Three days have passed since the dimensional hole opened. All the while we waited patiently, but nothing came out of the hole.

“Maybe he wants us to come inside?”

It was Howard’s opinion. It was a story with a possibility, but would you go into it knowing what was in it?

If he was going to fight anyway, that wasn’t a bad way to go, but the problem was the possibility that he might not be able to come back.

“Can’t we close the hole?”

This was Argin’s opinion. This seemed feasible, so I tried it. I tried to attack what was assumed to be a dimensional hole using space cutting. The result was a failure.

Afterwards, Argin, Shark, and Setas each tried their own attacks and attacked at the same time, but nothing changed in the dimensional hole.

It was a question of what would come out of this, but there were other issues as well. This is not the territory of the Aether Empire.

And as it is a passage connecting the east and west continents, it is also a place with a very large floating population. A lot of people are watching us.


I made an inevitable decision. Waiting time was too long. If something happens, come back then. It might do a little more damage, but that’s part of the deal. There was no guarantee that something would come out of there.

After moving everyone to the Akasha estate, I went to look for Shark separately. There was one last thing to check.

“What are you doing?”

Shark was making a puzzled face when he saw me who had suddenly come to see me. I took out Mistiltein from subspace and handed it over.

Shaq is last. Rena, one of the two supposed owners of Mistiltein, had been given a rat some time ago.

I thought in my heart that Lena, who is related to the World Tree, might be the owner of Mistiltein. But nothing happened when Lena held Mistiltein. And Lena herself didn’t seem to feel anything.

Mistiltein’s color changed the moment Shark grabbed Mistiltein after handing it over.

If it wasn’t different from an ordinary tree branch so far, it’s starting to turn into a beautiful silver color. I’ve given Mistiltein to quite a few people so far, but this is the first time this change has occurred. Clearly, Shaq was Mistiltein’s master.

I told Shaq about Mistiltein.

“Is this such a great thing?”

“Yes, it can only be used once, so use it well.”

“All right. I will keep that in mind.”

Shaq captured Mistiltein with a heavy expression. He seemed to feel the weight of his work.

But why did he hand over Mistiltein so late? It’s still a bit fast. No matter how high the level is, Shaq is only 15 years old now. It is time for other boys of the same age to run and play with their friends in the mountains and rivers.

Of course, I couldn’t wait any longer, so I had no choice but to hand over Mistiltein, but I wondered if I was putting too much of a burden on a child who was still young.

And I immediately found the Great Labyrinth. Now, without even Bastet, the only person who can answer the hole in that dimension is Drakan.

After telling everyone that I was going to meet Drakan, I entered the Great Labyrinth.

The front of the Great Labyrinth was a great success with many people still unaware of what had happened in this world.

I went inside without hesitation. I don’t know what will happen while I’m away, so I have to shorten the time even a little bit. sped up more.

However, even though it was far past the point where I always met Drakan, the empty lot where Drakan was located did not appear. Just in case, I went back and waited at that spot.

And I went even deeper. But nothing changed. This means that Drakan won’t meet me, or it’s a situation where he can’t meet me.

After thinking for a while, the moment I was about to get out of the great labyrinth, the sight in front of me changed. And in front of my eyes, thousands of people were crowded and buzzing. All of them were forcibly ejected from the Great Labyrinth. And the entrance to the Great Labyrinth had disappeared. it is completely closed

It was not a good thing that something like this had happened in the Great Labyrinth. While entering the Great Labyrinth, the disconnected alter egos were reconnected and accepted incoming information.

Things finally happened. Numerous things were pouring out of the dimensional hole. They were the first things I had ever seen that looked like beasts or beasts.

The outpourings were destroying everything nearby. It seemed that he had no intention of leaving a single tree or even a single blade of grass behind, let alone humans and animals.

I immediately went back to the Akasha estate and gathered my colleagues again and moved in front of the dimensional hole. As soon as they arrived, a battle began with the beings from the other world.

The battle itself was overwhelming. The enemies that came out of the hole weren’t very strong. Of course, that is our standard.

The strength of the enemies was about that of the monsters at the entrance of the Dragon Mountains or the Great Forest. Even that much is difficult to deal with with a normal army. And the thing that endlessly pops out of that hole is that you don’t know when it will stop.

He dealt with enemies and absorbed their souls. And I was sure. These are the things Utuka sent. If it was a soul-type enemy like Jin last time, it would have been easy, but I didn’t see anything similar to Jin, perhaps because I figured out that the soul-type enemy only helped me in the last fight.

Just in case, Shaq and Howard were not allowed to participate in the battle. They have to act when the real thing comes out.

Argin, Setas, and I took turns clearing out the enemies. That’s how I’ve already killed tens of thousands of enemies.

The corpses piled up like a mountain, and the blue blood that flowed from the corpses flowed like a stream. There is no end to this

No matter how strong we are, we can’t deal with all the enemies that come out like this endlessly.

I sat back and discussed with my colleagues while taking a break. Various opinions came out, but in the end, we couldn’t stay here forever.

“Anyway, the army of the Propene Empire will arrive in a little while. When that time comes, we will step back.”

Clearly, this is the territory of another country. The current owner of this place is the Propene Empire. The Propene Empire is not a weak country either, and an army is stationed nearby. Merchants passing through this place suffered great damage, so the army will come as soon as they hear the news. Of course, it is questionable whether they can stop this place.

no you can’t stop it If the army of the Propene Empire broke through and enemies invaded the continent, many people would die.

[stupid things]

It was the first time I’d heard the sound of being stupid. Bastet, who had not been seen for a while, was sitting on top of Setas’ head and looking at us with a lofty attitude.

“Do you have anything to say?”

[Someone told me you don’t have to do everything]

That’s it. I know very well. That’s why he doesn’t move even though he usually sees a lot of things.

A government official who is falsely accused and killed, a merchant who is attacked by bandits, an old prostitute who starves to death in a back alley, an aristocrat who is stabbed to death by her son, etc. I have always seen and am seeing many things. But you can’t save everyone. It has been realized over a long period of time.

Will there be anything different about this time? Utuka hasn’t come out yet, let alone Utuka’s main unit. If you are preparing for that time, it might be right to step back. Still, I want to save at least one more person. It is a natural thought as a human being.

“Who will stay here?”

I’d like to hear your opinion first, as there may be other people with different opinions.

“If you allow me, I would like to stay.”

It was Argin. Although he is a noble of the empire, he has already traveled to many countries for several years and is the author of the legend of the sword god, so even in the propene empire that needs help, he will not be able to refuse.

“If Master stays, I want to stay too.”

Shaq also said he would stay. Two people should be able to block it for a while.

“Shaq, you have to be careful. It’s a big deal if you get hurt.”

To be honest, I didn’t want to leave Shaq here. However, the heart that did not want to break Shaq’s will was bigger.

“Argin takes care of himself, and I will tell Violetta well.”

Argin smiled broadly without answering. Perhaps the purpose was to escape this bastard, Violetta. I’ll tell Violetta well, but I’ll have to tell Eltis.

Leaving the two of us behind, we returned to where we were supposed to be. Howard seemed to have a lot on his mind from before.

“I will quickly finish my research on the phase dimension. It seems there is no answer other than to overwrite it or close the hole.”

Setas returned to the lab. Immediately after we left, the Propen Empire’s garrison rushed in and joined forces with Argin and Shaq to begin the battle. Of course, almost all of the battles were being done by Argin and Shaq, and the Profen garrison was only a supporting role.

I immediately went to William and reported on the abnormality that appeared in the Propene Empire. It was also said that Argin and Shaq were left there.

But William seemed to think that this was no big deal. It obviously happened in a foreign country, and it seemed that they didn’t like that Argin and Shark participated there. I have stressed the seriousness of this matter several times.

“The Propene Empire may collapse. No, most likely. Then it is the turn of the Aether Empire.”

“You mean that much? Even though the Duke of Tempest and his apprentice are there?”

“Argin and Shaq will buy us time to prepare. If the enemy’s main force comes out before then, that might be difficult too. We must prepare immediately.”

Of course, you may be able to block it by being prepared. But the damage can be reduced.

“Neighboring countries must also be warned. Millions, even tens of millions of lives are at stake.”

William still seemed dubious, but followed my wishes. William declared a state of emergency and summoned his ministers. We have already started to make preparations based on the information received from the intelligence department.

All neighboring countries were also notified of the danger of the situation, at least in a formal way. Of course, it was insufficient in my opinion, but it would be better than doing nothing. Even if the emperor of the empire moved to this extent, many things would change.

I went to the headquarters of the Divinity Church and met another saint, Angour. In the meantime, we exchanged letters through correspondence, but it was a really long time since we met Anger.

Anger, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time, had clearly become middle-aged. However, the features of his youth remained on his face.

“long time no see. Brother”

Its unique affinity was still there.

“Do you know why I came?”

I know that Angour received an oracle a while ago. No one but Angour knows what Junon said, but it must have something to do with this situation.

“I heard his will. He told his brother to cooperate.”

“Is that the end?”

From noble mtl dot com.

I thought there might be something that could help with this situation. In any case, it would be of great help if the church actively moves.

Argin and Shaq were still defending against the West Continent by collaborating with the army of the Propene Empire, but considerable damage was already occurring in the East Continent.

The fortunate thing was that many mercenaries and adventurers who were concentrated in the Great Labyrinth were forcibly ejected and as the Great Labyrinth closed, they had nowhere to go and were moving towards the hole in the dimension.

“Hmm, that was something else…”

Anger blurted out his words. I started to feel afraid because Junon said something strange again.

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