I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 198 Moving to the Imperial Capital

"If you have time, come and take a look!"

Lin Feng fell into a daze.

What a big pie it was, and it hit me on the head!

It happened that Lin Feng's mobile phone volume was turned up loudly, and basically everyone in the conference room heard Shangguan Yi's words.

Everyone fell into a deathly silence.

"Okay, thank you so much, Yi Dong. You have solved my urgent need!"

Lin Feng felt that Shangguan Yi's call was really timely!

"If you have anything to thank me for, please come over and take a look. I'm going to hang up now. I have some other things to deal with here!"

"Okay, okay, goodbye Yi Dong!"

Lin Feng hung up the phone, handed the phone to Secretary Liu, and said reproachfully:

"You are so flustered, you must knock on the door first before coming in, otherwise others will see the joke, do you understand?"

Secretary Liu nodded hurriedly, "Yes, I understand. I'm sorry, Director Lin. I will pay attention to it in the future!"

"Well, back off!"

Secretary Liu walked out quietly and closed the door.

Lin Feng turned to look at everyone.

"My secretary is not very sensible and makes everyone laugh!"

These words made Wang Chao, who had been secretly criticizing Secretary Liu, feel embarrassed.

"But I believe everyone has heard the call just now. Yi Dong specially made space for us to move there."

"I believe everyone will not give Yi Dong this face, right?"

Lin Feng has already said this, what can others say?

"We'll do as you say if we don't have any objections!"

"We already have a place, what else can we say?"

"The Shangguan Group found the place specifically for us, so why shouldn't we go?"

Everyone agreed.

Lin Feng turned his gaze to Wang Chao, who was silent at the side.

"Director Wang, what do you mean?"

This sentence sounded extra ironic to Wang Chao.

After all, he was the one who instigated everyone just now, and now he was slapped in the face.

At this time, Wang Chao wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it, never to see the talent again.

"I have no objection. I will listen to you, Director Lin." Wang Chao had an ugly smile on his face.

Seeing this, Lin Feng happily announced loudly: "Then I, Ling Feng, will announce again that our Lin Group has officially decided to move its headquarters to the Imperial Capital!"

"Okay!" Everyone agreed.

Lin Feng started preparing for this matter.

But before going there, Lin Feng called Secretary Liu into the office.

"Secretary Liu, I give you a special task!"

"This mission must be kept secret and don't tell anyone. Of course you can take Shi Chuan with you and let Shi Chuan work as a coolie."

Seeing this, Secretary Liu's expression became serious.

"Yes, Director Lin, just ask."

"Take Shi Chuan to the place prepared for us by the Shangguan Group."

"When you get there, you wander around first, and then you use the excuse to send others out to check whether there are surveillance or recording equipment."

Secretary Liu looked at Lin Feng in surprise, as if he didn't expect that Lin Feng would arrange for him to do this.

"If this is discovered by Shangguan Yi, it may affect the relationship between you and him." Secretary Liu analyzed.

"Of course I know, otherwise I wouldn't have let you go secretly!"

"Okay, go quickly. Go early and come back early. Remember not to let anyone discover you! Even if you are discovered, you have to find an excuse to get through, you know?"

Lin Feng instructed.

Secretary Liu nodded, then went out and asked Shi Chuan to leave.

It was the first time that Shi Chuan saw Secretary Liu actively calling him, and he felt so happy.

"Secretary Liu, what did you call me for?" Shi Chuan asked as he followed Secretary Liu.

Secretary Liu had a cold face and said, "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Seeing this, Shi Chuan didn't dare to ask any more questions, and just followed Secretary Liu obediently.

Lin Feng sat in the office and looked into the distance.

He knows that this is actually not a good thing, but now he must be more discerning, after all, people's hearts are separated from each other.

Shangguan Yi helped him for no reason, which was for nothing.

After such an investigation, I can move the headquarters there with peace of mind.

Secretary Liu took Shi Chuan to the imperial capital, found the Shangguan Group, and paid a special visit to Shangguan Yi with gifts.

"Hello, Director Yi, I'm Mr. Lin's secretary. He can't get away, so he asked me to take a look at the space you made for the company."

"Okay, I'll let my secretary Xiao Zhang take you there." Shangguan Yi called his secretary in, and then his secretary took Secretary Liu to visit the place.

"Xiao Zhang, go and take a look with Secretary Liu to see the space we have made available for the Lin Group."

"Okay, Yi Dong."

Secretary Zhang turned to look at Secretary Liu.

"Secretary Liu, come with me!"


Secretary Liu took Shi Chuan and followed Secretary Zhang.

After Secretary Zhang left the Shangguan Group, his whole appearance changed completely.

"Hurry up and follow me. Don't be unable to keep up with me!"

"Okay, Secretary Zhang."

Secretary Zhang took the two of them to a building specially vacated by Shangguan Yi for Lin Feng.

Secretary Zhang said in a sharp voice: "This place was specially set aside by our Yi Dong!"

"Actually, it's not that specialized. After all, we had a few scattered departments in this place before. Later, we said that we wanted to make room for you, so we had to move those departments over there to squeeze in. Anyway, it can be done It’s served.”

"Anyway, our Shangguan Group does not lack such a place, but I have a question, can you afford the rent here?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, this imperial capital is a place where every inch of land is precious, and it's not on the same level as Yanjing!"

This secretary looks so sinister and angry that she really deserves a beating.

Secretary Liu suppressed his anger and said with a smile: "Okay, we get it, let's go around on our own. Thank you, Secretary Zhang, for the hard work!"

"Are you trying to drive me away?" Secretary Zhang said in disbelief.

Secretary Liu smiled slightly and said, "Secretary Zhang, please don't lose your composure. We secretaries must maintain our posture at all times."

"Besides, I'm not driving you away. I'm just afraid that you'll be working too hard. After all, you just talked so much and your mouth must be dry. I'll ask my assistant to take you for a cup of coffee!"

"How much is his treat? Please don't be polite!"

Secretary Liu made Secretary Zhang speechless with just a few words.

Secretary Zhang snorted coldly, turned and left.

Seeing this, Shi Chuan pretended to shout from behind: "Secretary Zhang, why are you leaving so fast? Don't you need me to buy you coffee?"

"Haha, you're laughing so hard at me, you're such a sissy!" Shi Chuan laughed.

Shi Chuan looked at Secretary Liu and found that Secretary Liu still had a cold face, so he stopped laughing.

"Stop laughing and carry out the mission quickly!"


On the other side, Zhang Feng was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Lin Feng always gave him an uneasy feeling when he came here.

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