Song Yunxue suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

You know, Lin Feng bought a dozen donkey brand bags for himself yesterday, so why should he be a man today?

"Brother Feng, stop joking, Xiaoxue is serious."

Not only was Lin Feng unmoved, he even wanted to laugh a little.

"Who wants to joke with a stupid woman like you?"

"I'm only going to say this once, disappear from me immediately and never appear again!"

After saying that, Lin Feng showed a sneer on his lips.

"Reminder, the selection was successful, the host forcefully rejected the gold digger, he is indeed a real man!"

"Acquire the superpower - 'Golden Vision Eye'! Reward the Invincible Real Man achievement, and increase your luck value by +20!"

With a "ding" sound, Lin Feng felt that he had learned endless treasure appraisal knowledge, and his eyes became extremely wise, like an immortal!

Am I a stupid woman?

This young lady is the campus beauty of YSU!

Seeing Lin Feng's sneer expression, Song Yunxue's face remained calm, but her heart was starting to go crazy.

"Did I go too far and make him unwilling to continue being a dog?"

"No, until the value of the Lin family has been squeezed out, there is still use in keeping him!"

Song Yunxue's face changed, and she quickly went up to Liduo and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, did Xiaoxue do something wrong to make you unhappy?"

"Xiaoxue doesn't want anything anymore. I just want Brother Feng to be by my side. I can't live without you in my life!"

Song Yunxue put on a very cute look and came to Lin Feng, sobbing non-stop.

Unexpectedly, Lin Feng not only did not go back and forth as usual, but instead tasted the high-end red wine in his hand.

He even clicked on the camera and took pictures of his face.

This is so abnormal!

In the past, whenever Song Yunxue used this move, Lin Feng was not so fascinated that he immediately knelt down and obeyed?

But now, not only did he not move at all, he was even smiling!

Song Yunxue's face turned pale.

She suddenly understood that Lin Feng had known her true identity for a long time.

But Song Yunxue didn't know anything about it, and even acted self-righteously in front of Lin Feng.

Is this domineering man in front of him really the licking dog he was before who was willing to kneel down?

Thinking of this, Song Yunxue's body trembled violently, and she quickly went up and said in a voiceless voice: "Brother Feng, I was just joking with you. Please give me another chance, don't abandon me like this!"

"Does your face hurt when you say this?"

After saying that, he raised his hand and told Song Yunxue to get lost.

Song Yunxue was stunned on the spot.

She was very scheming and knew very well that she was completely out of control.

She stepped out of the door with a pale face and planned to leave.

However, Lin Feng suddenly spoke and stopped Song Yunxue.

"I won't care about what happened before. Remember to be honest when you go out."

"Also, if you go out on the street in the future, I suggest you wear a mask to prevent others from seeing your plastic surgery face and being scared and vomiting on the spot!"

After saying that, he showed a standard crooked smile.

Song Yunxue was left alone, messy in the corridor

She couldn't understand why the Lin family's licking dog that she had carefully tamed had become so powerful and domineering!

After Song Yunxue left, Lin Feng's mind moved, and a high-tech transparent panel appeared in front of his eyes.

[The strongest anti-pretending system]

[Host: Lin Feng]

[Personal assets: 2 billion]

[Strength value: 90]

[Agility value: 102]

[Physique value: 90]

[Charm value: 110]

[Lucky value: 120]

[Note: The above values ​​are converted to the standard of 100 for ordinary people]

[Skills acquired]

[Superpower - Golden Vision: Can see through things and analyze their economic value]

[Villain Energy: 0]

[Current novel trigger: Doctor 3: Across the World. After the completion reaches a certain value, there is a chance that other novel plots will be triggered]

After some understanding, Lin Feng finally figured it out.

The world he is currently in is a parallel world constructed by systems.

Although it looks similar to Earth, it is actually not exactly the same.

The title of the novel he is currently triggered by is "Medicine 3: Across the World" he watched last night.

And, in the near future, he is likely to enter other novels as the villain.

However, he was not worried. With Lin Feng's net worth, he would at least be a protagonist in any novel.

As long as you are careful enough, smart enough, and know the plot, you can easily escape the fate of being a minor villain!

But in "Medicine 3", he was punched to death by the protagonist Ye Tian, ​​and he didn't know how he died until he died.

After all, he was a talented person with a majestic appearance. How could he be easily crushed by Ye Tian and be willing to be a sidekick who wouldn't survive for ten minutes?

"So, Ye Tian."

Lin Feng sat on the luxurious sofa with a standard villain smile on his face: "In order to get rid of the fate of being a sidekick, I'd better kill you first!"

But having said that, the methods should not be as stupid as those brainless rich second generations.

He was rich and powerful, no matter what he did, he could defeat Ye Tian in more than a dozen streets.

If you randomly send some killers and thugs to give you experience, then you can't raise a father?

"Now that I am also a systematic person, I can kill Ye Tian in as many ways as I want!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and then focused on the transparent panel.

I usually don't pay much attention to exercise, and my body is exhausted by drinking and sex, so my strength and physical fitness are a little worse than ordinary people.

If you are charming, it is probably because you are rich and everyone around you is flattering you.

"System, what is this villain energy?"

"Returning to the host, the villain's energy reflects the host's control position in the universe. The higher the value, the more favored it is by destiny."

"The host can change the plot of the novel, prevent the protagonist from showing off, plunder the destiny points from the protagonist, and gain villain energy."

"Villain energy can be used to improve basic attributes, and can also trigger random draws. As the host upgrades, its functions will gradually increase. Please work hard!"

"Tips: The current host villain's energy is: 0, and the protagonist Ye Tian's destiny is: 10,000."

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, finally understanding the principle of this system.

"Tip, congratulations to the host for successfully changing the plot, slapping Song Yunxue in the face, rewarding the villain with +200 energy, and the protagonist Ye Tian's destiny value -200!"

"Tip: The current host's villain energy is: 200, and the protagonist Ye Tian's destiny is: 9800!"

Very good, now just plunder Ye Tian's destiny bit by bit, and then kill him after he is completely useless.

In this case, when entering the next novel, I will have a very strong starting ability.

Lin Feng smiled sinisterly, already having a plan in mind.

He took out his mobile phone and called his personal driver directly.

"Lao Wang, take me to the gymnasium. Today's concert should be over. Let me go and meet my fiancée-Zhang Haiyi!"

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