Seeing Ye Tian leave the room, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

This kid is so scary!

Zhang Feng then sent Lin Feng a message.

Zhang Feng: I will take Ye Tian there tomorrow.

Lin Feng: Yeah.

Lin Feng looked at the text message and was stunned.

Did Zhang Feng ask him to help deal with Ye Tian? What a thief!

The next day.

As expected, Zhang Feng brought Ye Tian over.

"Director Zhang, you are here, sit down quickly!" Lin Feng politely invited the two of them to take a seat and asked his secretary to make tea for them.

"Mr. Lin! Look at the last business, why don't we talk about it again?" Director Zhang said with a smile.

"Okay! Director Zhang!"

Ye Tian listened and felt very bored, so he found a way to go to the toilet.

Seeing this and Ye Tian's absence, Lin Feng and Zhang Feng hurriedly began to conspire.

"Mr. Lin! You are the only one who can help me this time! Yesterday, I felt that Ye Tian wanted to kill me!" Zhang Feng still thinks of Ye Tian's eyes, and is still a little scared.

Lin Feng was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect Ye Tian to be so shocked and impatient.

"I can help you, but again, the business dealings between the Lin and Zhang families must benefit the Lin family, otherwise you know."

Lin Feng couldn't help Zhang Feng for free, he had to ask for something.

Zhang Feng hesitated and weighed the pros and cons.

"Okay! I agree!"

"Then what do you think we should do now?" Zhang Feng asked.

Lin Feng frowned and thought for a while.

"Things are indeed difficult, but there is nothing we can do about it!"

"Ye Tian will come in soon..."

After a moment, Zhang Feng looked at Lin Feng in shock.

"Is there really no problem with this?" Zhang Feng hesitated.

"I don't know, let's take a gamble. Anyway, things are already like this!" Lin Feng also made a last resort.

Zhang Feng nodded.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Knock knock knock~"


Ye Tian heard the sound and pushed the door open.

"Hello, Director Zhang, Mr. Lin!" Ye Tian greeted obediently.

Director Zhang laughed loudly, "You're back, what were we talking about just now?"

Ye Tian raised his eyebrows, "Oh! Really? What did you say about me?"

"Mr. Lin and I said that your acupuncture skills are very powerful. Every time you give me acupuncture, I feel physically and mentally relaxed. Mr. Lin said that he also knows a little bit about acupuncture and said that he would give me acupuncture, saying that it can also detoxify!"

Zhang Feng tried his best to appear relaxed.

Ye Tian frowned.

If Lin Feng was allowed to frown at Zhang Feng, wouldn't his little tricks be discovered?

After all, Lin Feng still has some strength. He broke his poison on Shen Ping last time. If Lin Feng finds out now, his plan will be completely disrupted!


Ye Tian suddenly stopped him, and Zhang Feng took off half of his clothes and hung them on his body.

"What's wrong? Brother Ye?" Zhang Feng looked at Ye Tian in confusion.

Ye Tian tried his best to appear calm.

"It's nothing. I just suddenly felt that Mr. Lin definitely doesn't understand your body as well as I do. Why don't you go back later and let me give you acupuncture?"

Zhang Feng nodded, "You are right, but..."

Zhang Feng turned to look at Lin Feng and said awkwardly: "But this will destroy Mr. Lin's good intentions."

"What a pity! What a pity!"

Lin Feng laughed loudly, "It's okay! What a pity! But since Brother Ye's acupuncture skills are so powerful, why don't we two compete to see who is better!"

When Ye Tian heard this, he gritted his teeth, knowing that Lin Feng was determined to confront him.

"Okay! But how do we compete?"

Ye Tian pretended to be relaxed.

Lin Feng turned to look at Zhang Feng with a smile on his face.

"Dr. Zhang is definitely willing. The two of us will apply half of the needles on Dr. Zhang. When the time comes, we will compare and see who's acupuncture is more powerful. Isn't it clear at a glance?"

Zhang Feng was stunned.

This is different from the direction!

Lin Feng was talking about finding a staff member, but now it’s him!

Isn't this asking for death?

"Ah! Isn't this not good?" Ye Tian looked at Zhang Feng hesitantly.

If the two people's acupuncture skills conflict, then Zhang Feng will be half disabled even if he doesn't die.

At that time, I'm afraid everyone will blame themselves.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "Director Zhang must be very happy. After all, Director Zhang also wants to see how the two of them compare!"

"Besides, with Brother Ye's medical skills, I'm afraid nothing will happen!"

"Director Zhang, what do you think?" Lin Feng turned to look at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng naturally wanted to refuse, but the matter had reached this point and he had no choice but to take action.

Zhang Feng could only bite the bullet and agree.

"Okay! Mr. Lin's suggestion is very good. Besides, I also trust Brother Ye very much!" Zhang Feng stepped forward and patted Ye Tian on the shoulder, then lowered his head in Ye Tian's ear and said fiercely: "If something happens , you will be buried with me!"

Ye Tian's expression froze.

"Yes, Director Zhang!"

In this case, it is better to let you die, and I will find a new home at the worst possible time.

Old thing! Dare you threaten me! court death!

There is nothing in this world that I, Ye Tian, ​​are afraid of!

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Tian carefully. Ye Tian was even said to be the protagonist! He couldn't even hide the most basic murderous intention.

"Director Zhang, lie down!"

Lin Feng took off Zhang Feng's shirt and prepared to give Zhang Feng acupuncture with Ye Tian.

"Director Zhang, please close your eyes and rest, leave everything to us!"

Lin Feng took out a row of needles, looked at Ye Tian, ​​and then they applied the needles together.

Only ten minutes later, Lin Feng felt Ye Tian's strong murderous intent.

Wherever he sticks the needle, Ye Tian always deliberately sticks the needle in the opposite position. If the two places collide, it will naturally hurt Zhang Feng's body, and over time, Zhang Feng will die.

This Ye Tian is really cruel.

Lin Feng could only try his best to avoid Ye Tian and find ways to distract Ye Tian.

"Director Zhang, why do I feel that there are toxins in your body?" Lin Feng said as if unintentionally: "Let me detoxify you by the way!"

"Okay!" Director Zhang felt very uncomfortable at this time, but he didn't say anything more. In order to deal with Ye Tian as soon as possible, Zhang Feng endured it.

When Ye Tian heard Lin Feng say this, he suddenly panicked.

"How is it possible? I have been giving Zhang Dong acupuncture to detoxify, there can be no toxins in the body!"

Ye Tian stretched out his hand to stop Lin Feng, but Lin Feng ducked back.

"Brother Ye, why are you so anxious? I'm just saying that. Besides, it seems that you haven't given Dr. Zhang acupuncture for a long time. It's not an exaggeration to think that some toxins have accumulated in Mr. Zhang's body!"

"But Brother Ye, it seems to me that I don't like Director Zhang a little, and you deliberately pricked the acupuncture points with me. Do you want to kill Director Zhang?"

Lin Feng suddenly said harshly, and then took action to pull out Ye Tian's needle.

Ye Tian obviously would not have thought that Lin Feng had such a skill.

"I don't know what you mean! Director Zhang and I are brothers, why would I harm him? Don't slander me like this!"

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