The tacket carried a metal cylinder of about the size of a handball on its shoulder. A heavy weight swallows your shoulders. I tried to hold it on my shoulders, but this is a rocket launcher in its original shape.


Because the center of gravity of the cylinder was biased backwards, when it was slightly out of balance, it was pulled and almost fell from the back, but the weight of the cylinder became slightly lighter on the brink of flipping.

"Are you okay?

Turning around, the beast Karon supported me with one hand.

(One hand...)

When you look at the Karon that lightly supports the weight you are about to flip over with one hand, you can feel the difference that you can never exceed with your arms and muscles.

"Ah, thank you... now, let's go for it"

When the tacket regains its attention and grips the grip, it leans against the barrel and meditates with one eye.

I didn't know how to aim it because it didn't have a sight or anything on it, but I usually remember how I felt when I used a Spirit Gun, and this is what it was like. He pointed his muzzle at Golem, relying on his instincts.

"Shoot with a strong image of catching a Spirit Gun."

"I know."

The Golem doesn't seem to be moving at all, even with the gun pointed at it. However, I can't be alarmed when I remember the speed and power of the counterattack earlier.


At the same time as pulling the trigger, the impulse pulled back and a light burst sound echoed.

Something big jumped out of the muzzle and flew straight towards the Golem.

It's a net.

It's very similar to the net that the tacket was caught with Forest Cat.

It is made of special plants, and magic stones containing spirits are sewn into various places. The net shrinks as soon as it is entangled in the prey, and the net itself encloses the prey.

As the net approached Golem, the object, it spread as if it had the will to open its fist.

Until then, the Golem that had not moved slightly also moved. When the rotten and red eyes emitted dull light, the Golem came forward, leaving behind a remnant of the light. Once again, Golem stretches out his left hand and grabs the net.

But as soon as the net touched the golem, it began to close rapidly. Wrapped around the arms of the golem and wrapped around the upper body.

In the meantime, Chante loaded the barrel with the next bullet from behind.

The clicking sound of the bullet fitting. As soon as Chante releases his hand, Taketo releases the next bullet.

The net was now entangled in the lower body of the Golem. Golem tried to get out a step earlier, but his legs were caught by a entangled net and he lost his posture.

The giant falls and the earth shakes. Along with the winding up of sand and smoke, it was also passed on to the tackets, which were distanced from the vibrations of the earth.

"Did the capture succeed...?

The tacket closed its eyes to prevent the jumping sand from entering.

"Next time, I loaded it."

Chante's voice.


The tacket pulls the third trigger. The third net was wrapped around a fallen Golem that could not move, and covered the giant body.

Literally, it's a geese script called "Ganjira."

"Successful capture...?

"If it's a linear beast, I can't move until this far....."

Karon said that Golems could not move as they rolled to the ground like potatoes.

... but...

Bad noises can also reach the bait's ears. That must be the sound of the Golem trying to pull the net from the inside.

"I've been caught in that net before, but even Forest Cat's adult cat couldn't stand a tooth.... but..."

I heard a crack in the web.

"Ahh... after all, the power of the Golem isn't half as strong."

Golem ripped off the three-tiered web with one hand. Golems emerge from between the broken nets. Something tangled with my leg was easily peeled off.

"Now, let's evacuate!

Without a word from Brigitta, the tackles flee the scene at full speed. Because I was warned that they would attack us again.


"Ah, is that...? I won't come this time."

Chante is right. This time, as before, I didn't see Dosudos chasing me with the sound of the earth.


When he stopped and looked back, Golem finished his mesh and sat down again like a battery-dead robot to stop moving.

"Maybe we were too far apart. Apparently, that Golem doesn't want to leave the area."

Golems who don't try to get away from the area as if they're protecting something. However, I imagine that if there is a ruin behind it, 'I will protect it', but it is in the middle of a rough earth where only grass grows neglectfully.

"I wonder..."

After all, it's broken and malfunctioning... that's how it looks. But something catches me. Such a nasty thing was born in the tucket.

Taketo was observing the Golem in silence for a while, but Karon quickly began to prepare his next hand. I thought I was embarrassing myself by opening that big backpack, and I took something else out and handed it over to the tacket.

"Come on, if the Net operation doesn't work, Would you like to go now?"

I was given a thinner one than before, but this is also a cylinder. After all, it seems to fly something. I don't want to get as close as I can.

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