"Yes! After my father came back and happily told me about it, he fainted after a while!"

"Okay, I get it!" Lin Feng entered the ward with a serious face and saw a middle-aged man with a withered face lying on the bed.

Under Lin Feng's treatment before, Shen Ping could be said to be radiant before, but now he is as if he is about to die!

"Let everyone get out!" Lin Feng opened the windows to let the air circulate.

After Shen Qingxue glanced at Shen Ping worriedly, she led everyone out.

Lin Feng checked Shen Ping's pulse and found that Shen Ping's pulse was very chaotic at this time, running around in all directions, and there was a burst of true energy inside. If he waited until this burst of true energy collided with his heart pulse, Shen Ping would definitely die.

"Who is it that has such a vicious heart?"

Lin Feng couldn't care less and hurriedly used acupuncture to draw out the true energy from his body.

But the true energy ran too fast, always avoiding Lin Feng's acupuncture position intentionally or unintentionally.

Lin Feng now suspected that someone was behind all this.

"What on earth is going on?" Lin Feng concentrated on feeling the direction in which the true energy was escaping. He applied three needles in succession to block the direction in which the true energy was escaping, and used his internal force to gradually draw out the true energy.

After the true energy came out, he immediately fled in all directions, and finally dissipated in the air.

It seems that this person's strength is not simple.

As this true energy flowed out, Shen Ping's complexion gradually warmed up.

"Okay, you can come in!"

When the doctor and Shen Qingxue who were observing at the door heard Shen Ping's words, everyone immediately rushed in.

"How is my dad?" Shen Qingxue asked hurriedly.

"It's okay now. Let your father be more vigilant in the future and don't trust anyone easily again!"

"Okay! I understand, thank you, Brother Lin!" Shen Qingxue hurriedly lowered her head to take care of Shen Ping.

The doctors around him surrounded Lin Feng.

"I didn't expect Dr. Lin to be really wonderful at rejuvenating me!"

"I wonder who you studied under?"

"Dr. Lin, how did you cure this patient?"

Lin Feng frowned and said angrily: "As doctors, don't you know that the patient at this moment needs to rest?"

"Also, I have joined the Doctors Association. You can see my personal profile in it."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the doctors all retreated with a look of shame on their faces.

Lin Feng did not act in a hurry. The first priority was to wait for Shen Ping to wake up and ask Shen Ping who that person was.

"Where is this?" Shen Ping slowly opened his eyes and looked around in confusion. He clearly remembered that he was at home.

"Dad, wake up!" Shen Qingxue's tears were already welling up in her eyes.

Lin Feng looked at Shen Ping, "You're awake!"

"You fainted before. Qingxue sent you to the hospital and called me over. Do you know? You almost died!"

When Shen Ping heard Lin Feng's words, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

At this time, he already felt that there was nothing wrong with his body, but he didn't know that when he was unconscious, he almost met the Lord of Hell!

"Master Lin, what on earth is going on?"

Shen Ping looked at Lin Feng anxiously.

Lin Feng glanced at Shen Qingxue and said, "You need to first tell me who the person you met who treated you before was? What did he look like? What are his specific characteristics?"

"How much do you remember telling me, and what exactly happened between you and that person."

Shen Ping fell into memories.

Originally, Shen Ping was about to drive home after discussing business at a hotel near Beishi Market. Just when he was about to start the engine, a person suddenly rushed out from the side. Fortunately, Shen Ping had not had time to start the car, but he accidentally bumped into it. Click.

Shen Ping got out of the car angrily.

"Do you, a young man, have any eyes? How could you hit a car?"

The young man raised his head, a hint of gloom flashing in his eyes.

Only then did Shen Ping realize that this young man was quite handsome, but his eyes gave off an unfriendly feeling.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to!"

The young man hurriedly bowed his head and apologized.

Shen Ping didn't mean to embarrass himself, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay! Be careful in the future and don't hit the car. If you get hit, who can blame you!"

Just when Shen Ping was about to leave, the young man suddenly called out to Shen Ping.

"Sir, are you feeling a little unwell?"

Hearing this, Shen Ping stopped and turned to look at the young man in front of him in surprise.

"how do you know?"

"Not only that, I also know that your legs were paralyzed in the past. Although you have no problem walking now, you still feel a little uncomfortable sometimes."

"How do you know?" Since Lin Feng gave himself acupuncture last time, he has done two days of rehabilitation exercises. He can already walk as fast as he can, but sometimes his legs still hurt.

The young man chuckled. How could he not know that he was Ye Tian and he had peerless medical technology.

"I'll give you two more injections to clear your meridians. I believe you won't have these problems in the future!"

Shen Ping was naturally eager to agree immediately, but suddenly he realized something was wrong. How could this young man be so kind? He had almost been hit by him just now.

Ye Tian was naturally not so kind.

He had just been so angry with Lin Feng because of this, so he still had the time to help others.

It can only be said that Shen Ping was unlucky, he happened to be in the crosshairs of a gun, and his attitude towards Ye Tian was not good, so Ye Tian had to take care of Shen Ping.

"Why are you helping me?" Shen Ping looked at Ye Tian warily.

Ye Tian smiled slightly, "Of course I have my reasons. I just hope that my husband will not forget me after he gets better. My name is Ye Tian!"

After hearing this, Shen Ping knew that the purpose of the person in front of him was for his own development.

"Okay! Young man, be ambitious!" Shen Ping patted Ye Tian on the shoulder, and then the two of them entered the car, and Ye Tian gave Shen Ping acupuncture.

Ye Tian only inserted three needles, and Shen Ping immediately felt that the swelling in his legs disappeared, and his legs felt more relaxed than ever before.

"Thank you, little friend. I immediately felt that my legs were much better. I will never forget your kindness in the future. Would you like to leave your contact information?"

"No need! We are destined to meet!" Ye Tian smiled lightly, got out of the car and left.

Shen Ping drove away.

Ye Tian looked at the three feet of dust raised by the car, with a strange smile on his face.

A dog looks down on people and actually thinks that he can cure him. What a fool!

When Lin Feng heard Shen Ping's previous description, he already thought it was Ye Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that Ye Tian would dare to reveal his name.

Ye Tian probably didn't expect that Shen Ping could survive until now.

His three injections seemed to clear the meridians, but they were only temporary. He injected his own true energy into them, and the true energy was strong.

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