Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt like crying.

In the evening, Lin Feng came home. As soon as he lay on the bed, Lin Jianfei called.

"Hey! Dad, what's wrong?"

Lin Jianfei laughed loudly, "What do you think is wrong with me? My old friend Lu Wen called me just now and thanked me very much."

"Son, you are really proud of your father! By the way, you have to take good care of Lu Wen. Lu Wen's disease will be cured! Do you hear me?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Do you even need to say this? For sure!

"Okay, I understand! You go back to the company as soon as possible. I will manage the company. I am almost exhausted!"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, Lin Jianfei began to pretend that the signal was not good.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Son, I won't say any more, my signal is not good, hang up now!"

"Dudududu!" Lin Feng felt very speechless when he heard the busy tone from the other end of the phone.

It seems like this dad really doesn’t plan to come back!

But now the company is on the right track, and it's much easier to handle than before.

Right now, he wants to find a way to break into the Zhang Group, so as to better introduce the company to the imperial capital and make the company grow, grow bigger and stronger!

On the other side, Zhang Feng returned to the imperial capital and immediately recruited several masters from home to hunt down Ye Tian.

"You guys must capture Ye Tian alive!"

"If you dare to poison me, when I catch him, I will torture him to relieve my anger! Let's see who else dares to plot against me, Zhang Feng!"

At this time, Zhang Feng's face was extremely gloomy, and several of his subordinates did not dare to speak loudly.

"Why don't you go down quickly? Why are you standing there in a daze! I tell you, within three days, I must capture Ye Tian!"

"Damn! Look at me, I won't kill him!"

Zhang Feng cursed angrily.

Several of his men hurried down, not daring to stay any longer.

On the other side, Ye Tian naturally knew that he would be hunted down, but in the current situation, he could not move anyone, so he still had room to turn.

If he wanted to make a complete comeback, Ye Tian knew that he needed to find a more powerful backing to protect him.

Among the six major families in the imperial capital, the Zhang family is only at the bottom. The most powerful is the Long family group, but it is a pity that it is difficult to get in touch with them.

However, the opponent of the Zhang family is the Qi Group, which is ranked fifth. Among them, Qi Tai and Zhang Feng, the presidents of the Qi Group, are the most difficult to deal with. It seems that they had some hatred when they were young.

In this way, if I can get in touch with Qi Tai, then all the problems will be solved!

Ye Tian had already prepared his next home at this time, but of course Lin Feng didn't know this.

Lin Feng made the company's management flourish. Soon, a month passed and Shi Wen's illness was cured.

Shi Wen took out the document, swiped it twice, and signed his name first.

"Uncle Shi is really happy!" Lin Feng laughed loudly and then signed his name.

"I would also like to thank my nephew for your life-saving grace. If you hadn't come to the rescue, I would have been with Loess by now!"

When Shi Wen thought of this, he felt even more grateful to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head, "No! I also have to thank Uncle Shi for giving me the opportunity to show off my medical skills!"

"Since the agreement has been signed, why don't I take you to K City, just in time to have a look at the Shi Group? Uncle Shi, what do you think?"

Si Wen hesitated for a moment, as if he was in trouble.

Lin Feng was surprised, why was Shi Wen hesitating? Did something happen to the Shi Group?

"Uncle Shi, what's wrong? If you don't want to, I won't go. I can just send you home."

When Si Wen heard this, he shook his head hastily, "No! That's not the case!"

Si Wen sighed deeply, "Nephew, I see that you manage the company so well, and I know that you are capable."

"But my son..."

"That's all, it's hard to say anything!"

"Anyway, during the month that I was away, he made the company into a mess. I just found out about it, and I am preparing to clean up the company. Do you think you can come and visit again after I manage the company?"

Si Wen asked tentatively.

Lin Feng suddenly realized that there was such a reason.

But when Lin Feng heard this, he became even more interested, wondering what the company had done to that little brat Shi Chuan?

"Uncle Shi, it's okay! Let me go with you!"

"After all, you have just recovered from a serious illness. You still need more rest. Don't spend so much energy. I might be able to help you some when I get there!"

"Besides, I'm a shareholder now, so helping you is also helping myself, right?"

Shi Wen nodded when he heard this. Lin Feng's words were not unreasonable.

"Okay! Then it's all down to you, nephew!"

"Hey! It's not hard!"

On the other side, Shi Group is holding a shareholders' meeting.

Shi Chuan sat at the very beginning, acting like a chairman.

But upon closer inspection, I found that everyone did not respect him.

"Oh my God! Master, what are you doing?" A short, fat, bald, middle-aged man with a sinister look on his face said impatiently.

This person is Wang Xiang, the company's largest shareholder besides Shi Jia, with an actual controlling stake of 20%.

Because of this, Shi Chuan did not dare to offend him easily, but in this way, it also indirectly encouraged Wang Xiang's arrogance.

Wang Xiang knew that Shi Chuan's time was running out, so he privately united with all shareholders to exclude Shi Chuan, and also publicly excluded Shi Chuan many times, making Shi Chuan lose his credibility in front of shareholders and employees.

No one listens to Shi Chuan. In this case, Shi Chuan will sooner or later resign. By then, the entire company will be ruled by Wang Xiang!

Shi Chuan felt very unhappy when he heard Wang Xiang's words.

"Uncle Wang, what do you mean by this? Don't I, Shi Chuan, even have the authority to hold meetings?"

Seeing this, Wang Xiang said impatiently: "Yes, that's it!"

"You just have a meeting. You say you can say something, but it's just trivial things that no one is interested in. And no one listens to you. What are you doing in a meeting?"

"Anyway, your dad won't live long, and you don't have the ability to manage the company. You might as well hand over the company to me as soon as possible. I can still manage it for you and lead our Shi Group to prosperity!"

"Uncle Wang! Why do you talk like that! My father has always valued you, how can you curse him to death here! Are you still a human being!" Shi Chuan said angrily.

Wang Xiang was not happy when he heard this. He looked at the other shareholders and said, "Everyone, am I wrong?"

"Who doesn't know that your father is terminally ill and won't live long? Besides, if your father is fine, will he let you, a loser, take charge of the company?"

"Please look at yourself in the mirror. Do you have the face to be the chairman of a company?"

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