I Became A System

Chapter 150 - A Dwarf

"How did you think of this? It's amazing..." the artisan said as soon as he read the initial blueprint of the gun I wanted to be made.

He was a dwarf and might have been the only dwarf in the HQ. His beard was braided and he was at least 5 feet tall. Not the shortest height I've ever thought a dwarf should be.

I don't need to pay attention to his features. What I need is his talents, and right now, I am aware that he is talented. 

Just after showing the initial plan, he already knew the purpose of it. Maybe he also speculated on the final output of the plan, but couldn't comprehend the full use of it.

Verxal was silent and just looked at Ellena with a puzzled look. Well, he might be thinking that Ellena wasn't the type of person who is into creation.

"Where did you get this, missy?" the artisan asked.

"It's from someone who bears concern for me," Ellena said with a mysterious smile.

Fortunately, we arrived at a workshop here in the HQ without any problem. Well, it's impossible for an outsider to request something, so it was a request from Verxal on paper.

"Well, I can't ask you more about it, I'll just make this. Can I ask to keep some of the plan?"

What a shameless man. But he still can't make use of it anyway. I made it look like a normal gun, but in reality, it wasn't as simple as the parts were subtly modified from the original.

Ellena nodded. "You can. In fact, it won't be the only one I will give. You have a perfect product. I will convey the plan to your brain so that you'll know the technique to make it."

The artisan was speechless as if he couldn't believe what Ellena had just said. Even Verxal made a gesture that seemed to convey that she should cancel her idea.

I know... Of course, it's ridiculous to give a random person a technique. But by the way, why aren't they asking how she can send it?

"Ellena, perhaps you know how to do Gifting Technique?"


"What's that? I have a way but I don't know the name." Ellena said to reason out why she knew about it. Well, to evade some unnecessary questions, to be precise.

"Gifting Technique is a technique that revolves around psychic and mentalism. It is basically a technique that can make you give a technique to other people so that they won't need to practice and learn it from scratch."

From Verxal's explanation, both of us learned what it was. And basically, Verxal made it sound like it would be difficult to learn. 

He'll ask about it for sure.

"How do you know it? Even my father is having a hard time learning that technique." A sound of disbelief came from Verxal.

Technically, Ellena doesn't know it. It was me who knew it.

"Let's say that's a trade secret." Ellena smiled.

Verxal just sighed in defeat and caressed his temple.

"You are getting more mysterious every day, Ellena. After the fight, I finally realized that you were more than what you appeared to be. 'Dark Lightning Princess'..."

Verxal did insert Ellena's new nickname and that made Ellena grumble in cringe. She's wearing her dark garments right now, thus, it basically means that her nickname was from her outfit again.

"Well then, missy. I will gladly accept your request, " the artisan said.

"Okay. But first, I want to make a contract with you so that you won't spread this knowledge and only you can know it." Ellena said.

The artisan was silent and, in just a few seconds, a smile emerged from him. 

"Don't worry! Even if it's a soul contract, I will gladly accept it!"

"Then... let's do it right now..."

Without wasting any seconds, Ellena took out the soul contract paper she had. Technically, it's a promise within a paper that cursed souls. And it's a contract that can't be broken because it will take what you put on the line. Of course, only a part of the body.

"I put my dominant arm on the line!" 

"You look rather excited," Ellena noted.

"Well, it's how I am sincere."

"Okay. I will put my-!" Before Ellena could continue, she was stopped by the artisan.

"No need to put in the line, missy. This will be my promise to you since you imparted me new knowledge."

"Are you sure?" Ellena was a little skeptical about it. Not that she was doubting him, but concerned about why he chose it.

It's not her problem anyway. And Verxal agreed with me. Does he? Well, his eyes were uninterested and he was not surprised by the introduction of the soul contract into the conversation.

Perhaps this is a normal act for him? It's for a secret deal anyway. That's why this kind of contract paper was created.

They will promise while they touch the paper and tear it together. It was also fortunate that it was sold anywhere in the Dark Magician shops. They sell curses as if it's normal... But there's still prejudice towards that profession.

I'm curious... why are these kinds of things sold so frequently? It's dangerous, right? What if someone used it for a forceful contract?

Well, it's their problem anyway and not mine. So let's not think of it deeply.

They did the contract and after it, Ellena acted as if she was going to gift the artisan a technique, but in reality, it was me.

I did it again. I put the name of the artisan as the target of my gift and just selected the technique in the window. The skill was imparted to the artisan within a blink.

Some light effects surrounded the artisan, and he was left in silence as well.

For a short time, he was silent, and afterward, he smiled in excitement.

"Thank you very much, missy! I will surely keep this a secret! Don't worry about anything!"

And just like that, our gun is in the making! We are really fortunate to meet this dwarf. If not for his enthusiastic personality, we wouldn't have had a chance to make the gun.

Verxal guided Ellena back to the teleportation formation, but in between, Ellena made a last request.

"Can create a mask as well? A solid one that fits with my face. Color black." Ellena said.

The artisan made a salute gesture and said, "Of course! I will gladly make it, missy!"

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