I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 209: Friends with no sense of existence

An ordinary person would definitely accept it happily. After all, it was the card given by Chairman Lin. Could it be that the money in it would be less?

Shen Qingxue frowned and pushed the card away.

"I don't want it, who cares about your money!"

"Lin Feng, let me tell you, you have to make something with your own hands and give it to me for it to count, otherwise you are not sincere to me!"

"And you have to go out with me today, you can't work in the company!"

On the Chinese Valentine's Day, Shen Qingxue's request was indeed not too much.

Lin Feng naturally agreed to Shen Qingxue's request.

"Okay, let's go wherever you want to play!"

"But you have to think carefully. I have no room for regret. Are you sure you don't want this card?"

Shen Qingxue shook her head, "I like you not just because you are rich, even if you are a pauper, I will like you!"

"Because even if you are a pauper, I believe you will succeed one day!"

What Shen Qingxue said was very sincere, which moved Lin Feng a little.

"Qingxue, don't worry, I, Lin Feng, will definitely live up to you in this life!"

In fact, Lin Feng also prepared a big gift for Shen Qingxue.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat, drink and have fun!"


Shen Qingxue and Lin Feng were walking arm in arm on the street like ordinary young lovers.

The two were chatting and laughing, and their image of a handsome man and beautiful woman attracted many people's attention.

Just then a man came up to me with a bad look on his face.

Lin Feng turned to look at the person coming, but he didn't expect it to be the cannon fodder Zhang Pengfei again.

"Are you alright?"

Zhang Pengfei glanced at Shen Qingxue and sneered, "I thought you were really a chaste and fierce woman, but I didn't expect that you just found someone richer!"

When Shen Qingxue heard this, her face suddenly turned red.

Although he fell in love with Lin Feng not because Lin Feng was rich, his relatives and everyone who knew him believed that Shen Qingxue climbed up a high branch to be with Lin Feng because Lin Feng was rich.

Now that Zhang Pengfei said this in front of Lin Feng, it embarrassed her even more.

Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng cautiously, fearing that Lin Feng would think so too.

Lin Feng, however, had a cold face and cold eyes, looking straight at Zhang Pengfei.

"Say it to me again and I will tear your mouth out right now!"

There was a strong anger hidden in Lin Feng's words.

Zhang Pengfei was immediately furious and almost had a conflict with Lin Feng, but he suddenly remembered Zhang Feng's instructions to him, sneered, and said nothing more.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After Zhang Pengfei gave Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue a meaningful look, he walked past them and left.

Lin Feng was a little confused about Zhang Pengfei's attitude.

This is not like the character of cannon fodder Zhang Pengfei. Could it be that his father told him?

With this conjecture, Lin Feng's doubts became more and more serious. If Zhang Feng had asked him, he should not have this attitude of still being arrogant.

Now, Zhang Pengfei's attitude is a bit confusing to Lin Feng.

Shen Qingxue poked Lin Feng, "Brother Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Feng shook his head and comforted: "I'm fine. I must have scared you just now!"

"No, I'm just worried that you think I'm that kind of person too." Shen Qingxue's voice gradually dropped.

Lin Feng didn't speak, just held Shen Qingxue's hand and continued to lead Shen Qingxue forward.

Lin Feng took Shen Qingxue to the private restaurant that Long Zheng had brought him to before.

"Where is this?" Shen Qingxue looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

"Where can it be? It's just a place to eat. The food here is good. I'll bring you over to try it!"


"Hey, isn't this Lin Feng?"

An annoying voice came over.

When Lin Feng looked back, he saw an arrogant and domineering second-generation rich man.

"Who are you?" To be honest, Lin Feng has interacted with many people, so he really has no impression of this person.

The rich second generation Lin Feng couldn't believe it, "You actually forgot about me?"

"Have you forgotten what I did for you before?"

Then the rich second generation seemed to realize something and laughed at himself: "That's right, you are now Director Lin of the Lin Group and you are different from before!"

Lin Feng felt extra upset when he heard these sour words.

Why can't I have a smooth Chinese Valentine's Day?

"If you have anything to say, just say it. If you don't have anything to say, get out of here. I'm celebrating Chinese Valentine's Day here. Don't bother me here!" Lin Feng scolded directly.

The rich second generation didn't seem to expect that Lin Feng would be so tough, and a bit of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"Lin Feng, after all, we were friends before, but you did this to me!" The rich second generation started to talk about their feelings again.

Lin Feng wondered when he had such a friend, and then Lin Feng began to recall the content of the original work.

The original work doesn't go into too much detail about Lin Feng, the cannon fodder, so I don't even know who this rich second generation is.

"Sorry, I have a bad memory. If I owe you money, just go to Secretary Liu with the IOU. I took your things, so you report to Secretary Liu and I will pay you back. If there is nothing else, I will Go in first.”

Lin Feng pulled Shen Qingxue into the private restaurant.

But the rich second generation stepped forward and stopped Lin Feng, "You don't owe me anything, but Lin Feng, you said you would pay my debts for the rest of your life, have you forgotten?"

"You also said that as long as I have something to eat, you have something to eat. We are friends!"

Lin Feng was confused. He didn't even know his name or what kind of friend he was.

"Then what is your name?"

The rich second generation saw that Lin Feng still didn't think of him, his face was already ugly, but he still forced a smile and said: "I am Meng Chao! Why have you forgotten me?"

"Meng Chao! It's not easy to meet here!"

"How about having dinner together?" Lin Feng said politely.

Meng Chao shook his head, "No, I just finished my meal and the bill hasn't been settled yet. How about Brother Lin settle the bill for me?"

"Brother Lin, if you help me settle the bill, we will still be friends. If you have any difficulties, just come to me!"

Only today did Lin Feng know how to write the words "I don't know how high the sky is, how high the earth is".

Lin Feng chuckled, "Get out!"

"Don't make me hit anyone!"

Lin Feng dropped the words and pulled Shen Qingxue towards the restaurant. He was really smart just now, talking nonsense with such a person.

The people inside also rushed out and grabbed Meng Chao.

"Didn't you say you have a friend? This friend doesn't seem to be planning to pay you the bill. What do you think? Do you want to have a meal?"

"If you don't settle the bill today, you won't be able to leave!"

"I'll do it!" Meng Chao gritted his teeth.

Meng Chao saw Lin Feng approaching from a distance, thinking about how he could trick Lin Feng, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to be so heartless and ignore him.

Meng Chao looked extremely ugly and took out his credit card from his pocket. This meal directly maxed out his card.

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