Lu Chuan also knew that Lin Jianfei had a son named Lin Feng who was very good at talking in Yanjing City, so he pretended to be Lin Feng. Unexpectedly, he pretended to be the wrong person and bumped into the real owner.

Lu Chuan also felt that his back was a little straighter.

After Lu Wen heard this, he shouted angrily: "What a sin!"

"You kid, where did all your usual cleverness go? You're so mad at me as a father!"

"Bring me another bowl of ginseng soup!"

Lu Chuan hurriedly served another bowl of ginseng soup to Lu Wen, and Lu Wen drank it in one gulp.

"Take that ginseng with you. Now take our baby and go with me to apologize to Lin Feng in person!" Lu Wen seemed to have recovered more than half of his energy. He sat up from the bed and started to get dressed.

Seeing this, Lu Chuan hurriedly stopped Lu Wen, "Dad! Don't! Can't I go by myself? Your body is like this, don't run away!"

Lu Wen said angrily: "Can I not go? You have caused such a big trouble, and if I die in the future, how can I expect Lin Jianfei to help you?"

"Stop whining for me, pack your things quickly and come with me!"

Seeing that Lu Wen was so angry, Lu Chuan could only do what Lu Wen said.

"Dad, I understand! Calm down, don't be angry!"

Lu Chuan packed up and headed to Yanjing City with Lu Wen.

On the way, Lu Wen kept telling Lu Chuan what to say and how to apologize when he got there, and he must make Lin Feng forgive him.

In order not to make Lu Wen angry, Lu Chuan could only nod in agreement.

As soon as Lin Feng returned home, he saw two people standing at the door.

Lin Feng walked in and saw that it was the young man at noon and a middle-aged man who was terminally ill.

"Hey! What are you doing in front of my house?" Lin Feng's voice startled Lu Wen who was chattering.

Lu Wen looked back at Lin Feng.

I found that the young man in front of me had a certain resemblance to Lin Jianfei between his eyebrows.

"Are you Jian Fei's son Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng nodded, "Why did you come to my house? Are you okay?"

Lin Feng wanted to laugh a little when he saw Lu Chuan next to him.

Lu Wen sighed, "I am your Uncle Lu Wen, do you remember?"


Lin Feng searched his mind carefully.

There is this character in the original work.

This person and Lin Jianfei were friends in times of need. Although they rarely contacted each other, Lu Wen was the first person to lend a helping hand to Lin Jianfei after learning about Lin Jianfei's accident. However, he was later acquired by Ye Tian.

"Uncle Lu!" Lin Feng stepped forward.

"Uncle Lu, why are you so sick?" Lin Feng stepped forward and asked with concern.

According to the original work, Lu Wen had already been destroyed by the protagonist at this time, so it was impossible to write this plot.

This may be the sequelae of the plot change.

Lu Wen sighed.

"I'm just sick!" Lu Wen pushed Lu Chuan in front of him, "I came here today just to apologize with Quanzi. He was ignorant of Taishan before and offended you. Please don't argue with him, nephew." !”

Lin Feng looked at Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan's brows were quite unwilling, but he still bowed his head obediently as Lu Wen had told him before.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken your name before. It's my fault. Please don't argue with my younger brother!"

Lin Feng didn't say much.

"Okay! Stop standing outside and come in if you have anything to say!"

Lin Feng hurriedly invited Lu Wen and Lu Chuan in.

After Lu Wen and Lu Chuan sat down, Lu Wen took out a black brocade box.

"This small gift can be treated as a gift for meeting my nephew for the first time!"

Lin Feng took a look through his clairvoyant eyes and was startled.

This Lu Wen was really generous in giving away the black cat's eye stone worth 50 million yuan.

Lin Feng didn't dare to take it back and hurriedly pushed it back.

"No! It's just a small fight, I don't take it to heart!"

Lin Feng turned his attention to Lu Wen, "But..."

"But what?" Lu Wen asked.

Lin Feng glanced at Lu Chuan before continuing: "Uncle Lu's health doesn't seem to be in good shape. Is he sick?"

Lu Wen sighed, and Lu Chuan said next to him: "What else? What do you think I spent so much money on to take pictures of that ginseng?"

Lu Chuan's tone sounded like he was complaining about Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't argue with Lu Chuan. After all, there was no point in arguing with children.

Lu Wen glared at Lu Chuan, "What are you talking about? Talk to your brother!"

Lu Chuan lowered his head and stopped talking.

"I don't care!" Lin Feng was more concerned about Lu Wen's condition now.

If Lu Wen is cured, it will definitely not be a big help to the development of his Lin Group.

"Uncle Lu, I know a little bit about medical skills. Can you let me show you?"

Lu Wen nodded. He didn't have much to live for anyway, so it didn't hurt to just cooperate.

"Let me feel your pulse first!"

Lu Wen put his hand on the coffee table, Lin Feng closed his eyes and carefully felt Lu Wen's pulse.

This Lu Wen took a lot of tonic medicine, and now he seems to be looking good, but his body has long been in a mess.

The originally weak body was hit by this violent drug, and his pulse was completely messed up.

Lin Feng retracted his hand and used his clairvoyance eyes to observe the inside of Lu Wen's body.

It's not poisoning, but overexertion, myocardial strain, and indiscriminate use of drugs that lead to this situation.

"This is so ridiculous!" Lin Feng sighed.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Lu Wen guessed that Lin Feng might have seen something.

"Nephew Lin, what's wrong with me?"

"I'll be honest! I went to the hospital for many checkups, but nothing was wrong. I took a lot of medicine and it didn't feel better. My health is getting worse and worse. I don't have much time left. Right now, I just hope that you For my sake, your father can take more care of Lu Chuan."

Lu Wen took advantage of the situation and spoke out what was in his heart.

"Stop! Don't leave it to me. I can't take care of your son. You can take care of it yourself!" Lin Feng had a headache when he saw Lu Chuan, a brat. Although he could take care of it, in the end he still didn't want to.

"Nephew Lin, please listen to my explanation. This child is not bad in nature. If you are willing to take care of Xiaochuan after my death, I am willing to give you 10% of the actual controlling stake in the Lu Group."

Lu Chuan looked at Lu Wen in shock.

"Dad! What are you doing?"

Lu Wen glared at Lu Chuan fiercely, "You don't have to worry about it! Shut up!"

Lin Feng admitted that he was moved, but he had a better way to get the 10% actual controlling interest.

"Well, Uncle Lu, you might as well let me treat you. If I cure you, you can give me the 10% equity. Now is not the time to be anxious!"

"What do you mean? Do you know how to cure diseases? Don't kill my dad!" Lu Chuan said angrily.

Lin Feng turned a deaf ear and said, "Uncle, to tell you the truth, you are not sick at all!"

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