Shi Chuan also closed the door when he left.

If Shi Wen saw Shi Chuan looking so sensible, he would definitely be pleased.

Shen Qingxue handed the phone to Lin Feng.

Just now, after Shi Chuan came in and talked about what happened on Weibo, Shen Qingxue took out her phone and started searching.

Lin Feng couldn't help but smile when he saw Niu Fangfang's Weibo.

This woman is really capable of saying anything.

Shen Qingxue said from the side:

"It seems like Niu Fangfang made it up, but netizens believed it and said, let Lin Feng surrender, don't forget what he said."

"That's a little confusing to me."

Lin Feng held his forehead and took out his mobile phone, preparing to post another statement, but when he opened Weibo, he was bombarded with private messages, including many greetings to Lin Feng's eighteen generations of ancestors.

However, these people generally have one purpose, which is to let Lin Feng surrender on his own.

Lin Feng looked at the Weibo comments. Among the several hot comments, it can be said that there are only one or two that are relatively calm.

@Hua Hua Hua: Lin Feng, Mr. Lin, don’t forget what you said, surrender yourself as soon as possible!

@Fingerprint Mi: I think we still have to wait for the investigation results to come out before talking. After all, this Lisa just relies on her mouth and doesn’t even produce any substantive evidence.

@Background crossword puzzle: Evil capitalist, surrender yourself! Living like you is a disaster in the world!

@It’s really impossible to learn: On behalf of the broad masses of the people, I would like to send my greetings to Lin Feng’s eighteen generations of ancestors.

The more Lin Feng watched, the worse he became. Even though he was not a celebrity, he still felt the violence on the Internet.

"Don't be sad! It's useless to take it anyway!" Shen Qingxue comforted from the side.

Lin Feng was helpless. He really couldn't figure out whether Shen Qingxue was watching a play or watching a play?

"I'll post on Weibo first to explain."

Lin Feng: Ms. Niu Fangfang (Weibo user Lisa) is indeed an employee of our company, but at noon, our company fired her for the simple reason that she insulted my girlfriend.

I don’t know if Ms. Niu Fangfang’s words are retaliatory, but I will report the case for investigation. The truth will eventually be revealed!

In addition, if it is determined to be an insult and rumor, I will send a lawyer's letter to Ms. Niu Fangfang.

When Shen Qingxue saw Lin Fengfa's words, she couldn't help but said: "Your words are very misleading! But they will definitely scare Niu Fangfang."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "That's right! You don't even know who I am!"

After Lin Feng posted it, in just five minutes, it was on the Weibo hot list, with hundreds of thousands of clicks.

It was also at this time that Lin Feng discovered that he had 5 million fans, which was almost the same as a small Internet celebrity.

Lin Feng looked at everyone's comments and found that they had different opinions, but he had successfully changed the direction of the matter. However, there were several hot comments in the comment area, and they actually wanted to see what his girlfriend looked like.

Lin Feng secretly glanced at Shen Qingxue, then took a secret photo and posted it on Weibo.

Lin Feng didn't pay attention at first, but something unexpected happened to him.

This photo immediately made Weibo explode.

Weibo's trending phrase "Lin Feng's girlfriend is so beautiful."

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know it yet, but Shen Qingxue discovered it while scrolling Weibo.

"Ahhhh!" Shen Qingxue exclaimed, startling Lin Feng who was working.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Qingxue put her phone in front of Lin Feng, "Look, look! Ah! Everyone is commenting on me now!"

Shen Qingxue wanted to cry but had no tears.

Lin Feng looked at the hot words on Weibo and to be honest, he was quite proud.

It seems that the aesthetics of the majority of netizens are consistent with his.

"What's going on! Didn't you say that I won't make you public? Isn't this thorough enough?"

"I asked you to make it public, but I didn't let you do it so openly! The whole world knows how good you are!" Shen Qingxue felt so embarrassed.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, hugged Shen Qingxue and kissed her.

"If you say it again, I will go directly to the external website to make another official announcement!"

When Shen Qingxue heard this, she immediately became honest.

On the other side, Ye Tian, ​​who was waiting to watch the show, unexpectedly saw such a hot search and became furious.

"What the hell!" Ye Tian yelled angrily: "What a waste. If you can't handle anything like this, you shouldn't look for that woman and do bad things in turn."

"I'm so angry!"

"Lin Feng, don't be too arrogant! I, Ye Tian, ​​are at odds with you!"

As for Niu Fangfang, she was extremely scared when she saw Lin Fengfa's Weibo.

He even took the initiative to delete Weibo first, fearing that Lin Feng would come to settle the score with him, and he didn't want to go to jail.

Niu Fangfang's phone was also beeping non-stop, almost exploding. Seeing this, Niu Fangfang took out the phone card, and the whole world became quiet.

At this moment, Niu's father walked in, grabbed Niu Fangfang and cursed her.

"Niu Fangfang, if you don't do a good job at the job I introduced you to, forget it! Now Yi is still slandering Mr. Lin on the Internet. You have to know that if Mr. Lin wants to deal with you, you Dad, even if I give all my property to others, they may not appreciate you, let alone let you go!"

"You pig-brained person is simply looking for death!"

"Okay! I won't tell you any more. From now on, you will move to the countryside to avoid the limelight, and don't come back in a short time!" After saying this, Father Niu turned and left.

It seems that Niu's father has already thought about all this, and now he comes here just to inform Niu Fangfang.

Niu Fangfang collapsed. Even though she never wanted to go back to the countryside, she had no other way to survive except going back to the countryside!

At this time, Niu Fangfang hated Ye Tian very much, but she only knew Ye Tian's appearance and knew nothing about the rest of the information, so she could only curse silently in her heart.

Mr. Wang was drinking tea leisurely when his subordinate walked in and told Mr. Wang about Lin Feng.

Mr. Wang opened his eyes, "This is someone who wants to punish Lin Feng. Send someone to investigate. In addition, find some navy soldiers to help Lin Feng scold him!"

Originally, Mr. Wang didn't have to worry about these things, but Lin Feng was his friend and helped him a lot. Now that Lin Feng is in trouble, he must help Lin Feng.

Of course, this is just what Mr. Wang thinks. At this time, Lin Feng is leisurely working and flirting with girls.

"I don't know how Secretary Liu's investigation is going! I'll call Secretary Liu and ask."

Just when Lin Feng was about to make a call, Secretary Liu's phone number came to him one step ahead.

"Hey! Secretary Liu!"

"Mr. Lin, the investigation of the matter is almost complete. There are still a few details that need to be sorted out. However, according to the results of the investigation, the previous incidents were forged by others and were not true."

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