I Became A System

Chapter 159 - After A Quest

After finally settling things with Cules, and his bath, I unsummoned him.

It turned out that it wasn't that hard. Just as the information in my head tells me, I just need to chant "unsummon".

This unexpected event excites me greatly. Imagine if I can turn every monster we fight into my summon beasts and make an army of summon beasts.

However, it ended when I realized it was impossible. 

There's a limiter that I overlooked. It was something that I hadn't really thought about at first.

The limiter.... I can only summon a beast if the monster is nonhostile or we have a likable connection.

And that isn't something common.

Ellena and I left the woods with the materials in her Inventory. And as we left the eastern side of the village woods, Ellena was greeted by the village chief.

He had this uncertain expression with a slight concern.

He hesitated in saying a word which I noticed as he reluctantly opened his mouth.

"What is it?" Ellena asked nonchalantly.

"I would like to apologize. Even though I can't tell you the reason behind the orb, you still proceeded with the quest," he said.

Ellena raised her eyebrows, as well as mine. Was that a big deal? Because actually, I didn't mind it as we already finished the quest.

Ellena slowly climbed down the lump of dirt she was stepping on and approached the village chief.

"Why? Was that really something big?" she asked as soon she approached him.

The village chief nodded and said, "Please don't report it to the guild. This is the only thing that protects us and I don't want to lose it."

In the first place, why would you show it? 

Sighs... perhaps he was worried and didn't want to harbor guilt within himself.

Ellena was silent for a moment, and as she was leaving the village chief, she said, "Don't worry. I respect your words. If it turns out to be a dangerous orb, I will be the one who visits this village. "

A hint of surprise and worry was painted over the village chief's face. He was agitated, perhaps about Ellena's words. However, I didn't understand the weight of Ellena's words.

Was it because of her tone? Or how he interprets it. It was confusing, but Ellena also had something going on with her mind that I couldn't comprehend.

I could only caress my temple and rested on her shoulder as the village chief wasn't replying to Ellena.

And as Ellena finally left the village, I was still hanged up on why the village chief acted like that.

Well, it's not my problem anymore. So... let's forget about it. Ellena's life doesn't revolve around each person's sentiments and worries.


Ellena and I finally returned to Phlabian. With the materials outside of the Inventory and intentionally carrying them, people were looking at her as she was lifting something that was double her size.

People were awing. However, Ellena just didn't mind them and lifted her mask to fix it. And as she entered the guild, people became silent.

It was a busy crowd earlier, but Ellena's demeanor cut through it and got their attention.

Ellena was still the talk of the town. 

I can understand it though. It was still five days after the match. It was still a short time.

"Dark Lightning Princess."

"Shut up!" Ellena exclaimed, as hearing that nickname made her cringe.

When she shouted at that adventurer, he staggered backward and made a point.

Ellena just shook her head and proceeded to the receptionist.

"Here's the proof for the Mutated Broaxen quest," Ellena said as she arrived at the desk.

The receptionist just looked at her with a disbelief look, as if she couldn't believe that it only took Ellena a few hours to finish a hard quest.

"Please wait for a moment." the receptionist said and called a person to check and record the material.

We waited for a short moment. As the recording finally finished, the quest achievement was finally recorded on her guild card.

The job was done, so we are now on the way back to the inn and wait for the three, but just before Ellena could leave the guild, people were still looking at her.

Ellena felt irritated by the variety of gazes, and as a result, she glared at each of them. And fortunately, another haul arrived.

Wow... this scheme was really the best. It only takes us a few seconds to get this many points.

30 strikingly large points!

The population of the guild may not be afraid of Ellena as she was just acting normally with the unnecessary call, but still, a huge chunk of the total population was wary of her.

We finally went back to the inn and waited for the three girls. And while we waited, I made another plan for the possible weapon I wanted to have.

This one is still a long-ranged weapon. However, it doesn't imitate the Earth's current weapons. Instead, I made a special weapon for Ellena that could use her magic elements as the bullet.

But still, I am not an expert but knowledgeable, which gave me confidence that I could succeed in this. 

It was something like a shotgun, but not a shotgun. The long barrel might be similar to Earth's weapons, but the parts and function weren't the same.

A long barrel with a T grip but a double grip on the bottom, which may resemble a T and F combination. It might be weird to think about, but it is amazing to see. 

The trigger was like a clip and located in the second grip of the F-grips.

Why would I do this seemingly unnecessary T grip? Well, it's actually for the purpose of support.

Since this is magic, it takes a chunk of stamina from Ellena to activate her ability. The support was necessary.

For example, if the gun was on Ellena's right side, she could put the trigger above or below as it was a clip trigger. Her other hand will hold the opposite side of the grip, and the last grip on the F side will serve as a support for her elbow.

After a few hours of making an unrealistic weapon, the door finally opened with Thalia entering the room.

"Big Sister, we're back," she said.

"How's the quest? You took two days on that quest." Ellena replied while lying down on the bed.

"Uhm... it was amazing. We encountered some bandits along the way, but Sister Rosellete was so strong that she captured everyone who stood in her way."

Ellena chuckled after hearing Thalia's story.

"That's amazing that you see fighting as amazing. Then how about we go bandit hunting tomorrow? I discovered an information broker that could help us with the planning."

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