After a brief invitation, Taketo took Kenneth's parents out of the house and told them not to hear Kenneth.

"Kenneth, do you have any idea why you're saying that?

Kenneth's parents look at each other and his mother opens her mouth.

According to her, when Kenneth first started talking about seeing Forest Cat, the villagers liked the idea that there might be a legendary beast nearby that was also said to be the use of God.

However, the rumor spread out to the outside of the village, and many people came from afar to listen to the story, and inside came those who trapped themselves in the woods in an attempt to catch them. When the trap injured the livestock owned by the villagers, some villagers neglected to think about Kenneth, shouted that he had been brought into trouble, and rumored bad things such as lying.

From that time onwards, Kenneth became more inclined to shut himself up in the room than ever before, and gradually began to say, "I didn't see it," "it was all my own making up."

I wonder how much that hurt the little boy's heart, and the tacket makes me uncomfortable. This is such a small village. There would have been no escape for him but in this house. Fortunately, his parents seemed to be watching him gently, worried about him, so that was the only salvation.

(I don't think this investigation is possible.....)

It was the first time I felt like it was thin, but it was troublesome that I couldn't report anything even though I came to the site. At least I wanted to hear from Kenneth's parents about Forest Cat, and when I asked them to talk about anything, my father spoke to me in a more modest way.

Kenneth, whose body is weak, was originally prone to confinement in the house. Recently, however, on warm weather days, a wooden job took Kenneth out to the woods. Probably when Kenneth saw Forest Cat. And then he started going into the woods alone, but nobody knew where he was going more than he told me.

"Now, where did you take Kenneth? We'll go and have a look."

No, I don't think Forest Cat still exists in that location, but if you go to a location that is thought to be an encounter, it will be easier to predict the soil and food that Forest Cat prefers.

Taketos dropped the point they were told into the map and thanked Kenneth for leaving his house behind.

On that day, I asked the village chief to stay at his house, and the next day, I decided to take a ride into the woods and focus on the place I dropped on the map yesterday.

Tong, when I stepped out of the wool, the smell that touched my nose slowly drifted into the wind. Ulu is distracted somewhere. I wonder if it is a bad scent for Fenrir.

There are many medium-sized leafy bushes beneath tall trees, and even large wools of the body seem to be easily mistaken.

"I wonder what that smell is."

Chante also noticed the smell and looked around.

The bait snorted while scratching apart the leaves of the tree.

Maybe this is it.

I touched a leafy vine wrapped around a nearby tree with my hands. When I put my finger close to my nose, I felt a strong smell of the same shine. It smells like a combination of Matatabi and mint. Indeed, this may smell like cat creatures.

Cats are often said to like snails in Japan, but in the West, catnips, also known as dog hackers, are a classic of cat favorite scents. This smells like a combination of both. I can see that this will attract Forest Cat. I don't think I will eat just the smell I like.

When the vine was slightly cut as a sample, it was wrapped in cloth and put in a bag.

I checked the area for a while, but after sharpening my nails, I couldn't find shit or hair.

"I guess I should have brought him here, Clinston."

The tacket scratches his head. I think I have some knowledge of living things, but the ecology of the Magic Beast is not far from Criston at the Magic Life Sanctuary.

Hmm. I don't think I could have asked for it right now. "

"What? Why? Another job?

Chante nods to Taketo's words.

"Clinton's wife says she's going to have a baby soon."

"... yeah!? Was he married!?

Taketo was deeply surprised to think of Clinston, who always wore tuna and worked at the Magic Biological Sanctuary.

"... I thought he was only interested in magical creatures. You were interested in women."

"Taketo, I think that's very rude."

Chante with her hands on her hips and her face swollen.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. With... Wow, I'm shocked. I thought he was one of us."

That's just what I thought. But if your wife is aware, it's not much of a job. In a world where caesarean sections are unlikely, it is unlikely that both mother and child will be safe. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to get anything because I was worried. I don't have any plans like that. With that in mind, Chante said something even more shocking.

"The children upstairs at Clinston are still young, and there are about five of them. It must be hard to take care of them."

"How many children are there!?

Kokun and Chante nodded.

"I'm very close to your wife."

I don't think it depends on how you look. Something about Clinston suddenly seemed far away. I feel like stroking myself, too.

When I thought about it, Chante murmured "I like it" somewhere dreamy. Put your hands behind your back and smile with a faint smile.

"I wish I could always be a good couple with my husband like that."

With that smile, Taketo's heart is about to be shot through. The beating beat jumped out loudly in my chest. But I didn't want to be noticed, and the tacket panicked out of sight.

"Chante will be fine."

Yes, I gave it back quickly. Young Chante, who is still in her late teens, will have plenty of opportunities to meet such ideal opponents. It's not that I don't want it to be me, but I whisper in my heart that it might be too much hope. Yeah, I know. I know very well that I am not that attractive to the opposite sex. That's why

"I'm sure you'll find a good husband."

I thought about Chante and gave it back, but Chante kind of raised her eyebrows with dissatisfaction. She suddenly shuts her mouth as the fun has turned around.

(Did I tell you to come first...? I don't know what to say... uhh... difficult...)

Somehow the awkward air flows. I don't know what to do or what was the best solution. But it was more awkward to stand still, so Taketo resumed the investigation for now.

After that, we silently encouraged each other to work without engaging in conversations other than those related to work, and when we were going around some spots and checking the water field, the sky only began to turn red.

As the wind blows through the trees, the bamboo tacket trembles and holds it with its arms. Since the temperature had dropped considerably, Chante nodded that it was time to go back to the village. Let's investigate the woods on the other side of the village that we couldn't find today, and if we can't find anything new, let's go back to King's Landing.

When I arrived at the village where the sun began to set, an unfamiliar carriage stopped at the entrance to the village. Around it, several horses are eating grass. As he was heading to the village chief's house with a little concern, he saw several people arguing in front of one house. That's Kenneth's house.

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