This gave Lin Feng a new experience.

After a long time, the golden light around Lin Feng faded.

"Huh~" Lin Feng took a long breath and opened his eyes, a light flashed in his eyes.

"Now that medical skills have been upgraded to a high level, you don't have to be scared even if you meet Ye Tian!"

But there are still 2,000 villain energy left, and Lin Feng needs to plan carefully to see how to use it.

Just then, the phone rang.

Lin Feng was very surprised when he saw that the name on the phone screen was Mr. Wang. He wondered if Mr. Wang had any treasures to show him.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, why did you call me?"

"Lin Feng, come to Long's house quickly, hurry up!"

Lin Feng was surprised to see Mr. Wang in such a hurry.

"Mr. Wang, what's wrong?"

"Long Zheng is sick and fainted suddenly. Come and have a look!"

Lin Feng was even more surprised after hearing this, thinking in his mind that Long Zheng was sick, why did he call him? It's not like I made him sick.

"Come here quickly, I'll give you half an hour!"

After saying that, the Dragon King hung up the phone.

Lin Feng shook his head. He was not too anxious, but thinking that Long Zheng had helped him after all, it was natural for him to save him this time. It was just a good time to test how his medical skills had improved.

Half an hour later.

Lin Feng arrived at Long's house. As soon as he entered the villa, he was pulled to the room upstairs.

When Mr. Wang saw Lin Feng, he hurried up to meet him, "Hurry up and see what's going on? He suddenly fainted!"

"No one can find the cause."

"Mr. Wang, don't worry." Lin Feng's four words made Mr. Wang feel inexplicably at ease.

Lin Feng walked up to Long Zheng and saw that Long Zheng had a rosy complexion and steady breathing, just like ordinary people.

Only his closed eyes and white hands revealed his abnormality.

"She must have been poisoned." Lin Feng just took a look and said.

Mr. Wang was surprised, "How is it possible? Who would poison him?"

Lin Feng shook his head, how did he know?

He felt it was not surprising that there would be some murder in such a big family.

Just then there were footsteps outside the door, and Lin Feng could tell it was a middle-aged man in his early forties just by the footsteps.

"Mr. Wang, how is my father?"

Don't see the person, just hear the sound.

Everyone turned their attention to the door, and a middle-aged man in his forties with a thin body and a resolute and handsome face appeared in front of them.

"Haier, you're finally here!" Mr. Wang stepped forward.

"Your father and I were drinking tea. Your father suddenly fainted. The family doctor couldn't find out the cause, so I called my friend to come over and have a look."

The person known as Hai'er turned his gaze to Lin Feng and glanced lightly, his eyes full of disdain.

Then Long Hai turned his attention back to Mr. Wang, "I know, Mr. Wang, thank you, but I really don't dare to let him treat my father with a doctor like this who doesn't even have a medical license, so I'd better ask him to treat me." Come back!"

When Mr. Wang heard what Long Hai said, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"Haier, don't say that. I haven't formally introduced him to you yet, but he is..."

Long Hai interrupted Mr. Wang, "I know this is Lin Feng, the chairman and president of Lin Group."

"Director Lin has become famous recently and is very famous in the business circle. Naturally, I have heard about it for a long time."

"But I didn't know that Director Lin was also a part-time doctor and a barefoot doctor. I didn't expect it!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Long Hai's words.

Lin Feng's eyes darkened.

Long Hai's words made him very uncomfortable.

Mr. Wang's expression gradually became serious.

"Haier, how do you speak like this? Is this how your father usually teaches you?"

Long Hai turned his attention to Mr. Wang, "How can my father teach me without you speaking!"

"But I can tell you clearly now that you were by my father's side when something happened, so you are highly suspected of harming my father."

Mr. Wang was shocked when he heard Long Hai's words.

"What do you mean? Are you doubting me?"

Long Hai chuckled, "What? Isn't the meaning of what I said obvious?"

"If it's not obvious, then I'll say it again!"

"Mr. Wang, you are highly suspected of being the culprit who hurt my father, so you are no longer suitable to be here, and this is Director Lin as well!"

Mr. Wang took a few steps back, his face full of disbelief.

"Haier, I am your father's best friend. How can you suspect me of hurting him? What reason do I have to hurt him?"

"Haier, I hugged you when you were little, and I asked you to buy you many toys when you were eating. Have you forgotten that?"

"Haier, you have to believe me, I really won't hurt your father!"

At this time, Mr. Wang was already confused because of his best friend's injury.

You can't see the pride in Long Hai's eyes that his plan was successful.

"Mr. Wang, that's not what you said. Brothers can turn against each other, so friends are nothing!"

"Please also ask you and Director Lin to leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will have every reason to sue you for breaking into a private house!"

Long Hai looked indifferent.

Mr. Wang couldn't say a word at this time. He couldn't believe that his best brother's son would treat him like this.

Lin Feng stood beside Mr. Wang, "Mr. Long, that's not what you said."

"First of all, he was invited by Mr. Long, so it doesn't count as breaking into a private house. Secondly, have you ever seen the murderer who was still at the scene of the crime? Besides, Mr. Wang has no reason to hurt Mr. Long, so what you said is so delicate. It doesn’t hold true.”

"Besides, even if Mr. Wang poisoned Mr. Long, you can go to the Supervision Bureau to sue him now, so why waste your time here?"

"If I were you, the first thing you would do would be to see a doctor quickly. After all, if his poison stays for a while, I'm afraid he will never wake up again."

"If you stop him any more, we now have every reason to doubt you. Do you want Mr. Long to never wake up again?"

Long Hai's pupils widened.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to be somewhat capable.

But this time Long Hai came prepared.

"He is my biological father, so of course I will not hurt him. Besides, I brought a doctor with me. He is a nationally famous doctor, and he has a medical license!"

Long Hai clapped his hands, and a person walked in outside the door. Mr. Wang and Lin Feng couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw the person walking in.

The young man with aloof temperament and handsome face in front of him is clearly the protagonist of this book, Ye Tian.

"Why are you here?" Lin Feng and Mr. Wang said in unison.

Ye Tian turned his gaze to Long Hai, "Mr. Long, I wonder why you asked me to come in?"

Long Hai raised his chin and said, "Give my father a medical checkup."

"Yes!" Ye Tian seemed to have not seen Lin Feng and Mr. Wang,

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