I became a villain, tall, rich and handsome

Chapter 248 Let you grow taller

Now, a man came forward and said that he could cure his height. This made Li Xiao unmoved.

"Are you serious?" Li Xiao still didn't believe it. "You are the chairman, how can you know medical skills?"

Lin Feng smiled slightly, "If you don't believe me, you can go to the Medical Association to check me out, but I may be the only member of the Medical Association who does not have a medical license."

Seeing this, Li Xiao hurriedly took out his mobile phone to search. Unexpectedly, he found Lin Feng's name in the medical association, and it was also ranked at the top. This is really unbelievable!

"But how can I trust you?" Li Xiao didn't believe that such a big pie in the world would fall on his head. Lin Feng must have some ulterior motive.

"How can you trust me?" This stumped Lin Feng. How could he know how to trust him?

However, Lin Feng's sharp tongue was not in vain.

"I have no reason to lie to you. It won't do me any good at all. Besides, if I want to hurt you, don't forget that this is a society ruled by law. Do you think I can escape the punishment of the law?"

Li Xiao was stunned.

There is indeed nothing wrong with what Lin Feng said here. This is the truth.

"Mr. Li, what do you think? Do you want me to treat you?" Lin Feng's voice is like a magic bell that can confuse people's hearts.

"Okay, I believe you!" Li Xiao now has no reason to disbelieve Lin Feng. After all, he doesn't believe that Lin Feng really dares to do anything to him.

"Then come with me! I'll take you home and grow taller!" Lin Feng turned around and left, and Li Xiao hurriedly followed behind.

The clerk next to him saw this and hurriedly stopped him.

"Mr. Li, you haven't settled the bill yet!"

"Sorry, I forgot!" Li Xiao took out his cell phone and was about to pay. Lin Feng turned around when he heard the voice. Seeing this, he stopped him and said, "Why are you buying more clothes? You will grow taller in a few days, and you still wear them?" Do you want to buy these children’s clothes? It’s so funny!”

Li Xiao was stunned, what Lin Feng said made sense!

I no longer need to wear children's clothes!

"No need, I don't want any of these clothes!"

"Ah! But Mr. Li, you have already tried on these clothes. It doesn't suit you if you don't want them!" The salesperson wanted to continue struggling. After all, the commission on these clothes is very high.

Li Xiao's face showed a bit of impatience, "I don't want it if I say you don't want it. If you don't want to do it, just get out of here!"

"You..." the salesperson still wanted to reason, but the store manager next to him stepped forward, pulled the salesperson behind him, and apologized with a smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li, this is new here and not sensible. Your Excellency has a lot of , don’t argue with her.”

When Lin Feng saw this, he said, "Let's go! Mr. Li, we still have business to do, so there is no need to waste time on this kind of person!"

When Li Xiao saw this, he said nothing more and left with Lin Feng.

The salesman just now felt extremely uncomfortable when he heard Lin Feng's words, "What do you mean by this? You say I am that kind of person!"

"Shut up! Do you know that the person just saved your life!" The store manager roared: "With Li Xiao's strength, it is not difficult for you to disappear from this world quietly!"

Seeing this, the salesperson lowered his head and did not dare to say anything more.

Lin Feng took Li Xiao back to his home and successfully avoided the acquaintance of Li Xiao and Ye Tian. In this way, he successfully changed the plot.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully changing the plot and gaining 10,000 villain energy points."

"The host currently has 11,000 remaining villain energy points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully plundering the protagonist's destiny points. The host has obtained five thousand points of destiny points."

Lin Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that he would directly gain so much villain energy this time. After all, he felt that he didn't do anything.

However, this harvest still surprised him.

Seeing that Lin Feng had been in a daze, Li Xiao asked aloud: "Director Lin, what do you think we need to do now?"

Lin Feng came to his senses and said, "Let me tell you some knowledge about height first."

"We can now clearly determine one thing. Whether you grow taller or not is a natural thing. What I have to do now is to stimulate your pituitary gland to release growth hormone again through acquired stimulation, so as to promote Your bones develop again.”

"Of course, you will often feel body aches during this period. This is because your body is accelerating growth. You don't need to worry about this."

"In addition, your nutrition should also be kept up during this period. Don't touch any junk food. I will give you a detailed food list later. You just need to eat according to this food list."

Li Xiao nodded in understanding at Lin Feng's words.

"You may not understand a little bit, but it doesn't matter. You just need to do what I say."

"Now, just sit here!" Lin Feng guided Li Xiao to sit on a sofa. "Now just close your eyes, lean back, and let your mind go."

"Yeah." Things have reached this point, and Li Xiao will naturally not disobey Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took out the tools he had prepared in advance, shaved the hair on the back of Li Xiao's head and pituitary gland, and then disinfected it.

Lin Feng then took out the prepared concoction, dipped the tip of the needle into it, and inserted the needle into the back of the pituitary gland at an extremely fast speed.

Li Xiao was quite relaxed at first, but the sudden severe pain made his eyes widen in an instant, "Ah!"

"Calm down!" Lin Feng said solemnly.

Lin Feng naturally knew that it would be very painful. After all, this is a fragile part of the human body. After being stimulated, it has to grow again, so the pain is naturally very unbearable.

Li Xiao tried hard to control his body, but the pain still made him tremble.

Lin Feng was behind him, naturally sweating profusely. At such a critical moment, the slightest difference could be enough to paralyze all living beings in Li Xiao.

When the time comes that his plan comes to nothing, it will be a trivial matter, and harming Li Xiao is what makes Lin Feng feel guilty.

"If you tremble again, all your previous efforts will be in vain!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Xiao hurriedly controlled his body to stop shaking.

But Li Xiao could only hold on for a few seconds, but for Lin Feng, these few seconds were enough!

I saw that Lin Feng had quick eyes and quick hands. Two silver needles were inserted directly into the pituitary gland with precise positioning.

"Ah!" Li Xiao yelled in pain, and suddenly seemed to have lost his life. He leaned weakly on the sofa, losing all strength.

Lin Feng also collapsed on the ground. This was simply too difficult.

After Lin Feng finished resting, he wiped the sweat off his forehead, then stood up and looked at Li Xiao.

Li Xiao's eyes were wide open at this time, and his eyes were dull.

"This is just the beginning. Originally, this was an opinion that went against the laws of nature.

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