"But we, Director Long, have ordered that fans not be allowed into the company."

Lin Feng was confused, "Fan, what kind of fan?"

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance at the front desk, he was a little puzzled, "Isn't he a fan of Dong Long?"

Lin Feng was a little helpless, "What kind of fan? He is Erica, the daughter of the chairman of Phil Group!"

"What nonsense have you been talking about all day? Why don't you apologize to Erica quickly!"

The front desk was stunned, obviously not expecting that what Erica just said was actually true.

What is the international status of Phil Group? Is this someone she can offend?

Suddenly there was a feeling of despair at the front desk.

At this time, someone finally came to confirm Erica's identity, and Erica's anger was half gone.

However, she would not easily let go of the woman in front of her. After all, she had never suffered such great humiliation in her life.

"I'm sorry, Miss Erica!" The receptionist apologized to Erica hurriedly, not even daring to look up at Erica's expression.

Erica sneered, "Now that you know how to apologize, what have you been doing?"

"You want me to forgive you, you're just dreaming!"

"You wait to be fired!" Erica said a word, turned and walked towards the stairs.

The receptionist turned his attention to Director Lin and said, "Director Lin, I really didn't mean it. Please help me!"

Lin Feng shrugged helplessly.

In fact, he had just taken everything into account, but he felt that it was not the time to stand up and did not stand up.

What the receptionist in front of her just did was enough to get her fired 100 times.

"I'm going upstairs first, bye!"

Lin Feng followed Erica's footsteps.

"This beautiful lady, do you know where the chairman's office is?"

Erica was stunned when she heard Lin Feng's words.

That's right, she doesn't even know where the chairman's office is.

Lin Feng stepped forward and walked to Erica's side.

"Miss Erica, come with me. I will take you to Director Long. It just so happens that Director Long and I also have something to talk about."

In fact, Lin Feng didn't really have anything to do with Director Long, but he followed Erica because he knew that Erica would be here.

"Okay, thank you!"

Lin Feng took Erica to Director Long’s office.

Who is Director Long? An explanation is needed here.

Long Dong is not Mr. Long, but Long Han, the eldest son of the Long family.

As his name suggests, he has a dignified appearance and a bookish air about him.

Long Han was shocked when he received the call from the front desk.

Thinking about the daughter of the chairman of Phil Group, why is Erica here?

The most important thing is that she didn't even know she was here, and she let her people offend Erica. This person will have to be punished soon.

"Knock knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door, and Long Han hurriedly stepped forward to open the door, and came face to face with Erica Linfeng.

Erica and Lin Feng were shocked when they saw the people in front of them

This was the first time Lin Feng met Long Han. He didn't expect Long Han to be such a young man. Looking at him, he looked like he was no more than 30 years old. He thought he was a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties.

Erica was even more fascinated by Long Han's appearance.

The man in front of me has unique oriental characteristics. He has a bookish look, looks elegant, and has a very delicate appearance, just like an ancient literati.

"Hello, I'm Erica!" Erica first extended her hand to introduce herself to Long Han.

Long Han also stretched out his hand to shake Erica's hand.

"Hello, I am Long Han, chairman of Long Group."

Long Han turned his attention to Lin Feng, "I guess this is Lin Feng, the chairman of Lin Group, who has become famous in recent years!"

Lin Feng nodded, "Hello, Director Long!"

Long Han cast admiring glances at Lin Feng, "You are indeed young and promising!"

"Come on, please come in. I've made tea for you."

The three of them sat around.

The three of them were drinking tea, but they had different thoughts.

Erica looked at Long Han and then at Lin Feng, feeling that Long Han gave people the feeling of a heavenly being.

Although Lin Feng is handsome, he can't compare to the aura of Long Han.

In this way, if I choose someone to be my boyfriend, I will definitely be more inclined to Long Han.

Thinking of this, Erica suddenly blushed.

Damn, what am I thinking about? I’m here to discuss business!

calm! calm!

Lin Feng was envious when he saw Long Han's appearance.

Lin Feng racked his brains before he remembered to use the four words "classically beautiful man" to describe Long Han.

Before meeting Long Han, I thought he was a very domineering person, but I didn't expect him to be a weak scholar.

Long Han's thoughts were completely different from those of the two. He felt a little nervous when he saw the two of them looking at him.

I wonder how these two people look at me as if they were enemies, and they feel like they want to eat me.

Could it be that these two people conspired to annex their own Long Group?

He knew that Lin Feng had swallowed up the Zhang Group before, and was now gradually swallowing up the Qi Group.

"Dragon Long!"

"Director Lin!"

The two of them spoke in unison.

"Ha!" He retracted his next words with some embarrassment.

"Director Long, I have admired your reputation for a long time, and it is indeed well-deserved to meet you today! From now on, I will rely on you more in the imperial capital!"

Long Han laughed loudly.

"That's so polite. Director Lin's current development momentum is no less impressive!"

"I wonder why Mr. Lin and Miss Erica came to see me, Mr. Long, this time?"

Seeing that Long Han had misunderstood, Erica hurriedly explained: "Drong Long, you misunderstood, he and I are not together!"

"I'm here to inspect the Long Group!"

"Inspection?" Long Han looked at Erica in surprise, "What does this mean?"

"My father sent me to the Imperial Capital to find suitable partners to better sell our company's products to China."

"So you will naturally become the target of our investigation. I wonder if you, Mr. Long, are interested in cooperating with us?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Long Han's face.

Naturally, he is happy that a big group outside wants to cooperate with him, but according to Erica, Phil Group seems to just want to find a channel to sell its own products. To put it bluntly, he is a middleman, or even a processor. factory.

This is not beneficial to your own development, and will also seize your own market.

Now that he has developed to this point, he naturally does not need to rely on this to increase his worth.

To put it bluntly, this matter is harmful to oneself but not beneficial at all.

So Long Han is unwilling.

Lin Feng could tell what Long Han was thinking at a glance, but Erica on the side obviously didn't notice it and looked at Long Han expectantly.

When Lin Feng was reading the novel, he knew that although Long Han looked gentle on the surface, he was actually very tough in his heart and very decisive and ruthless in his dealings.

There is no one in the industry who is not afraid of him.

Of course, as a villain, you must have some courage.

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