I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 173 It turns out that there is a harem of cannon fodder

Not even giving a gift, that’s really too stingy! Lin Feng complained.

When Liu Xiaoxiao heard what Lin Feng said, she glared at Lin Feng angrily.

Is that picking on you?

I really have no money.

This Lin Feng is a young man no matter what. I am afraid that even if he spends his little salary to buy something, he will not be able to attract Lin Feng's attention.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, I am really poor. If I were rich, I would definitely give you a lavish gift to accompany you."

Lin Feng didn't understand Liu Xiaoxiao's words, "Waiting for you to have money? Then you have to wait a lifetime!"

"If you were really serious, how could you not even bring the most basic fruit? I think you just don't want to give it up!"

When Liu Xiaoxiao heard what Lin Feng said, she couldn't help but clenched her fists, but she still tried her best to keep a smile on her face.

"Mr. Lin's lesson is that I know I made a mistake and I will correct it next time. If there is nothing else, I will leave first!"

Liu Xiaoxiao turned his back, and his expression immediately changed, which can basically be described as gritting his teeth.

If Lin Feng saw it, he would be shocked.

next time! next time! Still want a next time? I never want to meet you again in this life!

Although Liu Xiaoxiao has a bad attitude towards others, she is really not the kind of woman who tends to follow the crowd.

Seeing Liu Xiaoxiao's attitude, Lin Feng became interested and wanted to embarrass Liu Xiaoxiao.

"Hey! Don't leave! Who told you to leave?"

Liu Xiaoxiao adjusted her facial expression and faced Lin Feng with a smile, "Mr. Lin, what's the matter? Is there anything else?"

"Yes! Since you're here to apologize, then be sincere. What's going on if you just leave like this?"

When Liu Xiaoxiao heard Neng Lin Feng talking to her like this, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Then Mr. Lin, what do you want me to do?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked with a smile. In fact, she had already greeted Lin Feng's eighteen generations of ancestors in her heart.

In fact, Lin Feng had already thought about how to deal with this little girl, but on the surface he still pretended to be serious and said: "Well, you come in first, squeeze my legs, bring me tea, and give me some water. Maybe I will be in a better mood. Just forget what happened yesterday, otherwise I might have gone to the director or something to file a complaint."

Hearing this, Liu Xiaoxiao could no longer hold back the smile on her face.

This guy is just taking advantage of others!

"Okay! Just do as you say!"

Liu Xiaoxiao followed Lin Feng into the room. Aunt Li was a little surprised to see Liu Xiaoxiao come in.

Lin Feng explained: "My new caregiver will leave soon. Aunt Li, you don't need to worry about her!"

Aunt Li nodded and said nothing more.

Lin Feng was lying on the sofa, and Liu Xiaoxiao didn't move for a long time.

Seeing this, Lin Feng urged with some dissatisfaction: "What the hell are you doing here? You haven't moved for a long time!"

"What? Do you still want me to teach you step by step what to do?"

Seeing this, Liu Xiaoxiao started to squat down with a complicated expression, stretched out her delicate hands, and began to massage Lin Feng.

Lin Feng suddenly felt that his trouser legs were a little wet. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Liu Xiaoxiao who was shedding tears!

"Why are you still crying?" Lin Feng pulled out his leg. He was just teasing her, but why was she still crying?

Liu Xiaoxiao reached out to touch the tears, which directly rubbed off the makeup on her face. There were white, black and red spots on her face. Lin Feng couldn't help but laugh.

Liu Xiaoxiao cried even harder when she saw Lin Feng laughing.

If it weren't for Lin Feng being more powerful than her, she would have grabbed Lin Feng and beat him up!


Lin Feng saw that Liu Xiaoxiao was crying really hard, so he simply stopped embarrassing her.

"Okay, stop crying! I won't embarrass you anymore! Just go!"

When Liu Xiaoxiao heard Lin Feng's words, her expression immediately became happy.

"Are you serious?"

Lin Feng nodded, "Yeah, not bad."

"Okay! Goodbye, Mr. Lin!" After saying hello, Liu Xiaoxiao left without looking back.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing.

This little guy is quite cute.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully changing the plot, increasing the villain's energy by 2,000 points, successfully plundering the villain's destiny by 1,000 points, and increasing his own destiny by 1,000 points."

Lin Feng was completely confused when he heard what the system said.

What is this!

what happened?

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought that although there was no such plot in the original work, there was a plot in which the protagonist went to an antique bureau to meet the beautiful receptionist and brought her into the harem.

Because the plot described by this woman at that time was only a few chapters, so I had no impression at all. Only now can I finally think about it.

"This beautiful receptionist Liu Xiaoxiao is one of the protagonist Ye Tian's harem. Now that I have explained Liu Xiaoxiao before the protagonist, will Liu Xiaoxiao become my harem?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head when he thought of Liu Xiaoxiao's little crybaby appearance.

Forget it, I'm not interested in her.

Lin Feng only had Shen Qingxue in his heart. Before he met her, he had not fallen in love with anyone. After he met her again, he only had her in his heart. As for other women, he could only stand aside!

The next day, Secretary Liu called Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, I have some clues about what you asked me to investigate before!"

"How about it?"

"Ye Tian was sent to Yanjing by Qi Tai. On the one hand, he wanted Ye Tian to supervise these foundries. On the other hand, he also wanted to acquire these foundries to achieve a complete monopoly!"

"I knew it! This girl's motives are not pure!"

"By the way, do you know when this drug will be launched?"

"Back to Mr. Lin, these drugs will be on the market in a month, and they will definitely cause a sensation all over the world. Once the Qijia has a monopoly, the Qijia will definitely make a lot of money."

"Well, not bad, hang up first!"

Lin Feng saw another call coming in and hung up on Secretary Liu.

"Hello, Director Zhang?" Lin Feng had a bad feeling in his heart, suspecting that Zhang Feng already knew what happened last night.

Sure enough, Zhang Feng's angry voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Mr. Lin, you are so dishonest. You went to develop the tourist area alone. How have you ever taken me seriously?"

Seeing this, Lin Feng hurriedly explained: "Listen to my explanation! That's not what happened."

"I can't make up my mind about this, so I just go..."

"Okay, stop talking! I'm telling you, Lin Feng, we are not done yet. Since you have betrayed your trust, don't blame me for being rude!" After Zhang Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone angrily, without calling Lin Feng at all. Chance for wind explanation.


Lin Feng heard the busy signal on the other side of the phone and sighed helplessly.

This piece of food is crazy, it’s like eating a firecracker.

But if Zhang Feng dares to do something to him, then he won't be polite!

Zhang Feng had already thrown the phone on the ground angrily.

"Damn it! Lin Feng can do it!"

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