I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 103 Giving Acupuncture to Big Stars

After drinking the herbal medicine, Chen Shanshan felt no feeling at all.

She glanced at Lin Feng a few more times.

"Of course it won't work now, just wait and see!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

He knew that Chen Shanshan was anxious.

Chen Shanshan's face suddenly turned red.

She was indeed a little too anxious. How could such a thing be effective now?

The three people just started chatting.

Lin Feng spoke very little, and basically these two women did the talking.

Less than half an hour later, Chen Shanshan suddenly felt that her face was hot, her whole body began to heat up, and a warm current began to flow from her body.

"I feel like I'm hot right now!"

Chen Shanshan's face turned red and she looked at Lin Feng.

"Well, the medicinal properties are here!" Lin Feng said.


Chen Shanshan was pleasantly surprised.

In this way, it shows that this medicine is effective.

"Now I can do acupuncture!" Lin Feng said again.

"Ah? Acupuncture?" Chen Shanshan looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

"Ah, what? Just do whatever I ask you to do. Don't worry, this guy is very honest. I'm here!"

Li Qingcheng joked from the side.

After finishing speaking, he still deliberately glanced at Lin Feng a few times.

Lin Feng looked helpless.

When Li Qingcheng said this, what else could he say?

Chen Shanshan nodded.

At this time, Lin Feng reminded again: "Well... I think Teacher Li, you should avoid it!"

"What's this, isn't it just acupuncture?" Li Qingcheng glanced at Lin Feng, "I haven't touched anything about Chen Shanshan!"


Lin Feng took a breath.

This woman is really crazy!

Chen Shanshan's face turned even redder, biting her red lips with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Okay, Qingcheng, you go outside first!"

Li Qingcheng glanced at Lin Feng for a few times and said, "You didn't say that on purpose, right? Just to take a look at Chen Shanshan's body?"

Lin Feng had a dark look on his face.

This woman can really imagine.

Seeing that Lin Feng had been teased by him, Li Qingcheng felt happy again, turned around and walked out.

Before leaving, he glanced at Chen Shanshan.

"Shanshan, be careful with this guy, he's too old!"

After saying this, Lin Feng's face turned red even more.

Chen Shanshan didn't say anything. She seemed to have been used to Li Qingcheng's behavior for a long time.

After Li Qingcheng left, Chen Shanshan looked at Lin Feng, smiled slightly, and said, "She is used to this kind of mischief, so just don't worry about it. In fact, she is a very nice person!"

Lin Feng nodded, but didn't say anything.

Instead, he took out a pack of silver needles, burned them on the alcohol lamp nearby, and said seriously: "Now that the medicine is here, it's time for acupuncture, so take off your clothes!"

"Take off your clothes?" Chen Shanshan also looked at Lin Feng in surprise at this time.

"Well, that's right!" Lin Feng said seriously.

"Which piece to take off?"

At this time, Chen Shanshan began to become nervous.

"Just take off some of the top clothes. I want acupuncture on my back!"


Chen Shanshan nodded and slowly took off her clothes.

I have to say that Chen Shanshan’s skin is really good.

At a glance, the fair skin can be broken by a blow.

Even a back move made Lin Feng's heart move slightly.

No wonder this person has become a big star, it's really good.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng allowed himself to become more attentive.

"Okay, it's time to start!"

Lin Feng said.

Then a silver needle pierced Chen Shanshan's back directly.

Chen Shanshan didn't feel anything.

"When you feel a little pain, you can tell me!"

Lin Feng said honestly.

"Okay!" Chen Shanshan nodded.

After a few minutes, Chen Shanshan suddenly felt a burst of pain, and her whole body began to feel a little unbearable, and finally she couldn't help but screamed.

Then his face turned red again.

Fortunately, she was opposite Lin Feng, so Chen Shanshan didn't feel surprised at all.

"There is no need to hold back like this in the future. If you feel pain, you can shout out!"

As Lin Feng spoke, several silver needles were slowly inserted into his body.

For Lin Feng, this is nothing.

At this time, he had already poured streams of breath into Chen Shanshan's body.

Slowly reaching the face, it begins to clean up the toxins under the skin on the face.

Coupled with the effects of some medicinal properties, this has a very obvious effect.

Lin Feng continued to transport his true energy inside.

In less than half an hour, Lin Feng was already sweating profusely.

The whole person's back was soaked.

It has to be said that this is also a huge drain on Lin Feng's physical strength.

At this time, Chen Shanshan felt that her face was very itchy, as if something was crawling, but she felt very comfortable.

This feeling made her very excited.

Because she can feel it, this is a complement to her. In such a thing, it is already obvious.

I don’t know how much more time passed before Lin Feng stopped.

This time Lin Feng didn't faint, but he was a little tired.

For nearly an hour, Lin Feng felt that all his strength was lacking.

"Okay, you can get dressed!"

After pulling out the last silver needle, Lin Feng said weakly.

Chen Shanshan nodded.

Then he slowly put on his clothes, then turned around and looked at Lin Feng. When he was about to talk to Lin Feng with a face of joy, he saw Lin Feng's appearance at this time and was shocked.

Lin Feng, who was soaked all over, sat there, feeling weak.

Chen Shanshan's eyes suddenly started to get wet.

Ever since she was a child, no one would treat her like this.

In her opinion, there was absolutely no need for Lin Feng to do this. Could it be that it was just for the money?

In Chen Shanshan's view, this is unlikely. With such good medical skills, will he still be short of money?

Regarding such a matter, Chen Shanshan didn't know what to do at this time.

At this time, Li Qingcheng also walked in.

You should know what's going on inside.

After Li Qingcheng came in, he glanced at Lin Feng, as if he knew what was going on, and said, "I can sleep in the back. You take a shower first, and then take a nap!"

"Okay!" Lin Feng nodded.

This is really tiring.

For Lin Feng, he really needs to sleep well now.

Get up and walk towards the back.

After he left, Li Qingcheng looked at Chen Shanshan for a long time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Chen Shanshan asked in confusion.

"The acne on your face is much smaller now!" Li Qingcheng said.



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