For a while, he really didn't have time to look for medicinal materials, so now he could only buy them from the system mall.

"Open the system store."

"Ding! The system mall has been opened successfully and relevant products have been matched according to the host's preferences."

"Holy Healing Pill: 3000 points."

"God·Healing Pill: 2000 points."

"Life-saving artifact (Note: Can be used multiple times.): 5000 points."

The system only displays these three, but they are few and refined, and they are all in line with Lin Feng's taste.

"Holy, God, what's the difference between the two?" Lin Feng was a little confused, but based on the name, level and value points, he could basically guess that the curative effect must be different.

"There is a difference. One is the Divine Healing Pill; the other is the Holy Healing Pill. In terms of healing effect, the former can quickly heal internal injuries, while the latter can treat the living dead, flesh and bones!"

"But according to the system's analysis, if the host wants to save Erica, she only needs the God Healing Pill, which is enough."

"Uh! Why are you showing it off?" Lin Feng was a little doubtful about the system's intelligence.

"The host can buy it as a life-saving artifact for himself. When he is about to die, he can swallow it and it can save his life!"

Lin Feng said hahaha, this system is really considerate of him.

But what he was more interested in was the last life-saving artifact, which could be used repeatedly, which made Lin Feng very interested.

"What is this life-saving artifact?" Lin Feng held the question in his heart and reached out to click on the video introduction of the life-saving artifact.

Lin Feng was stunned when he saw the video introduction.

This life-saving artifact turned out to be an invisibility cloak from TM. The video was full of shady instructions on how to use the cloak.

"It's really nice!" Lin Feng couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Buy the God Healing Pills and Life-Saving Artifacts."


"Congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing. You have obtained the Divine Healing Pill and the life-saving artifact. The items have been saved to the system space."

"Host's remaining villain energy: 2000 points."

"Only two thousand points left, so little!" Lin Feng felt a little pained, but now he didn't have time to ink here, so he still had to hurry up and save Erica!

Lin Feng packed up his things and came out to see Shen Qingxue sitting on the sofa in the living room, waiting for him.

"Qingxue, go to sleep!"

Shen Qingxue nodded in disgust, "Yeah."

"Be obedient!" Lin Feng rubbed Shen Qingxue's hair, "I will come back as soon as possible after I finish processing it. You must protect yourself! Do you understand?"

"Well, okay! Then you come back early!" Shen Qingxue vaguely felt that it was dangerous for Lin Feng to go this time, but she could also feel that Lin Feng had a reason to go this time, so she did not step forward to stop him.

Seeing this, Lin Feng went out and left.

Sitting in the car, Lin Feng called Li Xiao again.

"Hey, Mr. Li, I'm in an emergency now. I'm going out. I'll send you a medicine list. You take the medicine according to the instructions, once a day. Just wait until I come back. Don't let anyone else touch you in the middle. Don’t take medicine prescribed by others for your pituitary gland.”

"Otherwise, everything will be in vain!"

"Okay! If you need any help, just ask!" Li Xiao knew that Lin Feng really had something to do this time, otherwise he wouldn't have been in such a hurry and didn't even have time to meet with him.

"My secretary will contact you, and I will ask for your help then. Thank you, Mr. Li!"

"You're welcome, that's right." Li Xiao hung up the phone and turned his attention to the bodyguard beside him, "Go and find out what happened to Lin Feng!"

"Yes!" The bodyguard retreated.

To be honest, I finally saw the hope of growing taller, but now I don't want to waste all my efforts. Lin Feng, he must keep him alive and safe!

Lin Feng hung up the phone, flicked his mobile phone with his nimble fingers, and sent the medicine order to Li Xiao. Then he drove to the airport, got on the plane, and arrived in the United States after a night.

Lin Feng had some insomnia, but in this situation, if he didn't take a good rest, it would be even more detrimental to his future duel with Phil, so Lin Feng still squinted for a while.

However, Lin Feng didn't expect that as soon as he got off the plane, before he could see his surroundings clearly, he was knocked unconscious and taken away.

When Lin Feng woke up, he was already in a dark secret room.

"anyone there?"

"Is there anyone here? Pay attention to me!"

"Untie me, I need to go to the toilet! Otherwise I will pee my pants!"

Despite Lin Feng's coquettish words, no one opened the door for Lin Feng. Lin Feng couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he went to the toilet on the plane and didn't drink much water, otherwise he would have really peed his pants.

But does Phil want to escape from the room by himself?

To be honest, this made Lin Feng quite interested.

Lin Feng guessed that there should be more than one secret room, but many. According to his echo just now, it must be the same structure as the secret room where Phil beat Erica violently. This indirectly shows that Erica is very likely to In one of these secret rooms.

So the most important thing right now is that Lin Feng must first find a way to escape before he can verify his conjecture.

Lin Feng struggled to free himself from the rope, but he didn't expect it to break as soon as he broke free.

This made Lin Feng a little confused.

What were you playing just now? Haven't you thought about breaking the rope for a long time?

Forget it, Lin Feng decided to find a way to get out first.

Lin Feng shook off the rope from his body, then stood up and looked around. Everywhere was bare and there was nothing.

"What are you doing with this damn thing?"

At this moment, Lin Feng pushed the door gently, and the door opened!

"Damn! Fortunately, I was so brain-burning just now, but I didn't expect it to be so easy to open! Are you kidding me?" Lin Feng couldn't help but complain.

But the next second, he couldn't complain about anything.

Because at this time, there was an unrecognizable woman in front of him, soaking in a water tank. The water level in the water tank was still increasing, and it had reached the position of the woman's belly.

The woman was already unconscious.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Lin Feng began to have a bad premonition in his heart. There was a voice in his heart telling him not to think so, but he still couldn't help but whisper the woman's name to talk about whether the woman was the person he wanted.


The woman slowly opened her eyes, her golden eyes already bloodshot.

This woman is Erica!

Lin Feng began to feel a little broken. He didn't expect Erica to be beaten like this. It was a hundred times worse than he imagined.

"You're here!" Erica said angrily.

In fact, she still had more to say.

For example, I heard the ghost scream you just made. It was so stupid!

I told you not to come, why do you still insist on coming? Are you looking for death?

Leave me alone and go!

There was much more she wanted to say,

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