After hearing Sun Xinran's words, everyone else stood there, their faces full of joy.

In their opinion, if Sun Xinran comes forward, this kind of thing can't be solved?

Liu Yang was also secretly happy.

This was also the reason why he didn't stand up and speak. While thinking about it, he still glared at Zhao Yuansheng several times.

This guy is really snobby.

In the past, I fawned over their family, but now I have directly turned against them. It's really disgusting.

Zhao Yuansheng ignored Liu Yang.

Of course he couldn't afford to offend him for this kind of thing.

Don't even look at who this is.

As for the people in front of him, he could probably guess that their identities were not simple. This matter seemed to be troublesome.

"Go call your boss. If these people are let in, your hotel will disappear from today!"

Lin Feng said calmly.

He said it very simply, as if he didn't care at all.


Zhao Yuansheng in front of him took a breath of air.

He nodded repeatedly and trotted in without paying attention to the other people in front of him.

He can't solve this kind of thing.

But he knew that Lin Feng's identity was higher than that of Chang Shaohua.

Others don't understand, but Chang Shaohua knows that he is very powerful and is said to be a very terrifying existence in the entire Yanjing.

A person like that also drank too much today, and he was the one who went out in his box.

It is conceivable that the strength of the person in front of him is naturally good.

So after Lin Fengyi said this, Zhao Yuansheng chose to believe it.

Walk directly towards an office upstairs.

Inside the office.

On the large sofa, two people were rolling over, and from time to time there was a rhythmic sound. They were coming and going, but they were suddenly interrupted by a rapid knock on the door.

Qi Bai stood up unhappily and shouted outside: "Who is it?"

"Young Master Qi, please come out and take a look. There is a situation outside now. It is very urgent!"

"Get out now!"

Qi Bai cursed.

Then he strode out.


Zhao Yuansheng stood there respectfully.

"Master Qi, there is a quarrel outside. It seems that someone is from the capital, and there is another person who just had dinner and drank with Mr. Chang, and Mr. Chang is drunk!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Qi Bai looked surprised.

"And the person who was with Mr. Chang said that if we don't do what he said, he will demolish our hotel!"

Zhao Yuansheng told the truth.

He also knew how arrogant the children of these aristocratic families were, so he did not dare to hide anything.


Qi Bai's face darkened and he strode outside.

Then I saw some people standing there.

"What's going on, everyone?"

Before Qi Baibai arrived, the voice came out first.

Soon, he also walked out.

After seeing these people for the first time, I was slightly surprised.

The dress does look extraordinary, especially the woman in white clothes in front of her. Just the custom-made clothes she wears are estimated to cost hundreds of thousands.

It seems that he is not easy to mess with either.

Qi Bai knew what was going on.

Turning his head and looking at the other side, Qi Bai sneered when he saw what he was wearing. He couldn't help but feel ridiculous in his heart. He even doubted what Zhao Yuansheng was doing. Can't you tell?

Isn't this just a poor guy?

Are you still drinking with Chang Shao?

"What do you do? How dare you say..."

When Qi Bai was about to finish his words, he suddenly realized that this person looked familiar.

After Lin Feng turned around completely, his expression suddenly changed.

"Master Lin?"

It was the same reaction as Chang Shaohua.

After all, during this period of time, Lin Feng's style has changed so much that many people are afraid of Lin Feng.

Qi Bai was sweating directly on his head.

Why is this god here too?

At that moment, Qi Bai felt that his scalp was numb.

"What's wrong? Can't I come?" Lin Feng asked after hearing Qi Bai's question, looking at Qi Bai as well.

"Yes, yes!" Qi Bai nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that the newly arrived person was like this, Sun Xinran suddenly became even more unhappy.

"Are you the boss here? I want to go in for dinner. Do you think you won't welcome us?"

She stood up directly and said coldly.

As the precious daughter of the Sun family, a large family in the capital, Sun Xinran certainly has her own pride.

In her opinion, isn't this just a small place?

What's this!

With a wave of his hand, Sun Xinran stood up.

"No!" Qi Bai said lightly, trying his best to keep a smile.

He said to Zhao Yuansheng behind him: "Okay, let's see the guests off!"

Without any hesitation, Qi Bai said directly.


Sun Xinran was even more angry.

"What's your attitude? What's so great about him? So scared? Aren't you afraid of our Sun family?"

Sun Xinran's anger was already rising.

"Sorry to trouble you, we are closed today!"

Qi Bai waved his hand, signaling that no one would be allowed in from now on.

"You..." Sun Xinran was furious.

"Why can't we go in? He can? I think you are not afraid of the Sun family at all, you are just afraid of this Young Master Lin. It's really ridiculous. He can't even afford to eat in school, or this Young Master Lin ? It’s so funny!”

Liu Yang looked contemptuous.

In his opinion, this matter is really acceptable.

How could a poor student be valued so highly?

Qi Bai glanced at Liu Yang, with a look of anger in his eyes, and said lightly: "Who are you?"

After being glared at by Qi Bai, Liu Yang started to get a little nervous.

"I...I am her classmate!"

"Then what did I think you were going to do? Since it's none of your business, just get out of here!"

Qi Bai was not polite at all.

After finishing speaking, Qi Bai looked at Lin Feng and said slowly: "Young Master Lin, are you satisfied with this matter?"

No matter what, you still can't offend Lin Feng now.

He knew very well that Lin Feng was very capable, and he seemed to be looking for trouble recently, but he still didn't want to get into trouble himself.

"Not bad. We can play often in the future!"

Lin Feng patted Qi Bai on the shoulder.

"Really?" Qi Bai suddenly became excited.

Although his family can be considered a big family in Yanjing, it is far behind compared to the Lin family.

The main reason why all other families are afraid of the Lin family is that the Lin family is the only super family.

With strong strength, almost all of Yanjing’s business is covered, who dares to confront others?

The three previous families are an example.

Sun Xinran was even more angry. Others didn't expect that Lin Feng in front of them actually had such an identity?

Liu Yang couldn't accept it even more.

A poor student has now become a young man?

Isn't this too unrealistic?

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