How could Lin Feng not know that there must be fraud in this gift, but now that everyone is paying attention, it would be too embarrassing for him to say that he dare not open it.

"Okay, since Mr. Ye is so persistent, I'll take it apart and take a look!"

Shen Qingxue said hurriedly: "No, don't tear it apart."

Everyone looked at Shen Qingxue in surprise.

Shen Qingxue could naturally see that something was wrong, but he was unwilling to leave the danger to Lin Feng.

"I'll open it." Shen Qingxue took the gift with a smile.

Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue started fighting.

Lin Feng lowered his voice and said: "What are you opening? Do you know how dangerous this gift is?"

Shen Qingxue smiled slightly, "Of course I know, but I don't want to see you get hurt."

Then Shen Qingxue took the gift away and slowly opened it.

However, after taking it apart, there was only a pair of newlyweds inside, without any mechanism.

Ye Tian sneered.

"Why do you still like this gift?"

Shen Qingxue nodded, "Yes, I like it, thank you Mr. Ye!"

Shen Qingxue smiled sweetly at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian suddenly blushed and turned his head to the side unnaturally.

"That's good, I'm leaving."

Seeing this, Lin Feng stepped forward and grabbed Ye Tian, ​​"Mr. Ye, why don't you stay here and have a glass of our wedding wine?"

"There's nothing to drink!" Ye Tian turned and left.

Lin Feng shook his head and finally turned his gaze to Shen Qingxue, feeling that Shen Qingxue was extra beautiful today.

The wedding went on as usual.

After marriage, Lin Feng and Shen Qingxue lived a happy life.

Of course, Lin Feng was even more reluctant to let go of Shen Qingxue.

This is also the reason why he has not continued the mission.

Finally, Lin Feng couldn't help but ask the system how he could ask Shen Qingxue to take him with him.

"System, when I travel to other books, can I take Shen Qingxue away with me?"

"Sorry, host can't."

"Is there nothing we can do?"

"If the host wants to take Shen Qingxue away, then first you must obtain Shen Qingxue's consent, and secondly you need to pay a huge price. Are you sure?"

Lin Feng was stunned.

Shen Qingxue still has a father here, and he doesn't know if he will agree.

Secondly, Lin Feng could feel that this huge price was absolutely unusual.

"What huge price?"

"If you accidentally trigger the new book, all your skills will be transferred to the new book, but if you take someone away, all your skills will be reset to zero."

Lin Feng understood instantly that this meant restoring factory settings!

"okay, I get it."

Lin Feng fell into deep thought.

A sudden thumping sound, similar to the sound of a heavy object falling, caught Lin Feng's attention.

Lin Feng hurriedly went out to check and found that Shen Qingxue, who was cooking, had fallen to the ground.

Lin Feng was frightened and hurried over.

"Qingxue, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Qingxue closed her eyes tightly and was unconscious.

Lin Feng sensed something was wrong and hurriedly looked at Shen Qingxue's breathing and found that her breathing was weak.

"Qingxue, wake up quickly, don't scare me!"

Lin Feng couldn't figure out what was going on. He remembered that Shen Qingxue didn't seem to have a sudden illness.

Lin Feng used his golden eyes to look at Shen Qingxue's body and found that Shen Qingxue's body was covered with a black line.

Shen Qingxue was poisoned!

Lin Feng hurriedly gave Shen Qingxue the antidote pill.

Then he carried Shen Qingxue to bed, took off his clothes, and prepared to give Shen Qingxue acupuncture.

But when Lin Feng inserted needles all over Shen Qingxue's body, the poison was not drawn out.

This poison has penetrated deep into the bone marrow and melted into the flesh and blood. Acupuncture cannot induce this poison at all.

What on earth should we do?

There is only one way now.

If you want to detoxify, you must develop the corresponding antidote.

But to study the antidote, we must know what kind of poison it is.

When was Shen Qingxue poisoned?

Who poisoned him?

Lin Feng fell into memories.

Ordinary people couldn't poison Shen Qingxue at all. After all, with him by his side, probably no one except Ye Tian could do this.

The poison was originally given to him, but unexpectedly, it was given to Shen Qingxue by accident.

"Qingxue, wait for me, I will definitely save you!"

Lin Feng went to look for the gift Ye Tian sent.

When he came to the storage room, Lin Feng looked around and found the gift sent by Ye Tian.

Lin Feng used his golden eyes and found that there was no trace of poison on the gift.

what on earth is it?

Isn't it Ye Tianxia's poison?

Lin Feng really couldn't think of anyone who could poison him.

Now Lin Feng can only go to Ye Tian for verification. Shen Qingxue only has 12 hours at most.

Lin Feng must quickly find out the source of the poison and develop an antidote.

"Secretary Liu, please check for me quickly. Where is Ye Tian now?"


10 minutes later.

"Mr. Lin has found out that Ye Tian seems to be living at Zhang Feng's house now."

"Zhang Feng?!"

Lin Feng's pupils shrank. Zhang Feng was really not afraid of death. Ye Tian had killed half of his life before, but now he was looking for Ye Tian again.

"Okay, I understand, you send people to surround Zhang Feng's house."


Now that Lin Feng has this strength, anyone who offends him will be bitten black and blue by him.

At this time, Zhang Feng and Ye Tian were sitting together drinking.

"If you had been willing to be obedient and not have so many ambitions, you might have gotten along with Lin Feng by now." Zhang Feng said, taking a sip of wine.

Ye Tian smiled slightly, "Director Zhang taught you a lesson, but if Shen Qingxue really dies, then you, Director Zhang, will still be sad to death?"

Zhang Feng sneered, "Oh, she's just a woman."

"Although this woman is really good, compared to my status, she is just a dispensable thing."

It is not difficult to guess that Zhang Feng will take action against Lin Feng.

Zhang Feng was afraid that Lin Feng had shaken his position in the imperial capital, so he took action against Lin Feng.

"Really?" Ye Tian shook his head and said to himself.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Open the door, the protagonist is here!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian went to open the door.

Coming to the door, Ye Tian and Lin Feng looked at each other with sparks in their eyes.

"Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to be here!" Lin Fengpi smiled.

Ye Tian's face was expressionless.

"Please come in, Director Zhang has been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin Feng raised his feet and when passing by Ye Tian, ​​he whispered: "Originally, I really thought you had a deep love for Shen Qingxue, but now it seems that it is just an illusion!"

Ye Tian's face darkened.

Lin Feng walked up to Zhang Feng and said, "Director Zhang, long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see, Mr. Lin is a lot more impressive again."

Zhang Fengpi said with a smile.

"Now I'll get straight to the point, why did you attack Qingxue? Shouldn't you have come directly to me?"

Lin Feng asked.

"Originally I was going to come for you, but that little girl wanted to stand in front of you, so I accidentally hurt you." Zhang Feng was also helpless, after all, he really liked Shen Qingxue.

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