unfortunately the door is broken and won't close.Still, it was much better than being in the underground space, which was becoming like that snowy snowy mountain.

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