I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 101 Big Star Sees a Doctor

"You guys keep taking it with you, Lin Feng and I will go!"

Li Qingcheng glanced at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng stood up quickly.

This place seemed scarier than Li Qingcheng's place.

After getting up, Lin Feng followed Li Qingcheng and walked out amid the crowd's cheers.

Got outside.

A black Rolls-Royce had stopped.

Several bodyguards in black clothes came out of a car behind and stood on both sides. The door behind the car opened and a woman wearing sunglasses and a mask walked out.

He was almost fully armed, and his face couldn't be seen.

But judging from the figure of this woman, she is definitely a beauty.

Lin Feng glanced carefully and found nothing wrong with this woman. Could it be that it was a problem on her face?

Lin Feng figured it out, it should be like this.

"You came!"

Li Qingcheng hurriedly said hello, while holding an arm around the woman coming over.

This woman also grabbed Li Qingcheng's hand, nodded slightly, and said, "I have something else to do today. Didn't you say you found a famous doctor for me? Where is the doctor? Why didn't I see it?"

"That's him!" Li Qingcheng pointed at Lin Feng who was standing aside.

"Him?" The other party seemed to be hesitating.

"Don't worry, that's right!" After Li Qingcheng finished speaking, he pulled this person towards the inside.

Lin Feng didn't feel anything, so he followed behind and walked in.

They entered through the back door and took the elevator directly to the third floor.

It's still Li Qingcheng's office.

Now only the three of them went in.

As soon as he entered, Li Qingcheng took the woman and sat down on the sofa.

The heavily armed woman also looked at Lin Feng, then at Li Qingcheng, and whispered: "Is that okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry!" Li Qingcheng nodded.

This woman took off her mask and also wore sunglasses.

After taking it off, the beauty immediately changed drastically. On both sides of her fair face, there were many small pimples with some very sharp thorns, which looked very scary.

Densely packed, very many.

What a waste of such good skin.

Lin Feng never expected that it would be so serious.

He originally thought it would be a little bit, but he didn't expect it to be so much.

"Doctor, can I be cured?"

the woman asked directly.

Lin Feng was stunned. He saw that this woman was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember it. After thinking for a moment or two, he said seriously: "Teacher, I can only have a 90% success rate with this disease."

When Lin Feng saw this disease for the first time, he probably already knew what it was about.

However, he still needs to be conservative. After all, his medical skills come from the system. Lin Feng feels that he should not go too far, otherwise, if he cannot cure it, he will be finished.

"Really?" The woman suddenly looked excited.

Li Qingcheng in front also said seriously: "Lin Feng, are you really so sure?"


"However, this illness may take a longer time!" Lin Feng said.

"How long?" the woman asked.

"About three days!"

"So short? I can do it!" the woman said excitedly.

Chen Shanshan was very excited at this time.

For her disease, she had seen many doctors, including famous doctors in the capital, several times, but she was unable to do anything.

And she won't be able to hide it anymore.

As a popular star, not showing up for such a long time will undoubtedly attract a lot of attention.

Now that someone can say that there is a 90% chance, Chen Shanshan is of course very happy.

One hand even grabbed Lin Feng's hand directly.

Uh uh uh……

Lin Feng's face turned red again.

When Li Qingcheng saw this, he also teased: "Shanshan, what are you doing? Don't do anything, who did you learn this from?"

Chen Shanshan also reacted immediately, hurriedly took back her hand, then hit Li Qingcheng and said, "Isn't it you? You old gangster!"

"Am I a gangster? It's obviously you who keeps touching my breasts at night, saying that my breasts are big and feel good!"


Lin Feng was about to collapse as he listened to the conversation between the two women.

Does this mean he is air?

However, it seems that Chen Shanshan's is indeed a bit small.

Lin Feng looked at it slightly from the corner of his eye.

After Li Qingcheng joked with Chen Shanshan for a while, she looked at Lin Feng again and asked, "Are you sure you can do it?"

"It's not a big problem!" Lin Feng nodded.

Chen Shanshan also looked at Lin Feng, even more surprised.

Suddenly thinking of what Lin Feng said just now, he asked doubtfully: "Are you her student?"

"Yeah!" Lin Feng nodded.

Chen Shanshan looked at Li Qingcheng.

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you. If he doesn't like it, I will devote myself to you!"


The words of tiger and wolf!

Lin Feng's heart was surging again, and a certain picture had already appeared in his mind.

too difficult.

This Li Qingcheng is really terrible.

Lin Feng thought, what about regular classes?

"Don't look at me like that. I usually take class very seriously, and I'm a top student at Beijing Medical College." Li Qingcheng seemed to understand what Lin Feng was thinking, so she explained directly.

"Oh!" Lin Feng nodded.

After finishing speaking.

Lin Feng began to take a closer look at this woman's condition.

The little pimples all over my face still look scary.

Of course, this is because the rest of her face is too fair, which makes the acne on her face more obvious.

"It's been more than a month, right?" Lin Feng came closer, looked at it carefully, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, how do you know?" Chen Shanshan was pleasantly surprised again.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually knew when he was sick? Could it be said that this person can really take good care of his own illness?

Originally, Chen Shanshan calmed down a little after knowing that she was a student, but now...she is really full of hope for Lin Feng.

"It was delayed. You should have been seeing Western medicine before." Lin Feng put down his hand and said.

"Yes, I used to see Western medicine. The effect was very good at the beginning, but I didn't expect that it would become like this!"

Chen Shanshan had a sad face.

"This actually has nothing to do with Western medicine. The doctor was also very cautious in treating patients. It's just that the methods of Chinese and Western medicine are different, so it led to such a result."

"Your disease is not an external disease. It needs to be treated through other methods. In fact, to a large extent, Western medicine can be effective in skin diseases, but sometimes it can also It has led to the counterattack of some diseases, that is to say, if you cannot kill the virus, the virus will eat you!"

Lin Feng said a few words briefly.

He began to touch Chen Shanshan's face a few times, and at the same time, he took out a silver needle and slowly inserted it into a pimple facing Chen Shanshan.

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