I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 141 I am not the victim

"Yes, yes, we are all friends, don't be so stingy!"

"Brothers haven't eaten yet, let's eat together!"

"Besides, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't you miss us? We just want to catch up on old times together!"

Having said this, Lin Feng could no longer refuse.

Shen Qingxue was a little unhappy.

These people looked at Shen Qingxue like wolves and tigers, trying to push Shen Qingxue out of a hole.

Shen Qingxue hid behind Lin Feng.

Lin Feng held Shen Qingxue's hand to express comfort.

Lin Feng looked at the group of people with a smile, "Okay, let's have a meal together. I miss you too, so I'll treat you this time!"

Lin Feng's words immediately made these people happy. Originally, they had no money and were worried about how to eat. Now that Lin Feng is here, they can just kill him.

Lin Feng ordered the most luxurious box and everyone took their seats.

"Waiter!" Su Mingda called the waiter, took the menu, and started ordering.

"Five Australian lobsters."

"Five prime snowflake steaks."

"Forget it, let's try all the dishes here! In addition, I want five bottles of 1982 red wine."

The waiter turned his attention to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile and asked the others, "Do the rest of you want anything else?"

“These are enough, I won’t be able to finish them all if I ask for more!”

"It's okay. If you can't finish eating, you can take it away!"

Lin Feng turned to look at the waiter, "That's it. Serve the food first, and pay after you finish."


The waiter withdrew.

When Shen Qingxue saw this scene, her face turned pale.

You must know that the Dehua Hotel is not an ordinary hotel. Every dish costs several hundred yuan. Such dishes cannot be purchased without hundreds of thousands.

I also ordered five bottles of 1982 Lafite, which was obviously drinking Lafite as plain water.

These people are killing Lin Feng.

Do these people really consider Lin Feng their friend?

Shen Qingxue couldn't help but remind Lin Feng and whispered in Lin Feng's ear: "Do you really want to invite them?"

"These people are obviously trying to trick you!"

When Lin Feng heard this, he said angrily: "You woman, don't you know how to speak? These are my friends, how can you say that to them? Get out of here!"

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng in disbelief.

"You scold me!"

"You are ignorant, get out of here and don't let me see you again!"

When Shen Qingxue heard this, she began to shed tears of grievance.

"Lin Feng, you bitch, I never want to see you again!" After saying that, Shen Qingxue ran out crying.

Several other people looked at everything in front of them with their mouths open.

Su Mingda said: "Lin Feng, why do you treat a beautiful woman like this? You are so disrespectful."

Several other people also echoed.

"That's right, Lin Feng, if you don't want to give up such a beautiful woman to me."

"I quite like it, why not let him stay with me for one night?"

"Okay, don't embarrass Lin Feng. Lin Feng is reluctant to let go. After all, women are more important than brothers."

Lin Feng was reluctant when he heard this, "What do you mean by this? Am I, Lin Feng, that kind of person? In my eyes, brothers are much more important than women."

"If anyone of you likes her, go find her. If she is willing to follow you, that's your job."

Lin Feng said nonchalantly.

Seeing this, Su Mingda looked at each other and then said: "Brother, I have no money for the time being. Please support me and I will pay it back to you later!"

"That's right! We brothers will never forget this great kindness."

Lin Feng sneered, and then said loudly: "Don't worry, just send me your card number, and I will send you all the money in a moment."

"Okay, Lin Feng is still loyal."

Several people stood up and toasted Lin Feng with a glass of wine.

The moment Lin Feng drank, a hint of sinisterness flashed in his eyes.

After putting down his wine glass, Lin Feng looked at the time.

Seeing this, Su Mingda thought that Lin Feng was reluctant to let go of his little wife, so he said: "Well, if you hurry up and chase your little wife now, you might be able to get her back. If it's too late, you might not be the one to be the one to get her back. That’s it.”

As soon as Su Mingda finished speaking, the whole room burst into laughter.

Lin Feng looked a little shy.

"Haha, I made everyone laugh. I will chase her back later and make sure she toasts everyone and apologizes."

After saying that, Lin Feng stood up and left.

Su Mingda and others continued to drink and eat, with no intention of waiting for Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng came out, he saw Shen Qingxue still standing at the door of the hotel, with a strange look on his face.

Lin Feng walked behind Shen Qingxue and gently hugged him.

Shen Qingxue turned around and saw Lin Feng alone, and laughed through tears.

"Escape?" Shen Qingxue said in a very arrogant manner.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, "What else? You really think I'm that big fool! I'm at the mercy of others."

"Let's go." Lin Feng took Shen Qingxue away and went directly to his home for dinner.

On the other side, Su Mingda and others had almost finished eating, and found that Lin Feng hadn't come back yet.

"Why hasn't Lin Feng come back after he went to chase a girl?"

"Who knows? Maybe girls are hard to chase!" The person who spoke to him stuffed another big mouthful of steak into his mouth, as if he hadn't eaten in eight lifetimes.

Su Mingda nodded, always having a bad feeling in his heart.

An hour later, several people were lying there unable to eat, and found that Lin Feng had not returned yet.

"Why hasn't Lin Feng come back yet? Let me give him a call!"

Su Mingda called Lin Feng while talking.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is unavailable and cannot be connected at the moment!"

Several people were completely stunned when they heard the voices coming from the phone.

Only then did they realize that Lin Feng might have escaped the bill.

The waiter also walked in at this time.

"Sir, who among you will settle the bill? A total of 358,400 yuan was spent."

Upon hearing this number, everyone was completely stunned.

They didn't expect that they spent so much money.

Several people looked at each other, wondering who would settle the bill.

But even if they come together, they don't have that much money.

In the end, everyone turned their attention to Su Mingda. After all, it was Su Mingda who came up with the idea. Now that he has escaped, Su Mingda should be responsible.

"I have no money!" Su Mingda said hurriedly.

These people will not listen to Su Mingda's sophistry. After all, if Su Mingda doesn't pay, then they will have to pay.

"We don't care. Anyway, it was your idea. Now that the person has escaped, you are responsible."

"I have no money and can't help you. Sorry, I'm leaving first!"

"Mom said there's a fire at home. I have to go back and put out the fire. Goodbye."

All the people ran away.

Su Mingda was the only one left in the room.

Su Mingda was about to cry, but felt very regretful.

The waiter at the side urged indifferently, "Sir, please pay the bill!"

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