I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 201 Meeting Mr. Wang Again

"I'll take a call first!"

Zhang Feng picked up the phone.


"Why are you so brainless! You really piss me off!"

"Forget it, I'll go back!"

After Zhang Feng hung up the phone, he looked at Lin Feng apologetically, "Sorry, I have something else to do and I have to leave first!"


Zhang Feng got up and left in a hurry.

After Zhang Feng came out, he looked at the hotel and sneered.

What the hell, you dare to ridicule me, look at how I will punish you!

Zhang Feng turned and left.

On the other side, Lin Feng watched Zhang Feng quietly without saying a word.

When you act in front of yourself, you don’t even know what you are!


The waiter pushed open the door and entered.

"Hello sir, do you want to pay?"


"You spent a total of one hundred and thirty-five thousand and seventy-eight hundred yuan this time. Did you pay in cash or by card?"

"You want me to pay? I'm the person brought here by Director Zhang. He said it will all be charged to his account."

The waiter glanced at the table, then nodded.

Zhang Feng is also a VIP customer of the store, so this order can still be paid on credit.

"By the way, pack these dishes and take away the bottle of wine I haven't finished yet!"

The waiter looked at Lin Feng with a somewhat strange look.

To be honest, no one who comes to eat in a restaurant has ever seen such a discount, and Lin Feng is the first one.

Mainly because he was frugal, but he still took advantage of others, which made the waiter feel a little unacceptable, so he muttered in a low voice: "This is the first time I've seen such a deduction."

After all, Lin Feng is a martial arts practitioner and has excellent hearing.

"Who are you talking about?"

The waiter rolled his eyes, "I'm talking about you! What? I said it wrong!"

"Why did I deduct it? I was using waste. Didn't you throw these vegetables away in the end? I packed them away. Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing this, the waiter also argued with Lin Feng.

"Did I say something wrong? You're just a freeloader. Director Zhang left, and you didn't even settle the accounts. You just paid for others. You even took advantage of this. It's really enough..."

The waiter didn't finish the rest of the words, but Lin Feng could basically guess how unpleasant the waiter's words would be.

"I advise you to be careful with your words, and don't say anything if you don't know anything about it!" Lin Feng was polite.

Zhang Feng really left a mess for himself.

"And you are just a waiter, what do these things have to do with you? I advise you to mind your own business first!"

"If you say one more word, do you believe I will file a complaint against you?"

Lin Feng's words completely blocked the waiter's mouth.

The waiter looked aggrieved, making people think that Lin Feng had bullied her. To this, Lin Feng could only say that he really didn't do anything!

The waiter packed the food for Lin Feng honestly.

But when Lin Feng walked out carrying all the bags, he realized that he didn't drive there at all.

What a miscalculation!

Just when Lin Feng was about to call Shi Chuan and ask Shi Chuan to pick him up, Lin Feng found an acquaintance walking over.

Lin Feng took a closer look and saw that it was Mr. Wang.

"Mr. Wang! Why are you here?!"

Mr. Wang squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Feng carefully. He was also surprised.

"Lin Feng! Why are you here?"

Lin Feng stepped forward, but it was difficult to say hello because he was holding something in his hand.

"You haven't watched the news recently! I moved here with the Lin Group!"

When Mr. Wang heard Lin Feng's words, he was slightly surprised at first, and then he praised: "Not bad! It's good to come here! There are many development opportunities here!"

Lin Feng chuckled, and then asked: "Mr. Wang, where are you going? Why aren't you driving?"

Mr. Wang gestured back, "The car is following behind. I just walk around casually and take a walk."

Lin Feng just wanted to give Mr. Wang a thumbs up. Rich people are different. When walking, they have to be followed by a car. Is this because they are afraid that they will get tired from walking and just take the car?

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and directly raised the things in his hands, "Mr. Wang, I went out to eat this time without driving, so I took a lot of things. Please give me a ride!"

Seeing this, Mr. Wang smiled helplessly and shook his head, "You boy, you are so clever!"

"Get in the car and I'll take you off!"

"But I have an event to go to later, and you have to go with me!"


Lin Feng couldn't ask for it.

After getting in the car, Wang Lao asked for the address of Lin Feng's company, and Lin Feng told him the truth.

Mr. Wang's expression changed, "Why are you there?!"

Lin Feng was surprised, "What's wrong? Is this place bad?"

Mr. Wang did not answer Lin Feng's question directly, but continued: "I remember this place belongs to Shangguan Yi. Why did you go here?"

Lin Feng told the truth, but in his heart he was very surprised by Mr. Wang's attitude.

When Mr. Wang heard Lin Feng's words, he nodded.

"Even so, you can stay here peacefully for now, but if you have the chance, it's best to move out of that place as soon as possible!"

"Why? Mr. Wang, I noticed something was wrong with your expression just now." Lin Feng finally asked without suppressing the doubt in his heart.

Mr. Wang sighed, and then slowly said: "That's it! I'll tell you!"

"However, don't have any psychological burden. After all, not everyone will be involved in this."


"The feng shui of this place is not good. In fact, the headquarters of Shangguan Group was originally located at your location, but it has always been rough. Employees often jumped off the building, or some scandals occurred."

"Shangguanyi heard that others said that Feng Shui was not good, so he brought a Feng Shui master over to take a look. Seeing this, the Feng Shui master chose a good place for Shangguan Yi. Since Shangguan Yi moved there, nothing has happened in the company. It’s over!”

"It's not clear whether this is true or not, but the feng shui of that place is really bad! Usually there are only a few insignificant departments there, and they are all yang-yang men."

After hearing these words, Lin Feng suddenly felt that his whole body was not well.

What is this?

Bad feng shui!

Shangguan Yi gave him a place like this to live in. Wasn't it obvious that he was trying to trick him?

However, Lin Feng would not show his anger in front of Mr. Wang, but said softly: "I understand, Mr. Wang, thank you for reminding me!"

However, after Mr. Wang said this, I still remembered that the protagonist seemed to be proficient in Feng Shui, but there was relatively little written in the original work. The protagonist used Feng Shui to change the Feng Shui of many dignitaries, and thus made friends with many celebrities and opened up his own business. connections.

If I could find a way to cut off the protagonist's path, his destiny value would definitely drop a lot.

"You're welcome! Okay, we're at the group, go back quickly!"


When Lin Feng returned, he hurriedly gave Shi Chuan instructions.

"The feng shui here is not good. It's about time to clean it up. Don't stay here at night. If you want anything, wait until I come back tomorrow to tell you!"

"Okay!" Shi Chuan was a little confused as to what Lin Feng said, but since it was Lin Feng's order, he must have reason.

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