Erica raised her head and met Lin Feng's pitiful eyes, and she felt a surge of anger in her heart.

Erica was seen walking towards Lin Feng menacingly.

"What kind of look did you look at me just now? Are you pitying me? You, the chairman of a small Lin Group, dare to pity me. Do you not want to live? Believe it or not, I will make it impossible for you to go back in this life! "

Lin Feng knew that he might have hurt Erica unintentionally just now, so he didn't argue with Erica.

"I don't pity you, I just feel that you don't deserve to be treated like this, and you deserve better care and love."

"If one day I become stronger, I will definitely protect you from harm."

If Lin Feng's words were put in ordinary people's mouth, Erica might feel fake, but now when Lin Feng says them, he always says them with a special sincerity, which makes Erica feel very sad. move.

"There is no need for you to be kind here. I advise you to take care of yourself first. Now you are also a clay Buddha crossing the river - you can't protect yourself."

Erica tilted her head slightly to hide her reddish eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry, I will definitely be able to turn danger into good."

Lin Feng had a confident smile on his face.

Erica looked up at Lin Feng and felt that Lin Feng was particularly handsome at this time.

Sure enough, confident men are the most handsome.

"If nothing happens, I'll leave first. Take care of yourself." Lin Feng turned around and left.

Erica looked at Lin Feng's back longingly.

If possible, I would really like to marry Lin Feng.

But this is only one sided by her. Lin Feng only has Shen Qingxue in his heart and loves no one except Shen Qingxue.

Lin Feng returned to the hotel where he lived. He first called Shen Xuexue and reported his itinerary. Then he hung up the phone and started a video conference with Secretary Liu and others in the company.

"I'll leave the company's affairs to your late master. If you have anything important, please report to me."

"It will be difficult for me to return to China in the short term."

Everyone was shocked when they heard Lin Feng's words.

"Director Lin, don't be ridiculous, the company can't survive without you!"

"Director Lin, when will you come back? We all still miss you very much." [Mainly because every time Director Lin is away, Secretary Liu has extra strict requirements on them? ]

"Director Lin, if you tell me what happened to you, I will help you find someone who can definitely rescue you!"

Listening to everyone talking, everyone actually started to study a plan to save Lin Feng, and even named the activity a rescue team.

Lin Feng felt embarrassed after hearing half of it and hung up the video conference directly.

This group of employees can really dream all day long.

However, he still had to find a way to return to the Imperial Capital after three days, because he still had a mission and could not let Li Wei and Ye Tian meet.

Otherwise, it would be even more difficult to deal with Ye Tian's destiny when it recovers.

That night, Lin Feng was about to sneak away. When he came to the airport to buy a ticket, he was told by the staff that there were no tickets. After Lin Feng asked again for a few days, he was told that there were no tickets.

Lin Feng realized something was wrong.

"How is it possible that there are no tickets left? Are you deliberately not selling them to me?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the face of the ticket seller, "Sorry, we can't make the final decision on this matter. Please don't ask me again."

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you anymore."

Lin Feng turned around and returned to the hotel, preparing to negotiate with Phil the next day.

The next day.

Lin Feng came to Phil Group again.

Phil's office.

"Chairman, Lin Feng of Lin Group wants to meet with you."

Phil looked as if he had expected it.

"Okay, let him in!"

As soon as Phil finished speaking, Lin Feng pushed open the door and walked in.

"Chairman Phil."

Lin Feng smiled and greeted Phil.

Phil also had a faint smile on his face, "Director Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Feng sat in front of Phil.

"I don't want to come, but you directly asked me to go back and blocked my way. How could I not come?"

"Chairman Phil, I want to ask you what this means?"

"What good will it do you to trap me in this country?"

Facing Lin Feng's question, Phil took a sip of the red wine in his glass quite nonchalantly.

"I don't know if there are any benefits. Anyway, this is the price you should pay!"

"What price should I pay? What have I done wrong? Why should I pay the price!" Lin Feng stood up and asked Phil.

Facing Lin Feng's momentum, Phil was not frightened at all.

"You didn't follow my wishes, which is a mistake in itself. Let me tell you Lin Feng, this is my territory. In my eyes, you are nothing more than an ant that can be crushed to death!"

"If you continue to correct your mistakes without realizing it, then I will prevent you from returning to the Imperial Capital for the rest of your life. Do you believe it?"

"Really? Then I still don't believe it!" Lin Feng came to Feier's side and whispered in Feier's ear: "You will regret your decision!"

After saying that, Lin Feng turned and left.

Phil froze on the spot, Lin Feng's speed just now was not something ordinary people could achieve.

But what he didn't know was that Lin Feng was not alone just now. He only said one sentence to him.

Soon after Lin Feng left, Phil felt difficulty breathing and unbearable pain all over his body.

One moment, it feels like a pestle in a stove, and the whole body is hot. The next moment, it feels like being in an ice cellar, and the whole body is cold. .

Phil had several alternating feelings in his body, which was very painful.

"Someone, help me!"

Phil's furious cry for help echoed throughout the office.

After a long time, Phil felt that the pain all over his body disappeared, and he quickly stood up and walked out.

"Where's the secretary! Where's the secretary!"

Phil roared.

Seeing this, the secretary trotted over in a hurry.

"Chairman, what are your orders?"

Such a slap hit the secretary's tender face.

"Didn't you hear me calling you for a long time? What were you doing?"

The secretary covered her face and trembled, not daring to say another word.

"Sorry, Chairman, I didn't hear you just now!"

Seeing this, Phil slapped him again, "I hired you to serve me, not to make excuses for me!"

"I'm telling you now, go and get Lin Feng back for me!"

"If you can't find me back, you can leave here forever!"

"Yes!" The secretary left in a hurry, not daring to stay even a moment.

When the secretary went downstairs, he saw Lin Feng standing at the door, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"Hello, Director Lin, our Chairman Phil has invited you."

The secretary's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Feng's ears,

Lin Feng looked up and saw the secretary's red face.

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